The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Nine, Grudge (16)

"[You went to take pictures of eight-foot girls? Hahahahaha——]"

When Jin Jing returned to Kurosawa Cafe and planned to exchange the Jizo photos for new film, Bai Ju pointed at her and laughed wildly, even tears came out. She didn't know whether it was really funny or whether he was laughing at her appearance at the moment. .

"...It's not that funny." Jin Jing silently placed the Jizo photo on the counter and pushed it to Kurosawa Aiyo, then held up the huge straw hat on his head.

Because this piece of equipment does not meet the equipment requirements, it cannot be changed with a "change of clothes". As a result, it looks like it is wearing a huge bucket hat.

"[I said, this camera is used to take pictures of 'invisible things', right?]" Kurosawa said while checking the photos: "[And things that are 'visible' cannot be photographed. ]"

"Who knew there were so many explanations for the 'Fire Ghost Realm'..." Jin Jing muttered.

If you think about it carefully, there is indeed no mention of her being "invisible" in the legend of the Eight-foot Girl. In this world specifically, among the clues given by the "TV program", she is also constantly being chased for photos. If it was a purely curious shooting, there would be no need to keep filming, so the situation at that time should be that they clearly took the picture, but nothing was shown, and then continued to follow the picture out of curiosity, and finally succeeded in committing suicide.

"[These photos are of good quality and can be used to... guard the door,]" Kurosawa put away the photos, handed Jin Jing four "37-type film" and then said: "[How to use the projector , to put it simply, when you clearly know that 'something has appeared' but find nothing, then use its lens to look for it. When you encounter a hostile 'visible object', you don't have to worry about whether the lens is focused or not. , just shoot directly in the direction of those things.】"

"Uh..." Jin Jing held up the hat that was about to slide off: "If I had randomly photographed the eight-foot girl before..."

"[You free her from the seal. She will definitely not care about this small offense, but she probably won't give you another hat.]" Bai Ju interjected.

"Then my behavior of breaking the seal will... uh." Jin Jing shut up halfway through the question. Releasing an extra ghost in a town full of ghosts is no different from pouring a bottle of water into the sea.

"[In general, there will be no impact,]" Kurosawa flipped through the "account book" with one hand and supported his chin with the back of his hand: "[A simple fact is that although the 'ordinary residents' of this city are frightened every day, It’s not over after all, right?]”

So part of it is still dead, right?

Jin Jing did not say this, and instead began to think about the implications of the boss's wife's words.

She was probably implying that a certain "ecological balance" had been formed in a town with so many ghosts. Under normal circumstances, evil ghosts would not attack ordinary people unless someone wanted to die.

For example, the Rift Girl wandering at the crossroads could be seen from a distance. As long as she turned around and changed roads in time, there would be no danger. At that time, she relied on her guard to bump into her.

This kind of "ecological balance" obviously did not form spontaneously, and the several "safe areas" I currently set foot in must have played an important role in it.

Speaking of which, the managers of these "safe areas" have provided themselves with a certain degree of protection - at least it can be regarded as protection. There is no problem in dealing with ordinary ghosts and simple side tasks, but unfortunately... Jin Jing I took a look at the side quest list.

There are still three heavyweights who haven't appeared yet.


After saying goodbye to the landlady and leaving Kurosawa Cafe, Jin Jing checked the time and decided to go back to Fujiang Hotel to rest for one night and wait until tomorrow to find clues about the remaining three ghosts.

The key point for Sadako is the video tape. You can go to Electrical Appliance Street to check it out. Kayako should be in a mansion somewhere in the suburbs. Let's study the map again. Only Mimiko is not sure about the triggering conditions.

Compared with other well-known ghosts who have already left the industry, Jin Jing has only heard of the name "Ghost Call". Even the ghost in it was named Mimiko and it took him nearly two days to remember it. He has no idea of ​​the specific past.

No, if you think about it carefully, it seems that you don't know the origins of the six ghosts in the side mission, except that Kayako seems to be related to domestic violence.

Going further, since the managers of the "safe area" can separate themselves in the ghost town, they should also have strong strength, but it is a pity that I don't know any of them... Tomie is not included.

At present, it seems that this world is completely different from the "ongoing" Resident Evil. It is more like a very important event for ghosts that "happened before", which caused all kinds of evil ghosts to come. And those "managers" came after those evil ghosts and went out of their way to maintain order.

However, due to the lack of clues, it will be a very difficult task to restore what happened in this town, and there seems to be no reward at all.

If we jump out of the specific settings of this world, we can also find the reason why this main god is so depressed. What it creates is not one unrelated and disposable world, but one after another that is connected to each other, and NPCs can visit each other. The "World Tree" - yes, it was the one I saw at the beginning.

When maintaining such a huge world network, as long as there is a slight problem and the liquidity chain breaks, the Lord God will go bankrupt.

And this should be the reason why the Lord God had to bring himself in.

Of course, she is not arrogant enough to think that she is the only life-saving straw for this main god space. In order to maintain its own existence, after it recovers a little, it will definitely bring in more "reality reincarnators" and do some harm to the people that originally existed. The rules will be improved to prevent those "virtual reincarnators" from continuing to score points crazily.

In the future world of reincarnation, I have to be careful to distinguish between "virtual reincarnations" and "real reincarnations". After all, I am just a weak student, and it will be in trouble if someone finds me from the real level.


At this moment, a huge clock in a shop by the road sounded the time.

Jin Jing subconsciously took out her phone to check the time, and then saw a "missed call".

Did anyone else call "Bai Jingjing"?

She tried to click on the message to see the number, but inexplicably opened the phone message.

“[Help—help me—I don’t want to die—ah—!]”

The panicked calls for help, sharp screams, and finally the busy message that seemed to be cut off suddenly stopped, leaving Jin Jing stunned on the spot.

That seemed to be... my own voice?

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