The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Seven, Grudge (4)

Generally speaking, when traveling, only novice travelers and lazy people will wait for the tour guide to take them to visit the scenic spots one by one. Those who have planned in advance may have made their own hotel and tour plans.

However, this tour group was obviously not as "normal" as some tourists who originally planned to go to the city center on their own turned around and came back to follow her after hearing the girl's greeting.

But it should...not be voluntary.

Both "Kisaragi Station" and "Fujiang" are horror legends that are well-known outside the circle. Even a "good baby" like Jin Jing who doesn't have much interest in those things knows a little bit about them.

The former is a station that "doesn't exist at all" and "there is no return" - although it is a tram instead of a bus. The latter will make people crazy about her.

However, neither of these two are "devil ghosts". Strictly speaking, they are "supernatural places" and "monsters" respectively. The Lord God uses their characteristics to make reincarnators "unable to leave" and "go to specific places", which is actually a waste of money. use.

Jin Jing currently has no specific plan on "how to provoke evil spirits and escape unscathed", and does not want to behave differently, so like other tourists, he formed a scattered team under the command of a girl who calls herself Fu Jiang. The procession followed her.

During this process, Jin Jing observed the members of the tour group without leaving any trace, and found that they were basically composed of young people who were full of energy and wanted to find out the legend and middle-aged people who were familiar with the road and looked accustomed to traveling. Travelers who are too young or too old.

Obviously, senior tourists basically sneer at this tourist attraction where "supernatural legends" appear. They mainly come to see what is going on in the local area, while young people basically come here for the purpose of hunting for novelties and trying to uncover the secrets, well , "self" is the same.

However, Jin Jing did not find anyone suspected of being a "reincarnation" in the crowd. Could it be that they did not arrive by bus, but instead "refreshed" near various ghost haunted places and directly entered the escape phase? It seems a bit miserable.

After confirming that all the people in the tour group were NPCs, Jin Jing turned to observe this "Run Second City".

Perhaps to heighten the atmosphere, the sky in Runer City is always gloomy. Although you can see the sun shining through the clouds, no place can be directly illuminated by it.

Looking far away, you can see that there are basically no very high houses in the entire city. The residential houses that can be seen everywhere are mainly bungalows and two-story board houses. There are occasionally some modern buildings and large functional buildings, which are obviously quite outdated.

No, we can’t look at it from the current perspective,

Jin Jing took out her phone and glanced at the year: 2003. This was considered normal.

If the environment is generally normal, the residents here seem a little uneasy. Even if they see such a large group of tourists passing by, the owners of various shops on the roadside have no intention of greeting them. They sit or stand, and they all sit and stand. He watched the tourists passing by without saying a word, occasionally whispering to each other, his eyes full of numbness and indifference.

When encountering other pedestrians on the road, they seem to be like individual puppets mechanically completing their daily routine, and they hardly look at the tour group for more than three seconds.

In contrast, the little girl Fujiang who was always chirping was the most normal one.

"——Run'er City used to be a town, but it was recently upgraded to a city after a large forest and a large lake were transferred from the neighboring town."

"——You are the third group of tourists this month. The previous group left not long before you arrived. They were full of praise for Runer City."

"——It's affordable to live in. My hotel has a total of six floors, with twelve rooms on each floor. Even if you want to live in a room, you can all live in it~"

"——Huh? Boyfriend? I haven't thought about that kind of thing yet. I'm already very busy working in the hotel every day."

Tsk... Jin Jing withdrew her gaze and looked at the young man who asked Fu Jiang's personal questions. Judging from his expression, there was already a bad tendency. And those closest to Fu Jiang, both men and women, had strange expressions.

After ordinary people become infatuated with Fujiang, they will either kill Fujiang or kill everyone who sees Fujiang under the influence of a powerful and twisted desire for exclusivity. The former will cause Fujiang to split, and the latter will create a "curse" , completely increasing the difficulty of the main and side tasks.

Jin Jing touched her satchel and began to think about how to subdue those guys without hurting them if they went crazy.


And just when she lowered her head, she noticed a figure on the side of the road out of the corner of her eye. It seemed to be a woman wearing a long brown trench coat with long hair and a huge mask on her face. She seemed to be looking at them one by one. The reason why the passenger in the tour group "seems" is because her eyes are blocked by the bangs hanging down from her forehead, making her eyes completely unclear.

OK, find one.

Jin Jing did not turn around to look at her, but took out "his" investigation planning manual and marked the intersection he was currently passing as "the haunt of the Rift Girl".

Although the other person may just be afraid of the cold or something, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

In the following trip, Jin Jing tried to "accidentally" discover ghosts again, but the other ghosts on the "side mission" list were not the type who liked to go out. She did not encounter any of them, and finally arrived in Fujiang smoothly. Hostel.

"We're here~ Please follow me to the front desk to register in order~" Tomi Jiang opened the door first and ran into this old six-story hotel.


When Jin Jing stepped into the door, she felt that her thoughts were clear, and the depression that had been lingering in her heart since she stepped into Run'er City instantly relaxed a lot.

At the same time, she had been very stingy in front of her eyes. The "interface" that only showed health bars and blue bars finally showed something new, a "scene introduction" that looked like equipment notes:

【Fujiang Hotel (safe area)】

【Safe area】

[There are several "safe areas" in Run'er City. When anyone is in the "safe area", the hunting conditions of the evil ghost will not be triggered. 】

[Li Gui will not take the initiative to approach the 'safe area', but will not terminate its actions when it is in pursuit. 】

[When a person who is not being hunted provides help to a person who is being hunted who has escaped into the 'safe area', he will temporarily lose the shelter of the 'safe area' and is also considered a target by the ghosts who are being chased. 】

[In a small probability situation, the manager of the safe area may take the initiative to prevent the pursuit of the evil ghost. Because of this situation, the reward for the "get rid of the pursuit" type task will be halved. 】

This is really...

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