The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Two, Grudge (9)

Out of curiosity, Jin Jing watched the TV shopping for a while and found that the items sold there were not high-end mobile phones or magic drugs, but gadgets that can be seen everywhere in daily life, such as bicycles, raincoats, mountaineering bags, convenience foods and even portable tents. , it looks like it is specially sold to out-of-town tourists.

The strangest thing is that this shopping program does not indicate a contact number at all. The shopping guide who did not appear at all will only say "pick up the phone and order now" after introducing the products.

In other long as you pick up the phone next to you, you will definitely be able to contact this TV shopping program?

Jin Jing glanced at the phone in the room and had no intention of trying.

The "safe area" just won't trigger the pursuit of ghosts, but it shouldn't even prevent the behavior of "queuing up to get a number." By analogy... there's no problem with watching Sadako's video tape, but if you watch it before going out, you'll probably It will lead to pursuit.

In the absence of practical means to protect yourself, it is better not to do something that has no way out.

For now, go to sleep.

It was already afternoon when I arrived in Runer City today. I ran around a lot in the town and provoked the slit girl again. Even though my digitized body did not have a "fatigue" value, my heart was tired enough. What to do next? If you want to stay in this ghost town for seven days, take a good rest first, and you can talk about the rest later.

But if we really talk about it, this is the world of reincarnation. Can reincarnators really sleep?

Jin Jing turned off the TV, sat on the bed, and reached out to turn off the bedside lamp.

Then, a new information panel appears.

【Are you going to bed? 】


ah? if not?

The information panel did not wait for Jin Jing's response and directly displayed a new message below.

[When entering a long-term reincarnation world, the reincarnation can skip the night by performing the 'sleep' operation. When there are multiple reincarnations in the same world, the night will be skipped only if everyone performs the 'sleep' operation. 】

[Monsters in the world of reincarnation or other things that can pose a threat to the reincarnation will not attack when the reincarnation is ‘asleep’, but may appear very close when the reincarnation wakes up. 】

[Reincarnators can choose to sleep at any time,

This will mean that the next time until 8 o'clock the next day will be skipped. 】

[Depending on the settings of the reincarnation world, skipping of nights in some worlds may not be allowed. 】

Is that what happened? Jin Jing was greatly shocked.

I originally thought that if someone decided not to do the side mission, seven days would be wasted. However, as long as they went into the hotel, lay down on the bed, and chose to sleep for six consecutive times, the world of reincarnation would be passed directly.

Of course, while being safe, you will also miss all side missions and have some unknown impact on the world.

Taking the last world as an example, if the "mercenary team" does not disappear and you follow them all the time, then the final result will undoubtedly be that most of the zombies in the hive and the weird "lickers" are chasing the evacuated mercenaries. The team followed the outside world and triggered a "biochemical crisis".

Under his own intervention, not a single zombie escaped, and all the lickers were wiped out for strange reasons. Maybe that world will eventually break out into a biochemical crisis, but it has nothing to do with the hive.

Further inference can be seen that escaping from each evil ghost once will definitely play an important role in promoting the development of the plot of this evil ghost world... Although so many evil ghosts with different worldviews appear in the same world, what the so-called plot is has not been revealed. Completely unimaginable.

In short, choose "Yes" first.

[There are monsters wandering nearby, you can't sleep. 】

monster? This is obviously a "safe area"... Oh, it seems there is one.

Jin Jing sighed, jumped out of bed and walked to the door, and then opened the door directly when the doorbell rang for half a tone.

"Wow!" Outside the door, Fu Jiang, holding a plush blanket in one hand and ringing the doorbell with the other, was startled: "Uh... Sister Bai, are you not asleep yet?"

"Just getting ready to sleep," Jin Jing looked at the thing in her hand: "What are you...?"

"Sister, don't you seem to be cold? The quilt in our hotel is relatively thin, so I went to the warehouse to search and found this." Fu Jiang handed over the plush blanket, and then added as if thinking of something: "Don't worry, No extra charge.”

If you hadn't come, I would have fallen asleep long ago...

"Well, thank you, you should go to bed early." Jin Jing took the blanket and smiled back at Fu Jiang.

Then the smile almost stopped.

【Tomie's Love Blanket (Excellent)】

[Equipment part: Shoulder]

[Damage reduction: 5]

[Equipment: The 'freeze' effect is reduced by 75%. 】

[Equipment requirements: Strength 5, Stamina 10]

【Weight: 10】

[Durability: 3030]

【‘Warm and caring’】

Although Tomie thought it was a rolled blanket, it was indeed a cloak, and there was a certificate issued by the reincarnation space.

In common sense, who walks around with a blanket draped over their shoulders? A little boy under ten years old?

If you think about it carefully, this thing is similar to the previous "guard". It may have been an ordinary amulet or blanket originally, but after going through the step of "NPC gifting", it turned into "equipment" and "props".

This kind of thing cannot be obtained by searching everywhere. You must actively interact with "NPCs" and gain their favor.

However, it does not seem to have the label "cannot be taken out of this world", so it may be useful in other worlds at certain times.

Speaking of which, if I take it away, does it count as just taking something from the hotel?

"I still have things to do~ Sister, you should go to bed early." Fu Jiang waved to Jin Jing, turned and walked to the nearby stairs, waved his arms at her twice more, and then ran down.

It was already so late and there was still something to be busy with... Jin Jing shook her head and did not continue to think about it. She returned to the house with a blanket, locked the door and went to bed, choosing to sleep.

This time, there's no "monster wandering" prompt.

After choosing to fall asleep, her "perspective" lost control as she had done several times before. She went straight up and out of Fujiang Hotel, overlooking Runer Town from a condescending angle, and entered "fast forward" mode.

The lights in various buildings in the town turned on and off, and unknown things were shuttled back and forth on the dark streets. Occasionally, a huge darkness could even be seen passing by in the air.

As the sky gradually brightened, all kinds of strange and mysterious movements disappeared. Finally, Jin Jing's perspective dropped again, returning to her own room, facing the windowpane illuminated red by the morning glow.

Its daybreak.

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