The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, the god of death is coming (6)

It can be said that Jin Jing has no impression of Mount Abraham University. Just like when he was a child, he didn’t even know what the college entrance examination was. He only knew about Tsinghua, Peking University, and Fudan. And without any plans to study abroad, he only knew about foreign universities such as “Oxford”. Cambridge Ivy".

At present, it seems that although the Lord God will arrange identities in each world, he will not even insert the memories of the identities.

Similarly, I have no way of knowing the details of how "Bai Jingjing" gets along with these classmates.

But it doesn’t really matter, just be yourself.

"How about it, do you need me to say I'm your bodyguard or something?" George stopped his black limousine in the parking lot and asked slightly jokingly.

"No need," Jin Jing glanced at him, opened the door and got out of the car: "On the contrary, if you have a document to prove your identity, I hope you can show it to someone later."

Although only George can be seen, his backup and the team behind him may have a reinforced company - used to analyze what the "Brando Family" wants or has done.

But, in the end, their investigation direction may only stray further and further into the supernatural direction.

"Oh? Bai? Are you okay?" As soon as she walked out of the school parking lot, Jin Jing met two boys. Both of them had bright blond hair and were wearing casual jackets. One was wearing a red hat and the other had a ponytail.

"Billy? Where are you going?" Jin Jing vaguely remembered that the boy in the hat was the one who took the initiative to break up the fight between Alex and Carter and got off the plane together. He was also a member of the to-do list.

"We are going to go for a drive." Billy glanced at George: "After the plane really happened, we were interrogated repeatedly for a day. Today is a little better. Of course we want to find freedom."

"...!" At this moment, Jin Jing felt a sinister wind blowing past him. The faces of Billy and the boy next to him became stiff, as if they were two... portraits.

"Unfortunately, you can't go anywhere," she motioned to George. "Arrest them."

"Hey! Bai, you can't do this, even if your father is the Arab oil king!" Billy complained loudly.

What kind of outrageous rumor is this?

"..." George next to her had an almost helpless and broken expression on his face, then he pressed his ears and whispered a few words.

In less than half a minute, a dozen men in black rushed in from the outside of the parking lot and pushed Billy and the boy next to him to the ground.

"No matter which department you are in, I will definitely complain!" Billy shouted.

"I hope you can give me an explanation later." George sighed as he showed Billy his FBI ID.

"There is an explanation, but I guess you won't be able to write it into the report." Jin Jing replied mysteriously, but even she herself didn't know how to explain it. Intuition?


At this moment, a sharp crow call attracted Jin Jing's attention.

When she looked up, she saw several crows flying out of the woods where the FBI agents had just burst out.

They were probably frightened by the agents. After flying out of the woods, they flew over the heads of the agents who were controlling Billy and another boy, and dropped a string of "bombs" along the way.

Since it didn't take that many people to control two people, quite a few agents were standing around doing nothing. One of them was taking out a lighter and lighting a cigarette.

With a bang, a ball of bird droppings hit his hand holding the lighter. The agent shook his hand and threw the lighter away.

Perhaps the lighter was stuck somewhere. Even though it had been thrown out, the flames on it still did not disappear. It swirled and got under the chassis of an old car together with it.

Just three or four seconds later, the old car exploded, and the entire car was torn apart. One of the tires used the impact of the explosion to hit the head of the male classmate who was with Billy.

This... Jin Jing witnessed the whole process of the accident, but she had no way to intervene - the rewards she received from the previous world were all aimed at saving herself rather than saving others.


At this moment, George, who was relatively closer, exhaled and made a sound, then punched out, accurately hitting the tire, deflecting its flight path and landing diagonally next to Billy.

"Oh God! Oh, my God!" Billy seemed to be frightened, repeating one word repeatedly.

"It seems that it really can't be written into the report." George retracted his fist and looked at Jin Jing with unclear eyes.

Jin Jing, on the other hand, was studying the news about the Lord God that appeared in front of him.

Does this actually count as an attack?

Will the "God of Death" try to kill the people who survived the plane explosion in the form of accidents in order to maintain his original death list?

But for the passengers of Flight 180 who also escaped, how did the "God of Death" decide the order of his attack targets?

Yes, of course there was a sequence. If not, he could have killed Billy just now.

Maybe Alex, the one who yelled "Planes will explode", knows more details?


Jin Jing was still thinking, and suddenly felt that the "dark wind" just now appeared again, but compared with the previous dark wind that made people feel like "something is coming", this time it gave the impression that "something was leaving."

Tsk... It was a mistake. Jin Jing glanced at the "projector" in the backpack column. Theoretically speaking, the "Reaper" is also an "invisible thing". If he had just taken it out and looked through the viewfinder, he might have been able to see this. The final boss of the world - if he doesn't get angry because of being observed.

Thinking about it carefully, if the background of this reincarnation world was not the United States, Jin Jing might have thought that black and white impermanence or a bull-headed horse-face passed by just now.

In Western legends, there should be no such thing as someone who sets a date for death and then takes the person's head on time, right?

"My intuition tells me it's okay," Jin Jing waved to the agents who were surrounded by enemies, and walked towards Billy's boy who was being controlled: "What's your name?"

"Andy, Andy Allen." The boy said tremblingly. this an unlucky name that will definitely be called on by the first few in class?

Wait, maybe because there were so many people who escaped from the plane accident, the "God of Death" was too lazy to study the details and started to "roll call" with the list of survivors?

If that's the case, Alex Browning would be ranked high.

Now that I have shocked the FBI, maybe I should take advantage of the situation and let them control and protect the "prophet"?

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