The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Three, Resident Evil (5)


When Jin Jing put away the first-aid spray and prepared to listen carefully to what the man with a low IQ said, the subway she was riding arrived at the station. The door of the subway opened slowly, revealing a shortened walkway outside and a high-tech building. silver metal door.

"Shut up, everyone, the plot has begun, let's follow them-" The man who was talking put away his gun and walked towards the carriage door.

Who to follow?

Jin Jing followed the man out of the car in confusion, and then as expected saw him starting to talk to the air on the platform.

"...We are the security and civilian staff who change shifts,"

"...We can't contact the inside of the hive either,"

"...Since you are hired by the head office, you must protect us."

Jin Jing walked around him twice, but did not encounter any "invisible person" or trigger any special events, confirming once again that his methodical self-introduction and negotiation were all talking to himself.

At this time, she finally confirmed that she had entered "infinite space" and was not "abducted by aliens and placed in specific situations for fun." After all, aliens would not be placed in a "playground" with bugs. "Toy".

Based on everything he had experienced before, Jin Jing roughly judged that this was an "infinite space" that could only operate according to fixed procedures, could not repair itself if something went wrong, and did not have any reincarnations. It had obviously been abandoned for a long time.

Specifically, it was on the verge of collapse due to poor management or other reasons. It discovered itself by chance, and it had something in it that could "charge" it, so it was pulled in.

After taking away that "something", it regained its strength slightly and tried to allow itself to venture to the "Reincarnation World" to get more. However, opening a single-player world might expose it to the fact that it was weak, so it instead tried to A good show was performed through some "reincarnations" played by NPCs. However, due to serious faults, not only the "reincarnations" were not successfully created, but the real NPCs in the plot were also missing, leaving only this "novice instructor" "The identity of the NPC continues to act awkwardly according to the script. As long as I don't interact with him, he will continue to act as a one-man show.

Although he really wanted to continue watching the show, he was too pitiful.

At this time, the man negotiated terms with the "air mercenary" and began to threaten the "air samsara" not to mess around. Jin Jing sighed and walked over to interrupt him.

"Mr. Senior,

May I ask what the Lord God’s purpose is for bringing people in? "

"I have only experienced three worlds, how can I have time to think about this? Hmph, maybe it is a playground for gods and demons to watch us struggle to survive." The man replied.

Hmm... It seems that this main god doesn't have much intelligence and can't answer such a question directed at itself.

"So, what can the Lord God gain from our adventure in the world of reincarnation? You mentioned various enhancements and exchanges. Is it for charity?" Jin Jing decided to be circuitous.

"Of course it's not charity. All exchanges and enhancements are made with the 'souls' we earned in the 'reincarnation world'." The man responded.

"In other words, the Lord God needs us to go to the 'Reincarnation World' to obtain 'souls', and then strengthen us through 'souls' to obtain more 'souls'." Jin Jing nodded.

"This point of view is quite strange, but it seems to make some sense." The man looked thoughtful.

"I am a very pragmatic person," Jin Jing said: "Everything you do must have your own purpose. If it is really a forced reason of struggling to survive for the pleasure of gods and demons, I would rather give up directly. "

"I said that the Lord God will not issue missions that require death, right?" The man waved his hand: "If you are not pursuing becoming stronger, you can also follow the main line of each world. There is basically no danger, and there is no difference between each world. You can return to the real world during the gap, and everything can be brought back.”

"Then the real world won't be in chaos?" Jin Jing glanced at his silver pistol.

"Basically, abilities and props other than luxury goods will be ineffective unless two reincarnations fight without witnesses - I have only heard of such a thing." The man shook his head.


At this time, Jin Jing has roughly pieced together the state of this "main god": weak, pitiful and helpless. He just wants the "reincarnation" to work hard to obtain more "souls", but his subordinates are all brave and ruthless. After becoming stronger, they began to sabotage the plot and conquer each other, eventually destroying the entire "reincarnation space". Now they have finally recovered a little bit of vitality and successfully found themselves as a "qualified person", but they don't want to show their cowardice, so they plan to direct and act on their own. It was a great show, but it collapsed due to lack of resources.

Then, try to complete all main and side quests in every world in the future.

"Okay, there's no point in saying this now," the man turned around and glanced: "They are about to open the door, let's follow as soon as possible."


Even though no one was operating it, the metal door slid open by itself, and then a cold air surged out from inside. You can see that the inside of the door is the same silver-white walls and passages, and there are many unclear instructions. signs and warning signs.

However, these are no longer important.

When the door opened, Jin Jing could see an unusually tall and strong man wearing a brown windbreaker and a wide-brimmed hat standing there.

He raised his head, revealing a fierce and ferocious face. His fierce little eyes stared directly at the senior man, and he made a low and terrifying voice: "[STARS——!]"

"What?!" The man was shocked and raised his gun to shoot. However, after five or six shots, although they all hit the giant man's head, they only knocked off his hat, revealing a bare head.

Boom! Boom! boom!

The giant man seemed to be angered by the act of blowing off his hat. He strode over and hit the "veteran" with a fierce punch in the abdomen. He was knocked backwards and flew out. He rolled all the way and hit the subway he was riding on. car.

"Ugh! Cough cough cough! How is this possible?" The senior struggled to raise his head and said in a shocked tone: "Why is the 'tyrant' here? - Where are the others?"

"It didn't exist from the beginning," Jin Jing responded: "I've seen you perform a one-man show for a long time."

It seems that my guess about this "main god" is still not entirely correct. Not only is it extremely weak, but also the barrier between the reincarnation spaces has become a mess. However, it is a bit surprising that this "veteran" is not an NPC.

"Damn it, I just said how come there is a world of 'Original Infinite', and the original plot is still so restored. It turns out to be a tutorial for novices, and I also gave you a 'tender white branch'." The veteran glanced at Jin Jing.

"Although I don't understand it very well, does your 'beginner's tutorial' include such a thing?" Jin Jing pointed at the approaching giant man called "The Tyrant".

"Sorry, it was probably chasing me," the senior man shot at the tyrant again: "If I hadn't accidentally punched it like this, I should have been able to kill it with some remaining health..."


Jin Jing used the "first aid spray" on the senior man: "What now?"


The senior rolled to avoid another punch from the "tyrant", "Stay away! Let me take you through the level!"

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