The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Three, Grudge (10)

" feel like you have regained your energy?"

Although the night was "skipped", Jin Jing still felt that the mental fatigue caused by running around for a long time "yesterday" was greatly relieved.

Perhaps because he is in a "digitized" state, some hidden values ​​that are not listed intuitively, such as fatigue, have been eliminated in the process?

So, let’s continue exploring this “Run Er City” as planned today.

However, before that... Jin Jing opened the "backpack column" and took a look at the "change of clothes".

[Change of clothes (mission items)]

[Use: Change the appearance of the reincarnator. The attributes of the equipped items will not change due to changing the appearance. 】

[‘Extra changes of clothing to bring when traveling’]

How should I put it, this half-disabled Lord God has quite a sense of life. Although she is not the kind of "socialite" who wears a set of clothes once and then throws them away, wearing the same set of clothes for seven days in a row is still a bit intolerable - —The last time I had a similar experience was when middle and high schools made it compulsory to wear school uniforms.

After choosing to use it, an additional panel with a full-length portrait of herself popped up in front of Jin Jing's eyes, where she could adjust her current clothes.

The only problem is that this change of clothes was brought by "Bai Jingjing" before the trip. There were not many styles of clothing to choose from. She adjusted it a little so that today's appearance was not exactly the same as yesterday, so she directly confirmed it.


With the slight sound of wind, a faint white light surrounded her body, and her original traveling outfit was changed into one more suitable for walking in the city.

Hmm... By the way, "Tomie's Love Blanket" is no longer visible after it is covered by "Appearance", so Jin Jing equipped it on her body with great confidence.

Next, when Jin Jing went downstairs to have breakfast and leave from the hotel door, no one saw the little girl Fu Jiang. Aunt Fu Jiang in the restaurant greeted her, while Grandma Fu Jiang behind the counter in the lobby looked affectionate. He looked indifferent and didn't even raise his eyes.

If it's not that the child can't get up, it's that...she was busy with something last night and was too sleepy to wake up today.

It’s not easy to think deeply about this matter, so forget it.

According to the "investigation plan" that Jin Jing re-formulated after seeing "his" "investigation planning manual", today's target is "Hanako in the toilet" located in "Tongshou Elementary School".

This ghost can't run around and is more similar to an earthbound spirit. As long as he has defensive means, he can easily escape from her hands. After all, I have never heard of Hanako running out of the toilet to chase someone. In other words, if she If she ran away, then she is not Hanako.

The only problem at the moment is that Hanako is in a school, and the school is a place full of strange stories. In this town full of evil ghosts, if the elementary school has directly gathered the "Seven Unbelievable" or something, she won't be able to do anything about it. No surprise.

The current plan is to enter the elementary school during class, go straight to the toilets on each floor, open the second-to-last stall, turn around and run away, and achieve a quick victory, although he may be regarded as a weirdo.


Following the guidance of the town map, Jin Jing successfully found Tongshou Elementary School.

It occupies a small area. It looks like there is only a four-story main teaching building and another two-story annex building. It is class time, and there are people walking around in each classroom, but there are no people reading books. The sound came out.

When Jin Jing tried to walk into the school gate,

The already quite old janitor sitting in the janitor's room just glanced at her casually, with no intention of stopping her.

So lax? What if there are bad guys——

[Tongshou Primary School (safe area)]


Jin Jing was a little suspicious that she was dazzled, so she took two steps back and re-entered the school gate. The regional prompts in her field of vision also appeared again.

No... Hanako is in this school, a safe area? you sure?

Although she was confused, the main god obviously would not respond to her. After a moment of confusion, Jin Jing came to the conclusion that since it was marked as a safe area, then this must be a safe area. Maybe the manager here is a man, so the one in the women's restroom Hanako is not under his control.

No matter how you think about it, it's too far-fetched...

She couldn't figure it out for a moment, but the guard's eyes had turned unkind to her, and he was obviously dissatisfied with her behavior of blocking the school gate.

So Jin Jing recited the all-purpose saying "Everyone is coming" and walked directly into the school gate and towards the teaching building.

Thinking on the bright side, since this is a safe area, it means that there will be no "Seven Wonders" in the school. He only needs to visit the toilets on each floor as scheduled, and he can successfully complete the side mission about Hanako... Bar.

Da da da--

As soon as she stepped into the teaching building, a red mannequin ran past her.

"..." Jin Jing watched in stunned silence as the model disappeared around the corner of the corridor, then lowered his head to check the number of times Yushou had been used.

23. No consumption, which means that this thing had no intention of attacking itself just now.

Calm down, there are a lot of Tomie of all ages in the Tomie Hotel.

Jin Jing calmed down and started walking along the corridor of the teaching building.

Now is the class time, and the classrooms are naturally filled with students. These children look no different from ordinary primary school students. Some are studying seriously, some are lazily playing, and some are sleeping on the table. It seems everything is normal.

However, the teachers who were in class were not normal. Although they were teaching with textbooks, they looked like they were following the instructions. Not only did they turn a blind eye to the naughty students, but they also looked like they were afraid of something.

How to put it this way, if you were a teacher attending class and a mannequin or something ran by outside, you would really be shocked, especially when you can't see the "safe area" prompt... The adults in this town Life is really hard.

When Jin Jing passed by a classroom again, she found that it was not an ordinary classroom but a music classroom. There were no students or teachers in it, but the sound of piano kept coming.

She looked closer to the window glass and found that on the large piano on the podium, there were two long arms stretching out from the piano cover, playing on the keys in a graceful and twisted posture.

I always feel that the ghosts in this "safe area" seem a bit unscrupulous. Perhaps the managers here do this deliberately?

In any case, I am just an ordinary tourist who wants to complete side tasks. I have no right to care about how others manage their territory. I should find Hanako as soon as possible and leave.

At this moment, a slightly frivolous man's voice sounded behind her:

"Miss, I see that your hall is dark and dark clouds are covering your head. I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster in the near future."

I thank you.

The error-free chapters of "Collecting Doomsday" will continue to be updated.

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