The Collection of The End

Chapter 178 The Thief and the Princess

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 22nd, 20:00——

Emilia walked out of the prison in Solitude, looking a little sullen.

This "gloomy" was just a unilateral guess by the bodyguard who was a few steps behind her, Razor Parazos. From the perspective of the other guards, Her Royal Highness was exactly the same as usual—out of focus and expressionless.

Since Princess Amir came to Skyrim Province, she has rescued dozens of criminals who were about to be beheaded from Atta, the executioner of Solitude, but except for the nearest Rogiville and a few other residents who broke the law purely out of ignorance In addition, most of them have real crimes. Even if such people are not beheaded, they will not be released casually. Therefore, the guards will keep them in prison. put them to death.

However, this kind of thinking, in the view of Palasos, may come to nothing. The princess’s visits to the prison may be once every three or five days, or once a month or two. There is no regularity. Ignore their cries and cries for help and walk away.

Palasus was still a little confused about this, but after Emilia directly beheaded the incarnation of the demon god's divine power with an ordinary dagger two days ago, the sharp-eyed eagle captain discovered that the princess didn't treat those mortals at all. What happened, she just wanted to find some demon god who was related to these prisoners who should have been beheaded.

The reason why it is not the Holy Spirit is because the Temple of the Holy Spirit in Solitary City enshrines the altars of all the eight Holy Spirits. Even Talos, which is currently forbidden to believe in, Toig secretly hides an altar in the back house. If the target is the Holy Spirit, the princess probably early Just found out.

However, Palasus has no clue as to which demon god it is. Crime, beheading, and imprisonment, no matter which concept seems to be unable to become a priesthood, if they are forced to be classified, they can barely be regarded as the "judgment" of Stendhal, the god of justice. "The domain, as for redemption, salvation... Don't be kidding, let's not say that it belongs to the domain of Mara, the god of love, and Mara can't possibly shield criminals.

The demon gods related to criminals and evil deeds are most likely Mehrunes Dagon, the god of destruction, and Boethiah, the god of lies, except that the former was killed by Septim 200 years ago. The longest-lived and second-greatest emperor in the history of the Empire, Martin Septim summoned Akatosh to defeat him, who disliked any member of the royal family due to his simultaneous possession of the "subversive authority" priesthood.

However, if you combine Emilia's words "Even a god will kill you", the possibility of finding Boyesia is not small. After finding this demon god who has caused a lot of trouble for the Septim Empire, he will kill him with a single knife. It's exciting to think about it, but it's just thinking about it. If the real demon god appears or is involved in his annihilation domain, even sacrificing all the sharp-eyed eagles will not be enough to escort the princess to the demon god.

It's useless to think so much now. Parasus followed Emilia closely. Although he knew that she didn't really need protection, but his duty, even if he could drive away the drunk who would rush into the princess in advance, it would be good. The only problem is that the princess should not be attracted by something again and run away from him.

"Stop! You criminal!" The shouts of the guards of Dugu City sounded not far ahead, and at the same time there was a burst of chaotic footsteps.

It is the night patrol team in the city. Parasos judges the number of people from the sound of footsteps. Unlike the guards who stand guard at fixed locations, they form a patrol team of five to seven people with the mission of maintaining law and order, cleaning up wild animals, and protecting trade routes. Waiting for different responsibilities, if the situation is urgent, they can also be incorporated into the bandit extermination team or participate in the city defense. With such a big fanfare, they must have discovered that someone is doing illegal things in the city-bad.

Parasus glanced at Emilia's position, and the curious princess had indeed disappeared.

He had no choice but to sigh and rush to the place where the noise came from.


"Stop!" "You shouldn't be here!" "Get ready to punish me!" "I will end this as soon as possible!" A group of guards were blocking the door of a certain house, shouting excitedly.

Standing on the roof, Parasos helplessly stretched out his hands to his forehead. After all, Solitude, as the capital of Skyrim Province, has almost no thieves who don't have a good eye to commit crimes here, and it's not their turn to take action for the real criminals. The guards had no one to catch and were so idle that they didn't notice an obviously abnormal situation.

Surrounded was a fat man with a black cloth covering his head. When he was found, this man was facing the side door of a house in front of him, messing with something. Even though he was surrounded by guards, he didn't show any panic. Obviously, Except for the black cloth on his head, the noble clothes he was wearing were ignored by the guards.

After observing carefully for a while, Parasos saw Emilia sitting on the edge of the flower garden watching the excitement outside the guard circle.

"Huh? Subjugate? What method?" The man tore off the veil on his head and shouted at the guards, "Don't you know me!?"

Oh, Erikul, Parasos recognized this merchant baron who often comes and goes in and out of the Blue Palace. He has several caravans under his command and also has a business route, although he still cannot be compared with the Eastern Empire Company under the princess' name. Bi, but the tax is enough to provide him with the qualifications of a Baron of Solitude. However, according to the preliminary investigation information of the sharp-eyed eagle, the source of his starting capital is not very clean. Not completely forgotten.

"Oh, Baron, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you before." The captain of the patrol team stopped his men from shouting, but his tone was not respectful: "What are you doing in front of Baron Bai Ling's mansion so late?"

"What? Should I teach that bitch a lesson and report to you?" Erikul glared fiercely at the patrol captain: "I am the baron of Solitude, and I order you to get out of the way immediately!"

"Go ahead, Mr. Baron," the captain signaled the guards to get out of the way: "But you'd better be cautious in your words and deeds. There are some things that even the status of Baron can't solve."

"It's not your turn to teach me!" Erikul threw away the black hood and half of the wire, and walked away with his head held high, making Parasus sigh.

It is natural to rely on one's status to do whatever one likes to pry into other baron's gates, but there are still many things that cannot be solved as a baron, such as rebellion or assassination of the lord, and - offending His Royal Highness Princess Emilia.

Although the princess has always been saving people and not bullying others, if she really wants to deal with someone, except for the troubles of the lords everywhere, the sharp-eyed eagles can arrest them without hesitation.

"...What qualifications do you need to become a baron?" Emilia, who had been watching the theater in stealth all this time, suddenly appeared next to the disgruntled guards and asked. Treating it like an ordinary little girl, she hastily followed with a few vertical leaps.

"I have seen Her Royal Highness." Fortunately, the captain had some insight, and said while preventing other guards from speaking: "If you want to become a baron in a city, you must first obtain the lord's approval by virtue of certain achievements, and then you must buy a property in the city. The last thing is to gain the general approval of the residents in the city.”

"...generally agreed?" The girl tilted her head.

"This point is actually not that important, but if it is not recognized by most residents, the conferring ceremony will not be held publicly, and no one except the nobles and guards will know his identity, so he is also called a 'court baron'. "The captain glanced at the direction in which Erikul left.

"I think the princess has already obtained this kind of recognition." Parathos answered.

"Hehe, of course, although the princess doesn't like to show her face in public, you will always make the princess' righteous deeds public in time." The captain of the guard said to Parasos with a teasing tone.

The princess doesn't like to show her face? That's just because she couldn't see her even if she was standing in front of your eyes. Parasos rolled her eyes: "If you want me to say, your movements are too slow. When you see someone picking the lock, you just punch and kick down, even if he does it." It's too late to become a baron, and you all wear full-face helmets, can he come back with revenge?"

"Although the law stipulates that direct use of force is not allowed against criminals who do not hold weapons, but—" the captain glanced at the wire dropped by Erikul: "That thing seems to be quite sharp?"

"Hehe, the conflict between him and Baron Bai Ling has been going on for a day or two, if there is another opportunity like this?" "You will definitely hear rumors that a baron was beaten in the tavern." The two captains agreed very tacitly. We laughed together.

Since the patrol team still had tasks to do, they went their separate ways after a brief conversation, while Emilia was still thinking about it.

"What? You also think that Erikul is not pleasing to the eye? Do you need me to call the brothers to teach him a lesson?" Parasus asked the princess.

"...I want to be a baron." The girl turned her head to look at him.

"Huh?" Parasos was stunned for a moment. The Princess of the Empire wanted to become a "baron" four grades lower than her?

"...but houses in Solitary City are too expensive." said the princess.

Well, Parasus thought, the Pridespear Villa that Toig gave her alone was worth almost 40,000 gold coins, and other larger houses were naturally more expensive, but compared to the monthly profit of the Eastern Empire Company There is still some gap. If I persuade the princess to embezzle the money in the account, will I be punished by the emperor later?

"...Where did Erikul get the money to buy the house?" Emilia continued to ask.

"He stole it when he joined the thieves' guild." Parasos, who was thinking about blatantly using the assets of the Eastern Empire Company as theft, casually stated the results of the sharp-eyed eagle's investigation of Erikul.

No, Parasos, who realized what he said, immediately shut up, and hoped that the princess's reaction would not be so fast. Although he once mentioned to the princess where the headquarters of the now declining Thieves Guild was, she probably couldn't remember...

"...I'm going to The Rift."

It's over! The emperor will definitely kill me!

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