The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, the god of death is coming (5) this what the FBI's interrogation room originally looked like?

No, maybe they borrowed the facilities of the local police station.

But this is just the layout of the world of reincarnation. In reality... let’s forget it in reality.

Jin Jing rested her chin on her hands and stared at herself in the one-way mirror on the wall.

Speaking of which, although I had the confidence to do so, what was going on in this interrogation room that looked like a luxury single room in a hotel? Moreover, when I was mentally prepared, no police officer ever put handcuffs on me, which was a bit outrageous.

He hijacked a plane - even though the plane hadn't even taken off yet.


The door of the interrogation room rang. When Jin Jing heard the sound and looked around, she saw a man in a black suit with a rather tough face walking in, holding his handbag in his hand.

"You are free, Miss Bai," the man put his handbag on the table, "but we want to confiscate your 'toy gun'."

"Oh," Jin Jing took the handbag, checked the contents, and then looked up: "What did my parents say?"

"Hmph... Don't the noble Miss Bai know?" The man in the black suit said with disdain: "The Italian 'Brando Family' led by your father directly put pressure on Congress and did not allow us to use any coercive measures against you, and you My mother, Ms. Baek Su-jeong, who controls South Korea’s largest conglomerate, donated ten passenger planes to Southwest Airlines, and they now completely deny that they were hijacked.”

"..." Jin Jing was stunned for a moment.

I just saw a black card with a limit of 30 million US dollars in my belongings. In addition, the weapons produced by the Lord God could not be used by outsiders without my consent, so I planned to force the plane to stop directly. , I asked my family to find someone to bail me out afterwards. After all, there was no real bomb.

But what kind of outrageous background is this? Also, Brando’s Bai and the Korean Bai with the surname Bai are completely different, right?

"But you just escaped from the 'hijacking case'," the man in black took out a document from his pocket and placed it on the table: "Now, the FBI asks you to assist in the investigation of the 'Spontaneous Combustion Incident of Passenger Flight 180'."

"Oh?" Jin Jing took the document.

Documents show that after she drove all the "hostages" off the plane and surrendered to the police, when the airport was preparing to park passenger plane No. 180 into the hangar, it spontaneously ignited on the runway and was rescued and extinguished by airport staff. According to expert assessment, if Flight 180 took off normally, it would explode in the sky within 5 to 10 minutes after takeoff.

The report in the appendix pointed out that the spontaneous combustion accident was caused by the aging of the cabin circuit and the workmanship of the aircraft shell, and there were no signs of man-made damage at all.

It turns out that Jin Jing understood the outrageous background a little bit - it actually didn't matter at all.

This reincarnation world cannot be solved by power, financial resources and force at all. It is more like some kind of... law of cause and effect. If the key cannot be discovered and solved, no background will be of any use. After all, she is just a person. Ordinary human beings.

When a person is killed, he will die.

In any case, the main god was so partial, so she could only repay the favor by completing side tasks with all her strength.

"Assisting in the investigation is not a 'coercive measure', but an obligation that any citizen should perform. If you refuse..." the man in black suit continued to say.

"I agree," Jin Jing interrupted him directly: "What should I call you?"

"...George," the FBI agent paused: "George Joestar."

Do you have a sister named Paige?


"Going to find Alex Browning?" George glanced at Jin Jing, the co-pilot, doubtfully.

Still started the car: "I thought you would go see the wreckage of the plane."

"Oh, you must be suspecting that the plane was tampered with. After I got on the plane, I discovered the problem out of the 'Brando family's intuition', and that's why I used a gun to drive people off the plane," Jin Jing looked out the window: "If the FBI did not investigate Alex, I would be very disappointed in your execution."

It feels good to pull off a tiger's skin. Although I don't know what a real gangster lady is like, but...

Just like you, the gangster lady is like you.

"Of course we have investigated, after all, he was the first person to shout that 'planes will explode,' but there was no result," George responded while driving: "His life history can even be described as a 'blank piece of paper.' "

"So, have you investigated his family's ancestry? Are there any Indians, Gypsies or Vikings?" Jin Jing said while looking at the list of side tasks.

"...bloodline?" George was silent for a moment: "You mean, he might be a wizard?"

"Wizards, vampires, werewolves, who knows what they are," Jin Jing began to talk nonsense: "As the largest gang in Italy, the 'Brando' family can develop to the present level naturally not just by strength. We are direct blood relatives of the Bai family. , always have an "intuition" about how to respond when something major happens that concerns them. When the boy shouted, "The plane is going to explode," my "intuition" told me that he was telling the truth. "

In fact, it was determined based on the mission requirements, but could the agent still call Cheap Daddy to inquire?

Judging from the mission requirements, this so-called "God of Death" is obviously a small-minded person. He will repeatedly hunt down those who are lucky enough to escape death. He may even hunt down a single target up to five times, but this does not prove that the God of Death will die after five times. will give up.

However, the fact that there is a mission to "make Death give up attacking survivors" proves that there is a way to make someone never be hunted again, but this method is not yet clear.

"..." George was silent again. After turning a few intersections, he said, "Will I be silenced if I know this secret?"

Is this guy not playing his cards according to common sense?

"This kind of thing doesn't matter at all. Isn't there that saying? 'Luck is also a part of strength.' If you go out and say, 'The Brando family relies on their keen intuition for major events,' it will only help us build momentum." Jin Jingsan In a few words, this statement was made into a logical closed loop.

"We are almost there," George did not continue the topic and said instead: "However, due to your 'hijacking' behavior, the trip to Mount Abraham University was terminated. Have you thought about how to face your classmates? "

"I have no choice but to transfer schools," Jin Jing deliberately said in an indifferent tone: "Originally, I planned to get along with them as an ordinary student, but fate has played a trick on people, and now my identity has been spread. It's really troublesome."

George seemed to be choked and didn't know how to respond.

Jin Jing looked at the approaching university gate and began to think about another question.

I obviously saved all the passengers on the plane, but why didn't any of the tasks show completion?

Could it be that...the plane explosion itself is not an "attack"?

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