The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Eight, Grudge (15)

[Side mission: Escape from the pursuit of the eight-foot girl. (Finish)】


Um? ?

Jin Jing checked the guard on his body. It was still 23, and other props and status had not changed in any way.

This is unreasonable. To "escape from being chased", you must at least "have been chased", right?

She thought about her previous actions for a moment.

After saying goodbye to the "Kurosawa Cafe", he headed towards the "Hachachi Girl Haunted Place" that he had investigated in advance. At the same time, in order to make some "extra money", he loaded the "projection machine" with 07-type film to see if it could You can't take pictures of floating spirits or anything like that.

Is 7 points of damage high? After all, the little zombies in Resident Evil have 30 points of health, but it is not low either. One shot of the "Viper" pistol only does 14 points of damage. Taking two pictures is equivalent to Shot someone.

According to Ms. Kurosawa Aiyo in the "After-Sales Service", there are roughly two types of spirits that can be photographed by this camera. One is the "floating spirit" that does not cause harm and is purely to enhance the atmosphere, and the other is a threat. "Evil spirits" that come to life - the ghosts in side missions are basically classified into this category.

In addition, this "projector machine" has a built-in search function. When there is a spirit nearby, it will light up to remind you. The floating spirit is a gentle green light, while the evil spirit ranges from a yellow light to a red light depending on the degree of ferocity.

The floating spirit can directly remove the spirit seal with 07 film. As long as the picture is not distorted, it is a sure-profit business. And the evil spirit, as Bai Ju said, whether it escapes by itself or lets the evil spirit escape halfway, it is The result of losing all your money.

At that time, Jin Jing had a bold idea, which was to go to Tongshou Elementary School with this camera and take pictures of all the ghosts running around unscrupulously. But thinking about it carefully, Teacher A Ming should stop herself from doing this, and since Lian Xuenu There are, and higher-level monsters are likely to exist. It might not be good to anger them by randomly shooting them, so I finally gave up on this plan.

Nothing special happened between the cafe and the "Happy Girl Haunted Place", and the film loaded into the camera from the beginning was not used at all. Maybe the little ghosts on the road were frightened by the bad guys' marks. Run away.

In the end, Jin Jing walked back and forth twice along the streets shown in the "TV show", and the side mission was inexplicably completed.

Since it was "escaping from pursuit", it can be understood that the Eight-foot Girl tried to attack him, but gave up for some reason, so it must not be the function of the guardian and mark that existed from the beginning. This is mean,

The place I just passed by is probably...

Jin Jing raised the projector and began to walk while observing the surroundings through its viewfinder.

Gee, how come she behaves the same as the eight-foot-old girl in the "TV show"? Is it possible that someone will pop up to take pictures of you?


Just when Jin Jing was distracted, a faint green light came on on the projector.

Obviously there was no light when I walked here just now...

She looked around through the viewfinder, but did not see anything suspicious of floating or evil spirits. After thinking for a while, she began to repeatedly raise the projector to compare the real scenery with the scenery seen through the lens.

This time, she quickly discovered something unusual: on every corner of the street that the Eight-foot Girl had passed, there was a stone statue of Jizo standing there, but only the ground in the viewfinder of the lens was visible. The Ksitigarbha statues are complete. If you observe them directly with the naked eye, you will find that all the Ksitigarbha statues are in a state of collapse and fragmentation.

According to the legend of the Eight-Shaked Girl, she was indeed sealed in a specific place by some Jizo statues, and the end of the legend left a very bad tail, saying that the Jizo statue leading to the direction of the protagonist was broken into pieces.

If according to this setting, since all these Jizo statues are broken, then the eight-foot girl should have been able to leave long ago. And now that the complete appearance of the Jizo statue can be photographed by the projector, does it mean that these Jizo statues are all broken into pieces? For example, even though they have been shattered, they still dutifully seal the Eight-foot Girl here and prevent her from leaving. However, they are powerless against those guys who have the audacity to break into this area and follow the Eight-foot Girl.

Further inference can be seen that if you first learn about the existence of these Jizo statues through a "TV program", then enter the area where the eight-foot girl is sealed, trigger her to pursue her, then rely on the Jizo statues to stop the pursuit, and then quickly escape, this is the normal situation. This is the way to complete side missions. After all, the Lord God will not issue missions that require death, and not everyone can be like me and dare to run around just asking for a guard.

However, the Eight-foot Girl is already the last devil that is relatively easy to deal with. The next few are all ridiculously strong. If they leave now and cannot find the Gap Girl, they may not have "ammunition" to deal with them later.

Hmm... How about this, use a projector to shoot away and release these Jizo illusions that are equivalent to floating spirits in a sense, draw out the eight-foot girl, and then use a projector to seal her and give her to Kurosawa's proprietress. It can be said that it is one fell swoop. Three gains.

Anyway, there are still two more times for Yushou, so let’s do it.

After thinking about it, Jin Jing decisively started to use a projector to shoot the ghost image of the Ksitigarbha statue, and directly obtained the finished product after consuming the film.

【Photos of Phantom Jizo】

[Quest items can be given to Kurosawa Fengshi in exchange for new film rolls. 】

Click, click, click.

Hoo hum——

After Jin Jing finished photographing all four statues, a whirlwind suddenly set off on the quiet street, and at the same time there was a strange "boo, boom" sound. The most obvious change was that the indicator light on the projector instantly changed from green to green. turned red.

come yet? Jin Jing immediately replaced the 90-type film on the projector, held it up and looked around through the viewing window, preparing to "capture" the eight-foot girl as soon as he saw her.

However, she turned around three times and did not see any tall woman in the camera lens. However, the strange "bop" sound never disappeared, and she even felt that it was ringing around her.

Wait... Could it be... not possible?

Jin Jing slowly put down the camera and turned to look in the direction of the sound coming from around her.

Standing there was a tall woman nearly two and a half meters tall, wearing a summer white dress and a light yellow straw hat on her head. She was hunched over, staring at Jin Jing with pure black eyes without the whites of her eyes. , the mouth that looked like a completely black hole was opening and closing, making a "bang, bam" sound.

After discovering that Jin Jing had noticed her, the eight-foot girl narrowed her eyes slightly, said "bang, bam" twice, raised her hand, took off the straw hat on her head, and placed it on Jin Jing's head, then turned around and left, just in the blink of an eye. He had walked two streets away and then disappeared around the corner of the street.

【Hachisaku Girl's Straw Hat (Normal)】

[Equipment part: head]

[Damage reduction: 8]

[Equipment requirements: Strength 8, Agility 8, Endurance 8, Intelligence 8, Faith 8]

[Weight: 8]

[Durability: 8888]

[‘The thank you gift I received for releasing the seal of the eight-foot-tall girl is a bit too big for ordinary people’]

[Because the attributes do not meet the equipment requirements, the speed of movement and EP recovery will be affected. 】

She couldn't even be photographed... she lost blood!

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