The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Four, Resident Evil (6)

In the Honeycomb Underground Research Institute, Jin Jing is inspecting the offices of the institute one by one.

"I said, I'm going to 'take you through', right?"


"Then you will follow me to complete the main plot?"


"Are you really going to clean up one by one like this and kill all the zombies?"


"Oh my god... I don't have to do it in the novice tutorial to refresh my soul..."

The "senior" grabbed his already disheveled hair with all his might, looking completely devastated.

Oh, he shouldn't be called "senior" anymore. After defeating the "tyrant" in a narrow way, he introduced himself to Jin Jing as "Master Chief" and then laughed at the name "Bai Jingjing", saying, It's been [2183] years, who would still use such an ancient ID?

Jin Jing thought for a moment, and then responded with "Then your ID duplication rate must be very high, right?" which successfully silenced him.

Judging from a series of information revealed by "Master Chief", he comes from, or at least thinks he comes from, 2183. He can learn the content of the world before entering the "reincarnation world" and choose which one to enter. There are special "novices" in the reincarnation space. "Tutorial", generally no other "reincarnators" will join, and the "tyrant" is an enemy he provokes in other worlds. There is a certain chance of "invading" it when it enters a world with a similar background. After defeating it There will be certain benefits.

First of all, excluding the speculation that "the future Lord God went back to the past to look for her", Jin Jing was very sure that she was quite ordinary and had nothing outstanding, unless she was the mother of a certain "savior" in the future.

Speaking of which... because the Terminator series was completely stolen by the T800, she couldn't even remember the name of Connor's father.

Next, we rule out the possibility that "I just accidentally bumped into the future reincarnation space" because it has a serious bug - the characters in the initial plot are not shown at all. This is not something that should happen in a normally functioning reincarnation space. .

The famous detective Sherlock Holmes once said that as long as all impossibilities are eliminated, then whatever remains, no matter how incredible, must be true.

So, the fact should be that "Master Chief" and the "world in 2183" he talks about are actually a very large and stable "reincarnation world".

The Lord God could originally obtain the "things" he needed through this virtual world, but with the popularity of the world of reincarnation, these "reincarnators" have mastered the trick of "quickly clearing levels", resulting in the Lord God gradually being unable to make ends meet, and having to try to learn from the "real world" “The reincarnators came in to try to change that.

Therefore, the "Master Chief" should be a special kind of NPC called the "Reincarnation", and he is the one who really broke in. It is precisely because of the influence of him and the "tyrant" who invaded him that he allowed himself The "beginner's tutorial" has become a mess.

However, that was fine. According to the "preset script" she saw, the play was obviously not very good.

The biggest problem now is that because of the Master Chief's intrusion, he can't see the "mission". Apart from the three colored bars, the only thing that can move is the [Soul] in the lower left corner of the field of vision, behind an unknown icon. , is displaying a number: "132", as for how they came...

"Woo... roar..." Accompanied by a hoarse and low roar, a slow-moving zombie wearing a researcher's uniform, his eyes rolled white, and his skin was ulcerated, swayed out from the corner in front.

Snapped! Snapped! Jin Jing raised the silver pistol and hit its head accurately with two bullets.

As the zombie fell down, a "+6" briefly appeared in the "soul column", and then the overall number changed to "138".

"Although this is indeed a novice tutorial world, are you really a novice? Have you practiced before coming in?" the Master Chief followed idly and asked casually.

"I have participated in military training and also played airsoft in the park." Jin Jing replied.

"Then your talent is really strong." The Master Chief didn't seem to care.

No, it was the technological power of "2183". Jin Jing lowered his head and glanced at the gun given to him by the Master Chief.

【Colt "The Viper" (Excellent)】

[Weapon type: pistol]

[Damage type: puncture]

[Attack power: 14+0]

[Critical hit: 150%]

[EP consumption: 10 bullets per bullet]

[Equipment requirements: Strength 5, Agility 8]

[Weight: 3]

[Durability: 3535]

[‘One of Colt’s two most popular firearms’]

It weighs about the same as a mobile phone and has almost no recoil. The only problem for the user is to aim without difficulty.

Although it is not stated above, this gun has unlimited bullets. There is a number "12" on the position of the scope. Every time a shot is fired, it will be reduced by one, and it will gradually recover after stopping shooting. Because Jin Jing only has 57 EP points, which is completely No chance of emptying it.

As for this "action point", it is not consumed by normal walking and other relatively minor actions. It will continue to be consumed only by heavy physical labor such as running, hitting doors, and moving heavy objects. When not performing strenuous exercise, it will be consumed at a relatively high rate. Faster recovery speed. To be specific, when she was avoiding the "Tyrant", she ran for nearly 20 seconds before running out of all her EP, but stood in place for about 5 seconds before recovering to full EP.

...seems to be very suitable for running a marathon.

At that time, as he said, the Master Chief defeated the "tyrant" with difficulty, and then handed the silver pistol to Jin Jing on the grounds that he was "only a bloody skin" and asked her to lead the battle while he commanded from behind.

According to him, the task of this novice tutorial is to follow the mercenary team throughout the entire process, resisting sporadic zombie attacks at several mission nodes, and finally after they obtain the "Red Queen" motherboard, resulting in the release of zombies in the entire underground organization , follow them to escape.

Now, the main mission is to replace the mercenaries to obtain the Red Queen motherboard and then escape.

After Jin Jing thought carefully, he gave up following the route of the mercenaries that should have existed, and instead started clearing out the zombies room by room.

As a newcomer, Jin Jing does not have a clear understanding of the use of "soul", and she will not deliberately "brush" it. She just believes that the original behavior of the mercenary team is obviously not good for the main god, and the "Red Queen Motherboard" as The goal of the main mission is probably useless. What the Lord God really wants the reincarnators to do is to kill as many zombies as possible during the "node defense".

Even if you guess wrong, it doesn't matter. In the words of the Master Chief, it's just a "soul refresh".

"If it hadn't been for the intrusion of the 'Tyrant' this time which caused some problems in the world itself, the Red Queen would have thought of a way to stop you by now." The Master Chief muttered as he followed behind.

In other words, you "reincarnators of 2183" are very accustomed to problems in the "reincarnation world", and you still don't plan to fix it?

Jin Jing killed a zombie again with two shots. Looking at the changing soul volume, he felt that there was a long way to go.

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