The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty, Grudge (7)

Wealth, health, safety, love, studies.

Although these "guards" are standard features of ordinary shrines, they seem very out of place in this town full of ghosts.

According to common sense, the first choice should be "safe" defense, which should be able to withstand at least one attack from the evil ghost, followed by "health", because the attacks of some evil ghosts do not seem to be simple and crude physical attacks but closer to diseases, such as Sadako.

And if you consider the benefits of the reincarnation world and have confidence in your own strength, those who want to explore hidden tasks may consider buying a "wealth luck" to take with them.

As for "academic studies", if there is some kind of assessment in the world of reincarnation and it is conducted in this world, then purchasing it would only make a little sense.

As for "love", its true meaning is unclear. You must be doing something wrong to seek encounters in the world of ghosts.

However, these are all my own speculations. Since those "guards" do not yet belong to me, I cannot see their attributes at all.

"What if I want to invite a few more?" Jin Jing tried to ask the witch.

"[Don't be greedy~ You can only take one for each visit~ If you want more]" Reimu Hakurei narrowed his eyes: "[——You have to pay more.]"

Hmm... there must be some kind of hidden setting here.

The amount of money brought by the reincarnators is only enough to visit the shrine once. If they want more money, they can only rob other tourists or even local residents. And there is no doubt that they would do this in a town full of evil ghosts. It's because he didn't die quickly enough.

Although she was very curious about the effects of other guards, Jin Jing still honestly took a "safe" guard.

[Yushu ‘Safety’ (Excellent)]

[Item Type: Amulet]

[Carry: When the wearer is chased by a fierce ghost, the chase will be forcibly terminated, and the wearer will not trigger the chase of the ghost for a certain period of time. 】

[Weight: 0.1]

[Remaining number of effective times: 33]

【Cannot be taken out of this world. 】

[‘Amulet obtained from a certain shrine, with the protection of the god enshrined in the shrine attached’]

Very strong,

If used well, half of the side mission can be completed in one go. Jin Jing looked at the item introduction. The only problem is that this thing is automatically triggered. If the ghost's pursuit is triggered inadvertently and terminates automatically, he may not be able to do it at all. Not aware - it seems necessary to put it in a prominent place or take it out and look at it from time to time.

"[Oh~ Did you choose this?]" Hakurei Reimu crossed his arms: "[Then go back as soon as possible. After all, what you just drew is the 'big bad'. If you are still outside after nightfall... huh huh. 】 "

"Thank you for your kindness, I take my leave." Jin Jing took the imperial guard close to him and bid farewell to the miko with his hands clasped together.


When Jin Jing went down the mountain along the road and finally left the "Forest Park", it was almost dusk. Although the sky in Runer City was always shrouded in clouds, the gradually darkening sky and the faint orange color in the western clouds proved that this moment It's "the time to meet the devil".

There are many more pedestrians on the streets of Runer City than when they first arrived, but their eyes are as empty as ever and their expressions are numb. Only when they occasionally look at the darkening sky, the fear they inadvertently reveal makes them look like A living person.

I always feel that... the residents here seem to have known about the existence of ghosts for a long time, but because they strictly abide by certain commonly known rules, they can dance on the tip of the knife with fear, and the hatred and hatred they look at foreign tourists are probably out of reason. Dislike of those who "destabilize".

After all, today is the first day. In the seven-day limited reincarnation world, it is entirely possible that nothing will happen, but by tomorrow, there may be news of the death of tourists.

Jin Jing took out the safety guard from time to time and took a look while returning to Fujiang Hotel along the way.

The side mission requires a total of six ghosts to escape from them, but this guard can only be used three times. If you are unlucky and accidentally trigger it, or after escaping from pursuit and being chased by the same ghost again after the time limit expires, it will be completely It's a loss-making business.

Moreover, since this world is named after "Grudge", then Ms. Kayako who plays at home must be much more powerful than other guest colleagues. Before provoking her, you have to find a few more "safe area" managers to ask for help. OK.

However, there is no suspected safe place on the tourist map. At least, signs like "shrine", "temple" and "church" do not exist.

Maybe you can ask Tomie...


"is that one……"

"Don't look at her..."

"Quick, turn back quickly..."

Jin Jing was thinking when she heard a commotion from the pedestrians in front of her, and then more than a dozen passers-by who were walking in front of her returned in a hurry, revealing the situation ahead.

It was an intersection that was obscured by the shadows of nearby tall buildings. When Jin Jing passed by it before, it was normal due to the angle of the sun, but at this time the sun was setting and the entire intersection had entered darkness early.

At the corner of the intersection ahead, stood a long-haired woman wearing a brown coat, a dark red scarf around her neck, and a large mask on her face.

Well, this place is a bit far away from the place where she last appeared. It seems that she is a wandering ghost, and she may bump into her accidentally. But judging from the fact that she completely ignored ordinary passers-by who turned around and ran away after seeing her, The conditions that trigger its pursuit may be being close enough or talking to it?

In short, let’s complete a side mission first and see how the guard works.

Jin Jing pressed her backpack and walked towards the woman in the windbreaker who was suspected to be the cracked girl.

"..." As she approached, the woman in the windbreaker standing at the intersection turned around and looked over. Her long and narrow phoenix eyes, which were not blocked, showed a little doubt, as if she was surprised that a living person did not run away but took the initiative to approach her.

To say that he wasn't nervous would be a lie. She was the legendary Slit Girl. Jin Jing felt that her heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and her throat began to get dry. However, since the props provided by the reincarnation world clearly stated that they could end the pursuit, then You should use it if you believe this.

Finally, when the distance between the two was only one step away, the woman in the windbreaker pulled her scarf, revealing her face wearing a large mask: "[Am I beautiful?]"

"..." Jin Jing stared at her without saying a word - because no matter how she answered, the cracked girl would take action, and not speaking could at least prevent her from taking off her mask to avoid mental pollution.

"[Why don't you answer? Are you unable to open your mouth?]" Two seconds later, the woman in the windbreaker's voice suddenly turned cold. She raised her hand and took out an exaggeratedly shaped pair of scissors from her windbreaker: "[Let me help you——] "

At this moment, the slit woman's eyes were suddenly confused for a moment, then she silently put away the scissors, pulled on her scarf again, and turned around to leave.

[The remaining number of times the security guard is in effect: 23]

[Side mission: Escape from the pursuit of the Rift Girl. (Finish)】

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