The Collection of The End

Chapter 173 Orcs and Books

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 21st, 13:00——

Orcs (Orcs) have tall and strong bodies, skin ranging from dark green to black, ferocious features, and prominent fangs. Although their military strength is unquestionable, they are very disabled in intelligence. When communicating with them, a word If they are wrong, they will draw their swords, so they will only be recruited by the army or adventurous teams that need strong fighters.

Urag Gro Shub is an orc, but he is also the administrator of the Arcane Hall of Winterhold Mage Academy. If people with bad eyesight see him from a distance appearance. Might be considered a scholar or mage.

The reason why Urag was able to enter the Mage Academy is still a joke. Before the big collapse happened, there were many students in the Mage Academy. If they were allowed to show their magical power one by one like now, the main entrance would probably be closed. There was a long queue around the academy, so the former chief mage made a pioneering move, that is—a written test.

All the students were given test papers that only people with enough magic power could see the text, and the content of the test questions focused on logical thinking ability and knowledge reserve. It stands to reason that there is no problem at all, but no one expected that an orc would pass the written test.

Unlike other orcs, Urag has a very high affinity for magic since he was a child, but he cannot use magic. If he is emotional or fighting, he will trigger a magic rage to attack anyone around him indiscriminately. In order to solve this problem, I collected relevant books for research after learning characters by myself. I came to the academy to ask for help, but unexpectedly passed the entrance examination, and was finally arranged by the helpless chief mage in the Library Management Academy. books—just what he wanted.

He usually sits behind the library counter with a glass of mead and watches the apprentices who seek knowledge read, and the most common thing he says to the new magic apprentices is: "The Hall of Arcana is my personal plane of annihilation. You destroy any book, and my magic will tear you to pieces."

In fact, over the past hundred years, Urag has grown old, and the only magic he has mastered is still the "elemental rage" of indiscriminate attacks, although he doesn't know if only hurting people but not books is considered a significant improvement.

"Uncle Urag~ I found the three books you wanted~" A blond Nord girl in a light gray apprentice robe quietly pushed the door and walked in, holding a small bookcase in her hand .

"Let me check it." Urag glanced at the bookcase and nodded slightly. Last time she said she was going to help find an ancient book, but she came back with her bare hands. He reprimanded him in front of Tovdil After testing her, it seems to work well.

"Here, "Shalidor's Prophecy", "Azura's Prayer", "Children of the Sky"" Zerapesh opened the bookcase and placed them on the counter.

"Remove your 'Whisper Voice' and 'Illusion'," Urag picked up a book and said to the girl in front of him at the same time, "they will at least conflict with the protection magic of seventeen books."

"Hmm..." Zerapesh turned his head and looked at the empty library except her, the original blond hair and blue eyes changed back to Urag's familiar black hair and black eyes: "There is no way, after all, we can't let Anka Nuo sees me like this, it's really troublesome that elves live too long."

An elf complained about her longevity in front of the orc who was dying of old age. Urag rolled his eyes and decided to ignore it for the sake of these books.

"Children of the Sky" is an ordinary ancient book. It simply describes the ability of the Nords to "roar", and speculates that it is related to the legendary dragon roar. It was written very early, and it is said that it may be Taber Written by Septim himself, but because the author is unknown, it is only valuable for collection until new evidence is found in archaeology.

"Azura's Prayer" is a thorough magic book. The records in the book are complete prayers used to sacrifice to the demon god Azura.

Even if this book is only read silently, it is equivalent to formally praying to Azura once. Although the demon god is generally considered to be "kind", it is impossible to determine what consequences will result from reading it. It must be kept properly and apprentices are prohibited from touch.

And "Shalidor's Prophecy" is Urag's own private commission. Shalidor founded the academy himself and became the first chief mage. Many of his magical theories are still regarded as classics. His "Prophecy" series of books are For all kinds of speculation and suggestions on the development of magic in the future, Urag even wondered whether he had read other "prophecies" without knowing it before he became what he is now. Although this book uses incomprehensible Ancient characters and a large number of ancient magic circles and spell models, but they must be translated and thoroughly understood, and finally handed over to the academy for processing.

"So, are there any news about that huge green ball in these books?" The elf girl tilted her head to watch Urag organize the books.

"Green ball? How is that possible." The old orc walked over to put away a few books: "You didn't find the stolen book, my brain is not strong enough to remember the contents of all the books in the library."

Yesterday, when Tovdir, the tutor of the Department of Change, found a huge green sphere under the ruins of Sattar when he was teaching in practice, he gathered several tutors to work together to remove it. The ruins were transferred to the college, and during the period, it was rumored by the people of Winterhold that the mage college was going to destroy the world or something.

And when the former elf saint came to look for the records about Sattar, Urag remembered that the "Night of Tears", which recorded the famous events of Sattar, was borrowed by an apprentice named Otun and has never been read. During this period, he was expelled for violating the rules of the hospital, and now he does not know where he is. As a result, the books he lent cannot be recovered.

"What? Aren't these books?" The elf girl's eyes widened, and her pointed ears quivered twice in surprise.

"They are the 'missing' books in the library, not the 'lost' books," Urag shook his head: "Otun has gone to nowhere, so there is no rush."

"Tch, I'll catch him right away." Zerapesh snorted, turned around and left the arcane hall, while the old orc laughed and went back to sit behind the counter.


Otun is a blond, handsome, friendly smile, well-dressed, and elegant-talking—a crappy mage.

Not only can he change the stone armor technique that is only effective for himself into a transfiguration technique that can be used on others, he can also change the magic light technique into a dyeing technique, and he can even mistake irrelevant magic.

When Sergius Turianus was turned into a cow and Nirya turned green and frantic, Ottoun turned the Healing Hand into a berserk spell, and the chief mage fired him on the spot in a rage .

Today, he's locked up in the dungeons of Figuero Fortress - with a pack of wolves.

This fortress is common in Skyrim Province. It is an abandoned military fortress due to changes in terrain and roads. It is occupied by a female mage called "Summoner" by her subordinates. Interested in talking and talking, but locked him up straight away after he messed up a few summoning rituals.

These mages are all summoners, but they are neither ordinary elemental summoners nor necromancers who are hated by people. They focus on summoning all kinds of animal familiars. At present, they can stably summon wild wolves. The ultimate goal seems to be to summon the sky The largest animal in the province - the giant mammoth, even with Altun's whimsy, he felt that this was not realistic - this point of view had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that a troll ran out of the summoning ceremony he participated in.

"Ottoun, is it?"

Otun, who was complaining about himself, heard a girl's voice from outside the prison door. He straightened his appearance immediately, walked over quickly and put on a bright smile showing eight teeth: "I am Otun, what's the matter?" May I be of service to you, beautiful lady?"

"..." Outside the prison door was a Nord girl with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a mage's robe. She seemed to be a little bit helpless and blinked her eyes without saying a word.

"Have you been fascinated by my handsome face?" Otun put on a pose that he thought was chic: "But if you get to know me deeply, you will find that my heart is even more beautiful."

"Well, where is the book you borrowed from Winterhold College?" The girl finally spoke, but did not comment on his boast.

"Books, of course, the books I chose are also very attractive. They have been borrowed by the controller of this fortress to read. If this beautiful lady is willing to release me, I will take you to see her." Thun pointed to the switch outside the prison door.

"This?" The girl turned around and pulled a switch.

"No, that's it, be careful—" Otun was shocked as he watched her flip the switch that closed the prison door of the pack of wolves.

The wolves that Otun had expected rushed out, but the scene of the girl bleeding did not appear. The wolves hid in the cell and huddled together as if they had encountered a natural enemy, not daring to go out.

"Hmm." The girl flipped the correct switch, and then turned to look at Altun: "For the sake of your reminder this time, I forgive you for what you did before—now, take me to See 'Summoner'."

Perhaps it was because of the flickering fire in the dungeon that people were a little dazzled, Otun seemed to see that the girl's pupils turned into dragon-like vertical pupils for a moment.

"She, no, they are all just girls who simply love animals, please don't hurt them." Otun said while leading the girl.

Although he had never seen this girl in the academy, Otun's intuition told him that if she wanted to, she could easily tear down the entire fortress—couldn't it be some senior mage who pretended to be like this?

"I'm also curious as to why this ruin is occupied by a group of female summoners." Along the way, the summoners sometimes drove the animals they controlled to attack, and the result was that all the summoners were dispersed, and the summoners were fixed in place. The German girl glanced sideways at Otun: "But are you sure it's a girl? Many of them are as old as two of you."

"Hmm..." Otun hesitated for a moment, then saw the eyes of the slightly older female summoner who was fixed in place by the human hold technique, and immediately said, "Of course."

"Hehe." The Nord girl rolled her eyes.

"I will hand over all the treasures I have accumulated to you! And I will leave this fortress immediately, and will never appear in Skyrim Province again—" The hall at the top of the fortress is a large hall with a summoning array, and it is quite "home". In the room, after opening the door, a summoner who looked about the same age as Otun directly rushed over and hugged Otun: "Please don't hurt him."

"...Then you still lock him in the dungeon." The Nord girl seemed to want to say nothing, she rummaged around, found a book from the bookshelf, turned and left, leaving only the complicated relationship behind. The two looked at each other.

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