The Collection of The End

Chapter 174 The God of Plague and the Magic Eye

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 21st, 17:00——

"Barons, are there any other matters that need to be ruled by the lord today?"

As the sky was getting darker, the maids and maids of the Blue Palace began to light candles in the palace. The blond Alice Sifer sitting on the lord's chair looked at the nobles of Solitude who were drinking and laughing, sighed slightly, and then asked aloud.

Arranging tables, chairs, drinks and food in the hall where the lord works has been a tradition of the Nords since ancient times. Since the city and houses were relatively simple and the weather was cold, if the reporting person waited instead of drinking to drive out the cold, By the time it was his turn, it would have been frozen into a block of ice.

However, this innocuous tradition was not abolished after the improvement of living conditions. Instead, it became a kind of social activity among nobles. Meals are considered some kind of honor, and it is inevitable to run to show off to others afterwards. As for being pushed into the pool or receiving a battle cry, it is all self-inflicted.

However, strictly speaking, if there are many things to be busy in a territory, it is impossible for these barons to stay in the lord's hall doing nothing all the time.

"Well, no more, thanks for your hospitality." A middle-aged Nord man in a Chinese dress, with short brown hair and a greasy face answered drunkenly to the acting lord's inquiry.

"You idiot, that means the lord is going to end his work today." Another female nobleman beside him who was also dressed in gorgeous clothes and had a good appearance, but liked to speak with her chin up replied.

Hmm... the big businessman Erikul and the hereditary nobleman Bai Ling, Alicifer kept a decent smile and ignored them.

The Barons of Solitude who were present were in charge of politics, economy, and transportation. The only thing they didn't have was military affairs, because those people were all at the other end of the city at Castle Dour, following the orders of General Tullius sent by the empire to stabilize the situation.

Solitude is the largest and most important city in Skyrim, but it is also the only city where the military and government are separated. Specific political measures and orders are issued by the Blue Palace, while the guard deployment and military transfers are dispatched by the Imperial Castle of Durr, and the Blue Palace can command Only the guards belonged to him, which is why Ulfric was able to escape smoothly after he came to the Blue Palace to assassinate Toig.

However, since the imperial princess Emilia Septim came to Solitude, the situation has improved. Yige wanted to carry out military activities and was currently guarding the Dragon Bridge. Although General Tullius tried to persuade the princess to cooperate with his actions, the princess flatly refused on the pretext of "hating bald people and people who look like skeletons".

Alicifer wandered for a moment, recalling her husband Toig's thick brown hair and kind face, and then noticed that the guards brought a man who looked like a farm worker into the hall, and the nobles who were about to leave immediately collectively used Dissatisfied eyes stared at him.

"Cave...a strange flash...a man in a black robe...a skeleton..." The farm worker, who seemed to have a draft at first, became hesitant and confused under such pressure, and could only listen to it except for vague words. To so few fragmented words.

"Calm down!" the court mage Hibli Sdent let out a low voice, and the invisible magic power scattered in all directions. The farm worker sobered up a lot in an instant, and then he began to slowly talk about his experience.

Originally, Alicifer was wary of a group of necromancers gathering, but after hearing the intervention of Her Royal Highness the Princess and Sharp-Eyed Eagle, she knew that the matter must have been resolved, and then she only needed to wait for the Princess to come back to know what happened there ——Of course she has to preach a few words because she ran so far without authorization.

"Take this gentleman to receive his reward. We will send guards to clean up the cave carefully." The acting lord made a decision: "Today's political discussion is over."


"That fellow Eunice is slow and timid,

From time to time, he would find a place to hide, and the brothers who secretly protected him expressed their desire to pick him up and go away. "

Emilia returned to Solitude less than an hour after the farmer left, and is currently in the back house of the Blue Palace watching old lady Angela Moreland treat Toig.

And Lazer Parathos, who never left, informed the deputy lord of the specific situation of the Wolf Skull Cave.

"Potema, the only female city lord in Solitary City's hundreds of years of history..." The blond-haired Alicifer was a little yearning, but thinking about the annoying nobles, decrees, reports and documents these days, I felt that this kind of thing Just think about it.

"Oh~ well, this is the last step~" The old lady Angela was not mixing the potion, she was throwing all the ingredients into an incense burner.

Forget about plants like death knell, but what about silver ingots and rubies? Alicifer looked at the several materials in the furnace curiously, they were quiet and had no intention of anything happening.

Boom— Several things that were originally irrelevant, after Angela sprinkled the last vampire ashes, immediately ignited a strange green flame. The death knell first ignited, followed by silver ingots and rubies that were completely impossible to burn. They gradually distorted, melted, and transpired in the green flame, and finally turned into a strange green smoke in the incense burner, and there was a faint roar of something around.

"This..." If it weren't for the centuries-old heritage of Angela Fragrant Store, Alicifer had already planned to call the guards to arrest the old lady who looked exactly like a witch.

"Now, inhale it, and ask that lord to heal your illness." Angela picked up the incense burner and walked towards Toig, and the lord's face was not at all good at this time.

"I, can I come?" Alicifer stepped forward to stop the old lady: "It's just a request, it shouldn't be a problem for someone else to come."

"Well...the book didn't say no, but the consequences may not be certain." Angela turned her head and stared at Alicifer with firm eyes for a while, and then said slowly.

Who knew that the trump card of a family of veteran doctors would be to contact the demon god of the plague to relieve the disease. That is the demon god. Who knew what conspiracy would be there and what price would be paid?

"Alisif, I'm still here." Toig also thought of this section.

"What do you two think of me, the old lady?" Angela was completely rude to the lord and his wife: "My ancestors have already paid the price he needs. Don't treat me as a witch who only contacts the demon god!"

"Well...we believe in you, but I still decided to do it myself." Alicifer didn't intend to give in, she reached out and snatched the incense burner, and took a deep breath before Toig spoke to stop her.

Huh——The green mist was not inhaled by her as Alicifer expected, but formed a closed circle around her. Through this light green circle, she saw that the whole world was caged. There is a layer of light red, the red on the sharp-eyed eagle soldier is light, while the old lady Angela is darker, and the red on Toig is even redder to purple. Due to the barrier of the ring, Alicifer I couldn't see myself, but found that Princess Emilia's body was the same color as usual, without any red at all.

Are those colors representing diseases? The blond Alicifer had some insight.

"[Mortal, speak your appeal.]" A thin green dragon ignored the small room and appeared in front of Alicifer, with a dull and strange breathing sound: "【In addition, this is the last Respond to your call once.]”

Alicifer noticed that other people couldn't see the dragon at all, only Emilia, who was watching her, followed her eyes to the void where the dragon was.

"Tell me your wish." Angela said to Alicifer: "Be simple and clear, and don't leave any loopholes to exploit."

It really should be like this, Alice quickly organizes the language, even if it is restricted by some conditions and must respond to the call of the Angela family, if there is a language loophole to exploit, the Demon God will definitely not let it go.

"I wish to be cured of whatever ails my husband, Lord of Solitude, Toig," she said finally.

"[Then, as you wish.]" The voice of the demon god gradually disappeared, and at the same time, the red color on Toig's body quickly faded and disappeared.

And before Alicifer had time to breathe a sigh of relief, she watched in horror as the reds turned to Princess Emilia who stood aside and looked a little confused.

No! Alicifer rushed over to stand in front of the girl in two steps. Toig was already in a difficult situation. If he paralyzed the imperial princess who still supported him, not to mention the emperor's thunder and wrath, even General Tullius and Sharp Eye Neither the Eagle nor the East Empire Company can afford to attack him.

Time seemed to slow down suddenly. When the red patch came, she saw Toig stood up from the hospital bed in shock, Angela rushed towards her, and Lazhe next to him was completely confused. The ground drew the sword out of its sheath, and the High King stood up again, and there was no other loss, so that's fine——


At that moment, Alicifer felt that she was bumped from behind by Emilia, giving way to the red passageway, but an extremely dazzling light flashed in front of her eyes while being terrified.

【Consciousness-Only Demonic Eye of Death】

The crimson world disappeared in an instant, not only the red, but also the green smoke entangled with Elixir completely disappeared, as if it had never existed.

"[As long as it is a living thing, even if it is a god, I will kill it for you.]" The girl with short purple hair was holding a dagger in front of her eyes, and the sharp light in her eyes made it impossible for everyone present to look directly.

"...I've been meaning to say this for a long time." The girl put away the dagger, and her eyes turned into that unfocused look as if she didn't care about anything.

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