The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-Eight, Grudge (5)

Although the appearance of "Fujiang Hotel" looks a bit old, the various facilities are still relatively complete.

There are fifteen rooms on each floor of the hotel. There are stairs at both ends of the one-way corridor, and there is an elevator in the middle that leads directly to the lobby on the first floor.

There are no guest rooms on the first floor. Instead, there are canteens, dining rooms, convenience stores and public rest areas. In addition, there are the residences of the little girl Fujiang and the hotel manager Fujiang Grandma, as well as utility rooms and warehouses.

Since it is called Fujiang Hotel and she is Fujiang's grandmother, there seems to be no problem with the same surname and similar appearance, but the two of them cannot be said to be very similar. If the wrinkles on Fujiang's face are removed, they can be said to be exactly the same.

Splitting up every thirty or forty years to continue running the family business is a good idea.

Jin Jing took the room card she was assigned to and arrived at the room 403 registered above and briefly explored it. The entire room included a simple small living room, a bedroom with two single beds and a wardrobe, and matching furnishings. Bathroom toilet.

In terms of equipment, a telephone and a TV are standard, but for some reason an electric fan and an air conditioner are also installed.

In addition, free one-time consumables and high-priced items with additional charges are placed throughout the room.

Jin Jing checked the cash she carried with her and the price of three meals marked on the sign on the bedside table. Unsurprisingly, she found that if she stayed at the Fujiang Hotel and didn't go anywhere, the cash would be enough to make herself relaxed and even slightly embarrassed. Living luxuriously for a month, it is obvious that "I" am also a staunch supporter of "the road to poverty and prosperity".

According to the rule "The Lord God will not issue a mission that requires death", if you want to pass this world simply, you just need to stay in the hotel to eat and drink, but this kind of fishing behavior is not in line with your personality.

What's more, only he knows that this main god space is actually on the verge of destruction and is in a state of waste. The opportunistic behavior of ordinary reincarnations is the main cause of this situation, so he must take the initiative, at least, let time The proportion adjustment function has been restored, otherwise it would be too outrageous to disappear for seven days at a time, and the family might just call the police.

However, how to act is a problem. I have two guns, one of which cannot be equipped, and the licker's soul does not know how to use it...

While Jin Jing was thinking, she walked to the window and looked out.

As expected, she saw those fellow travelers who had just left their luggage at the hotel and went out to have fun without wanting to waste a second.

They left the hotel in scattered pieces,

Disappearing into a small town that looked gray due to bad weather, it was like an ignorant little animal running into a dense forest, completely unaware of the dangers it would encounter.

No, maybe they know, but they don't believe those "dangers" really exist.

"Hey..." Jin Jing sighed, recalling the introduction at the beginning of this world: [Anyone who touches it will die and a new 'curse' will arise].

If nothing else goes wrong, if these tourists are killed by ghosts, they will probably be transformed into new ghosts. They may not be as powerful as the original ones, but there is no problem in killing other unarmed tourists.

On the contrary, ordinary local residents should be relatively safe. Living in this ghost-ridden town for so long without being completely wiped out proves that there should be corresponding rules to protect them... Yes, this is it!

She clapped her hands and reached into her backpack to take out the tourist map of Junji City.

The previous reminder from the main god mentioned that this town has more than one "safe area". In addition to the "Fujiang Hotel" that is occupied by people on the top of the hill, there should also be places that can truly restrain the evil spirits.

Jin Jing originally habitually went to look for temples or Taoist temples around the town. After a few seconds, she realized that she should follow the local customs and find a "shrine".

Unlike temples and Taoist temples that generally choose secluded locations, shrines are almost always built in the center of towns for residents to worship. Although in a town like this where ghosts are everywhere, it is hard to say how much effect it can have.

Since Junji City is not that big, Jin Jing successfully found a shrine in a forest park in the city after searching for a few minutes.

"Hmm...Hakurei Shrine? The name seems a bit strange."

Jin Jing looked at the time and found that there was still some time before nightfall, so she packed up and prepared to go out for a visit.

Although the ghosts in the "side missions" basically don't abide by the rule of "staying day and emerging at night" - I just saw the cracked girl - but at least it can always make people feel more at ease during the day.

When she took the elevator to the lobby, she found that there were also a group of tourists who were preparing to go out. Judging from their large and small bags, it was obvious that they did not plan to come back tonight. The little girl Fujiang stood at the door, seemingly trying to dissuade them, but these people were obviously Not going to listen.

"——Even if you don't live here, the rent you booked will not be refunded, because the entire tour group booked it collectively."

"——Besides our home, there are almost no other hotels in the city, so you may not be able to find a place to stay."

"——Go camping by the lake? You don't want to? I heard that there seems to be a water monster there."

Obviously, in the "safe area", the ridiculously powerful charm of the little girl Tomie has temporarily lost its effect. The tourists focus on their original goals and no longer obey her words.

Speaking of which, it seems that I was never attracted to Fujiang from the beginning. Is this the privilege of a "reincarnation person"? Only the evil ghosts within the mission will affect him?

"Uh...huh? Sister Bai, do you want to go out too?" After the first group of passengers left, Fu Jiang turned around and saw Jin Jing, running over: "It's not safe in the town at night, although I don't know where it is. Not safe, but that’s what my grandma said.”

"No, I'm going to visit the shrine and I should be back soon." Jin Jing responded.

To be honest, she was a little flattered. Because her appearance was very ordinary and her attire was not distinctive, the talkative and sociable people in the tour group had never chatted with her. However, Tomie not only remembered him, but also knew his name.

"The shrine..." Tomie wrinkled his nose as if he remembered something bad: "I don't like it there. I always feel that it is incompatible with the whole town, especially that annoying witch... Forget it, Sister Bai, please come early Go back early, the restaurant will not serve dinner starting at eight o'clock in the evening."

Since it is a shrine, no matter what is enshrined, it must be incompatible with a town full of evil ghosts.

"I'll be back as soon as possible."

Jin Jing smiled and nodded, said goodbye to Fu Jiang and left the hotel.

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