The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, the god of death is coming (7)

"Everything I said is true, I'm not crazy, and I didn't use this to hype-" Alex said with his eyes widened.

"Mr. Browning, we are negotiating with you now, not the doctors at the mental hospital. You don't have to reiterate your mental state. We now need you to completely retell what you saw in the 'hallucination'." asked. The FBI agent said in a calm tone.

"I...well, let me think about it..." Alex's eyes flickered a few times and he began to grab his hair hard.

"You still insist that he is a... wizard?" Outside the window of the teacher's office, which was temporarily used as an interrogation room, George withdrew his gaze from Alex and turned to look at Jin Jing: "He is so eager to prove that he is an ordinary person. Mentality is very detrimental to our investigative work.”

Does this mean I never considered myself normal? There's no end to testing, right?

"This only proves that he has no awareness of his ancestry," Jin Jing walked down the slope and began to talk nonsense: "Have you ever been in any panic after I was taken away by the FBI the day before yesterday?"

"Indeed," George responded noncommittally, and then looked at the roster Jin Jing held in his hand: "You studied at Mount Abraham University for two years, but you didn't recognize the names of your classmates?"

"I never remember the names of people I won't meet in the future." Jin Jing looked at the list and her eyes stopped on "Hannah Abbott" after "Andy Allen".

If his initial guess is correct, this girl will be attacked next by the God of Death. However, without any evidence, being able to call Alex for questioning is already the limit - he could control Billy and Ann before. Di, it's because it's relatively remote there. If they arrest people for no reason in a place like the teaching building... let's listen to what those students are saying.

"——Bai's character seems to be very different from before."

"——I heard that it was because she was almost killed by a bomb that she finally showed her true colors as a gangster lady."

"——The power of her family is so huge that even the FBI obeys her advice."

"——I haven't offended her before, right?"

"——Why is what I heard different from yours? Isn't she the reincarnation of a female pharaoh in Egypt? The one in charge of the underworld."



What a big watermelon!

And George, you must have heard it, right? Are you holding back your laughter and thinking I can't see it?

Jin Jing was a little suffocated, so she used 15 points of concentration skills to try to remember the names and photos on the roster while listening to Alex's statement.

"Ten minutes after the plane took off, no no, only about five minutes, the cabin began to tremble violently, and all the breathing masks fell off, and then a large number of electric sparks appeared on the bulkhead, and then a fire started directly. No, it seemed that it caught fire first and then leaked electricity. ?”

Alex was trying to remember what he had seen, but was confused.

"Then, then the cabin cracked, and I saw Hannah being blown out, and then a seat flew over and killed Andy, and then an explosion started in the cabin, no, no, it hadn't exploded at that time, A large amount of debris began to fly around under the strong wind. Todd was thrown away without wearing a seat belt. He was strangled by the rope of the breathing mask and hung outside the cabin. I, I wanted to save him, but then the plane exploded... me……"

Alex covered his head with his hands, his voice choked with sobs, and he couldn't speak at all.

"Calm down, Mr. Browning, what you saw was just an illusion, it didn't happen, right?" The FBI agent who asked the question skillfully reassured him: "Only if you tell us what happened next in as much detail as possible, can we help you."


Jin Jing turned her attention back to the names Andy and Hannah. It was obvious that Hannah died first, so why was Andy attacked first? Does Death really hold the roster?

"Oh, how pitiful," George was obviously listening: "After being thrown out of the plane, until he fell to his death,

She must be desperate. "

This is it!

Andy was directly hit to death by a heavy object, but Hannah had to wait a while before dying, so the order was later.

"Next..." Alex seemed to be stunned for a while: "Then there was chaos in the cabin due to the explosion. I saw Carter and Terry trying to escape to other cabins, but the doors could not be opened, and then They were both crushed to death by a huge piece of cabin debris. At this time, the entire cabin was on fire. Teacher Leighton was ignited by the leaked aviation gasoline, and the broken debris was inserted into the bulkhead...she...she..."

Alex's words were of no value anymore, Jin Jing shook her head silently.

It is completely a luxury to hope that he can stay rational and clarify the order of death of all his classmates.

In "Phantom", Alex has been in a semi-collapse state since the death of his friend Todd. Then he only has memories of people he knows. During this period, other classmates must have died, but he did not at all. focus on.

However, judging from the fact that the targets he paid attention to were all the people who needed to be protected in the side mission, if he had not intervened, only seven of them would have survived the crash.

For now, we need to keep an eye on the 40 classmates and 4 teachers whose seats are located in the crack in the cabin. The other 240 or so passengers on the same plane should not have died in the early stages of the accident, but died in the subsequent explosion of the entire plane.

However, there is a question here. Is "Bai Jingjing" a "survivor"? If so, where do you rank?

"I, I also saw..." Alex's statement continued, but he became a little flinching for some reason: "At that time, Claire was thrown out of the plane by an explosion, and then I saw Miss Bai..."

"What happened to her?" The FBI in charge of the inquiry suddenly became energetic.

"I saw..." Alex looked at Jin Jing outside the window, hesitated for several seconds, and then said: "I saw her sitting on the seat not moving at all, with a very angry expression on her face, and then , the whole person disappeared.”

"Disappeared?" George asked simultaneously with the inquirer inside.

"Maybe I saw it wrong..." Alex scratched his head, "I wanted to see it more clearly, but then I was swallowed up by the fierce flames coming towards me, and then I woke up. What happened after that, you all knew……"

"...I don't know what he is talking about." Facing George's slightly probing and "sure enough" expression, Jin Jing could only roll her eyes and pretend to be stupid.

There is no doubt that it was a situation where he used "Return Home" and directly gave up on this world.

The good news is that I am not on the "list" of "Death".

The bad news is that if the "God of Death" doesn't like you, he may take action at any time regardless of the order of the list.


There was a dark wind blowing in the corridor.

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