The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-Nine, Grudge (6)

Jin Jing is heading to "Hakurei Shrine" according to the route planned on the map.

The so-called "Shrine (じんじゃ)", which means "a house dedicated to the gods", is a building of shallow religious significance used by ordinary people to worship the gods and pray for happiness.

Because there are so many gods in Japan - so-called eight million - various formal and informal shrines are everywhere. According to the latest statistics, on average there is one shrine for a thousand people.

Formal shrines have strict naming rules, which basically consist of "location", "object of worship" and "shrine number". For example, "Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine" means "located in Fushimi" and "enshrined to the God of Inari". ”, the “headquarters”

The first two are basically diverse, but the final shrine name only has three types, namely "jinja" which enshrines any god, "jingu" which enshrines the emperors of the past, and "big shrine" which enshrines the main deity of a party.

In other words, things like ■■■■, even within Japan's own theological rules, are "blasphemous, misplaced functions, and illegally named illegal buildings" unless they admit that everything inside is "Emperor".

Well, I accidentally thought too far. Jin Jing retracted her thoughts and continued to study the map in her hand.

The place named "Hakurei Shrine" on this map, if the place where it is located is not called Hakurei Mountain, and the person enshrined is not Hakurei God, then only the administrator of this shrine, the shrine owner, priest or shrine maiden named Hakurei will be left. It's possible.

This is a common practice among many small shrines run by individuals. Although it is against the rules, they will basically turn a blind eye and get by.

However, to be able to operate normally in this place full of evil ghosts, and still let Tomie say things like "uncomfortable" and "disgusting", it may really have two tricks up its sleeve. we are.

Jin Jing stopped and looked up at the woods that were getting higher and higher.

This place labeled "Forest Park" is basically just a small hill in the city surrounded by simple railings. In addition, even though it is a "hill", the boundary cannot be easily seen when looking from both sides.

In front of her was a narrow bluestone road extending into the mountains. Although the road looked old, it was quite neat. If it wasn't frequently used by people, it would be cleaned regularly by staff.

When Jin Jing stepped onto the path and started climbing, nothing special happened. It wasn't until she walked about two to three hundred meters and passed through an old vermilion torii gate that the name of the place belatedly emerged.

【Hakurei Shrine (safe area)】

Perhaps it was because of the explanation given at "Fujiang Hotel\

,"This time only place names appeared quietly and then disappeared quietly.

According to Shintoism, passing through the torii gate means entering the "divine realm". You are always under the watchful eye of the shrine gods, and you should pay more attention to your behavior.

Although Jin Jing felt that there was nothing she needed to pay more attention to in her behavior, she did feel some kind of "watching". She turned her head and looked around, and found that there were several fox statues wearing red scarves on both sides of the mountain road staring at them. Hold yourself.

I have to say that these fox statues are well made and look like they are alive... In this world of reincarnation, it would not be surprising even if they were originally alive.

Jin Jing withdrew his gaze and continued to go up the mountain road, passing through several torii gates during the process. On the trees in the forest next to the road, "julian ropes" used to isolate the outside world gradually appeared.

Finally, she arrived at the main hall of the shrine and saw a "miko" on the bluestone square in front of the main hall.

It was an older sister who looked quite mature. She was holding a small royal coin in her hand. She was wearing a red and white miko uniform with wide sleeves and skirt. However, her long legs wearing white stockings could be seen in the slit of the skirt. , the collar and shoulder parts of the clothing are missing. There is a huge red bow tied on the back of the head, waist-length, slightly curly pink hair hanging downwards, and a pair of vertical hair on her charming face. The big golden eyes with straight pupils were staring at Jin Jing without blinking.

It should be...a miko...right?

Speaking of which, this was the first time I saw someone with pink hair in reality.

At this moment, Jin Jing understood Fu Jiang's dissatisfaction. He was clearly a being who could directly blow up the mentality of a young girl who claimed to be beautiful just by standing there and doing nothing.

But it's a pity that as a girl with average-to-average appearance who has always been ignored, no matter how beautiful she is, she can't shake her mentality.

"[Hello~]" At this time, the miko elder sister spoke with a slightly numb and magnetic voice that was in line with Jin Jing's expectations: "[I am 'Hakurei Reimu', the miko of Hakurei Shrine, little sister, What’s the matter with you coming here?]”

"I plan to pay homage, ask for a fortune, and ask for a guardian." Jin Jing replied.

Before arriving at the shrine, Jin Jing had already thought about the purpose of coming. Like the old lady at Tomie Hotel, as the manager of the "safe area", the priests or witches here would obviously not take the initiative to fight against the evil spirits outside, but the shrine and Hotels are different. Shrines provide additional services, such as "ema" hanging in the shrine to pray to the gods, "divine fortune sticks" used to confirm your fortune in the coming period, and taking away after purchase to provide shelter. The "royal guard".

The former is of little use, but the latter two should be of some use in this place full of ghosts.

"[Serious benefits of 100,000 yen~Please come with me~]" Hakurei Reimu replied without pause, and then took Jinjing to the money box in front of the shrine.

Tsk... It seems that this shrine maiden is very aware of the role and value of this shrine, and has even set the price in advance. The most coincidental thing is that this amount happens to be the amount of cash Jin Jing brought herself to spend casually. If she still plans to buy it For other things, you may have to skip a few meals in the next seven days.

I don’t know if the “soul” can be used for flowers.

Jin Jing glanced at the lower left corner of her field of vision, and honestly took out 100,000 yen and threw it into the money box. Then she pulled the rope with the bell on the money box, clapped her hands twice, and lowered her head slightly.

——Although I guess there is no chance, please protect me and escape from every evil ghost once.

"[Hmm~ Okay, let's take one~]" When Jin Jing looked up again, Hakurei Reimu shook a lottery tube and handed it over.

"Sorry to trouble you." Jin Jing reached out and took out one randomly and handed it to the witch.

Well, speaking of it, on my attribute table, the luck column seems to be——

"[Oops~ What a pity~]" Hakurei Reimu said in a tone that was completely inaudible of regret, and then unfolded the sign on his hand: "[It's a 'big bad', everything goes wrong, no matter what you originally planned to do , will all fail~]”

It's 0, so that's not surprising.

"[However, if you choose a good guardian, you might be able to turn things around~]" Reimu Hakurei turned around and took out a small box filled with colorful amulets.

When Jin Jing looked inside, a panel popped up.

【Please choose a guardian】

【1: Wealth】





Some of them are just here to make fun of you, right?

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