The Collection of The End

Chapter 179 Silver Hand and the Werewolf

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 23rd, 8:00——

"There are as many as 300 bandits in Baihe Tiaoyan, and they shouted loudly to protect their nest. Our Dragonborn Lord was not afraid at all, and led fifty orcs to rush there~"

In the Mare Banner Inn, the bard Mikael is compiling the latest rumors into songs and singing, as if he forgot that he was almost taught a lesson by the Dragonborn not long ago.

"No, only the orc fortress has such large-scale orcs, but they have been reluctant to come out for a long time." The mercenary Simmir questioned.

"What do you know, this is from the captured robbers," Mikael said dismissively: "Master Dragonborn went to the orc fortress to borrow troops and subdue the orc chief by force is another story-I think Don't interrupt me if you listen!"

"Oh..." The drinkers and diners around the firepit listening to his singing nodded for no reason.

"Hahaha——" In the compartment on the second floor of the hotel, Wells Landing pointed at Arthur and laughed, "They suspect the number of orcs but not the number of robbers."

The weather in Tianji Province is harsh. Unless it is a stone house, most of the houses have only two floors. The second floor of the hotel is a guest room and a few private rooms separated by baffles. Only used when someone doesn't want to be disturbed.

"After all, more than 30 robbers were captured alive. According to the normal situation, there should be a total number of this scale," Arthur spread his hands: "But I am quite puzzled how the number of orcs has increased."

"It is said that orcs and ordinary Nords can fight one against three. Even if the opponent is a robber, they are still Nords. Those who spread the rumors probably don't want to see orcs as the protagonists." Wells picked up a glass Mead: "By the way, where did that 'Dead Warrior' go?"

"As for Wufu, I originally wanted to invite him to join the comrades-in-arms group, but after he escorted the robber to the western outpost, he heard that there had been an attack by a dragon, so he decided to stay and never leave, claiming that fighting a dragon to death is the greatest thing. glory." Arthur shook his head and raised his glass.

"It's a pity, that's what we originally planned," Wells drank the mead. "Maybe the lord is unwilling to accept an orc due to various concerns, but the comrade-in-arms group doesn't care about that."

"But that's not what you're looking for, is it?" Arthur put down his glass, "You rushed me out of Yuehuascala early in the morning, and mysteriously avoided other people. It can be said."

"Indeed, this matter should not be known to too many people," Wells straightened his face: "It is about the owners of the batch of silver weapons you found in Baihe Overlook Rock."

"'Silver Hand', I've heard of it, it seems to be an organization dedicated to exterminating the undead." Arthur replied.

"It would be great if it was just that," Wells continued: "Silver is not an ordinary precious metal, it has the function of 'putting things on the right track', and it is even a necessary material for summoning certain demon gods. Therefore, for all Originally human 'foreign bodies' have obvious restraints, such as vampires, werewolves and undead."

"Vampires are almost extinct. Killing the undead in the tomb can get funerary objects, and killing werewolves can sell fur. If there is a conflict with someone, after killing them, you can leave the evidence that the other party is a werewolf or necromancer and you can get away with it." , Therefore, they have become tomb robbers, poachers, and murderers, which is why they have been declared illegal organizations by all territories." Wilton paused: "Now they are called 'Silver Hands' for short, and there is also a satire on them. All of the members have a lot of ill-gotten gains."

"So, you plan to use this batch of weapons to find their lairs nearby to seize those 'ill-gotten gains'." Arthur gestured to Yuevaska's location: "So you can't let everyone know?"

"To be precise, the old man should not know,

He is too stubborn, and will make us turn over the captured property to the lord at that time. "Wells smiled: "The obvious reason for our action this time is to test you, and I will assist you in the whole process as your 'shield brother'. "

"'Shield Brothers'? Do you mean partner?" Although Arthur joined the comrade-in-arms group, he was still a little unclear about some traditions and rules.

"Compared to 'partners', they are closer, and they must protect each other with all their strength. If only one of a pair of 'shield brothers' goes out to perform a mission and only one returns, then this person will bear this shame for the rest of his life. Fortunately, this situation is rare. ’ explained Wells.

In most cases, the two of them died together. Although Arthur thought so, he didn't say it: "So, where are we going, do you have any idea?"

"Although not now, it will be available soon." Wells curled his lips, showing a strange expression.

After a while, when Satya walked into the private room twisting his waist, put down a bottle of wine and said with a smile, "Old black thorn honey wine, 100 gold coins as a sincerity", Arthur suddenly realized that Wells' face The expression on the face is called heart pain.


Dasterman's stone mound, these few words are the information bought by the 100 gold coins, it is not too unexpected, after all, the silver hand has been declared illegal by the major territories, so it is naturally impossible to enter the city or camp openly, find An ancient tomb as a temporary camp is a good choice. As for those disturbed ghouls, it is absolutely impossible to fight back under the blade of their silver weapons.

This stone cairn is located in the northwest of Snowman, only two hours away, but it has never been heard that there are ghosts resurrected inside. When Arthur and Wells arrived, they found that it was almost completely covered by sand. .

"As expected of Dustman." Arthur said while laughing, looking for the entrance of the tomb and traces of other people's activities.

"Look here." Wells quickly found the target. Because it was covered with dust instead of ice and snow, and the silver hand didn't mean to hide it at all, the traces of walking and carriage passing by were very obvious.

"Although a batch of weapons were robbed by the robbers from Baihe Tiaoyan, they obviously have other shipping channels, so what we have to face is silver hands armed with silverware rather than them who are forced to use ordinary weapons." Wei Wei Paul's expression was a little dignified.

"What are you afraid of? We won't be restrained by that kind of thing." Arthur patted Wells on the shoulder.

"Hehe, I'll open the way." Wells laughed dryly, and pushed open the rusty iron gate at the entrance of the stone mound first.

If the outside is just a "sign" of Silver Hand's existence, the inside is completely "evidence". The horrified ghouls are lying on the ground, leftover bread and barbecue are placed on some stone tables, and there are even people who were killed. The discarded silver long sword fell to the corner of the wall.

"There should have been a lookout near the entrance, and it looks like they left not long ago." Wells inspected the food, frowning. "Maybe something happened in the depths, so they had to concentrate all their hands to deal with it."

"The owner of the tomb is awake?" Arthur guessed casually after experiencing a similar situation.

"It's not impossible, it means that an encounter may occur at any time, so be careful." Wells said while picking up the one-handed sword, holding the shield and advancing cautiously.

Although stone mounds are generally named after the owner of the tomb, in fact, no one is buried in any tomb. Most of his relatives and subordinates are buried at different depths according to age and closeness. The deeper generally means the deeper the tomb. Strong, but from the entrance to the present, there are all corpses of ghouls without any human corpses, which can only prove that those silver hands are powerful against the ghouls.

"Hmm..." Arthur, who was a little worried about this, looked around while walking. This tomb is much narrower than the previous ones. At least in some passages, it is impossible to wield the two-handed sword of the sky furnace as usual. If there is an encounter Probably won't be able to meet the enemy in time, so need - this seems good?

Before entering a new tomb hall, he found a pair of silver long swords that were still in good condition in the corner, and immediately walked over to pick them up, but with a bang, Wells, who was a few steps ahead, was caught A trap iron door was closed in front, separating it from Arthur.

"Tsk." Not long ago, he just learned the meaning of the shield brother, and now let his shield brother fall into the trap, Arthur blamed himself with a little anger: "Wells, quickly look for a switch nearby. "

"Yes, but they obviously don't intend to let me touch it." Wells kept his shield up and did not move.

them? Arthur frowned and looked behind the iron gate. He saw more than a dozen people with weapons rushing from the depths of the tomb. The armor on their bodies ranged from steel to leather, but they all held shining silver weapons in their hands.

The silver hands believed that they had the chance to win, and after surrounding Wells, they began to say sarcastic words: "Ha, your time of death has come, puppy." Is there one?" "Whatever, let's deal with it together."

These guys think that iron gate can trap themselves? Arthur picked up the Sky Furnace two-handed sword hanging behind his back, and began to look for a suitable shooting angle, and a burst of bright light began to gather on the sword.

No, wait... Arthur suddenly looked at those Silver Hands. If he and Wells started desperately, one or two members of these Silver Hands would always be killed, but none of them were "dead" at all. "Aura" shrouded, either their strength is super strong, or they are...

Arthur tried to flatten the excitation direction of the power of the sky furnace, and as a result, a strong breath of death appeared on Wells, but there was still nothing on the silver hands.

"You are the ones who are going to die here—" Wells, who was surrounded, roared, and suddenly fell to the ground as if he knew what Arthur was going to do.

【Ex~calibur! 】

Seeing that there was no obstacle in front of him, Arthur swung his sword suddenly, and the fierce and white half-moon-shaped light knocked away the iron gate in front of him, and cut all the Silver Hand members surrounding Wells into two halves .

"【Roar! Roar—?】" Wells roared angrily and stood up, then froze.

"Hey, what's going on with you," Arthur, who breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the tomb hall, frowned at Wells: "A werewolf?"

At this time, Wells became huge in size, with thick black hair all over his body. Apart from some human features in his body, his head and limbs were completely wolf's head and claws.

"[Woohoo...]" Wells shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands in a werewolf posture, looking very helpless.

"Also, can you tell me why the Silver Hands are a group of vampires?" Arthur pointed back at the members of the Silver Hands who were cut in half but didn't shed a drop of blood, and two of them even started to turn into ashes.

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