The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, the god of death is coming (9)


Todd was suspended in the air by the blind cord. He was kicking his hands and feet, but he couldn't reach the ground at all. The blind cord itself creaked because it carried a weight beyond the design intention. It seemed that it was about to break at any time, but it seemed that It was strong enough to strangle Tod before snapping.


George kicked open the door, and Jin Jing rushed in, raised his hand and cut the rope with a knife.

"Mr. Todd, we have clearly warned you not to be alone. Even if you go to the toilet, you must go together." George walked in slowly and looked at the male student lying on the ground.

"Hehe-he-" Todd gasped heavily, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't.

[Side mission: Prevent 7 Death attacks. (Finish)】

When the task showed that it was completed, Jin Jing immediately took out the projector and looked around through the viewfinder.


In the almost sealed room, a dark wind blew.

Although nothing could be seen with the naked eye, through the viewfinder, Jin Jing could clearly see a figure emerging from the blinds.

It was a man with a medium to thin build. He was wearing an extremely bad-looking goose-yellow suit and a top hat of the same style. He had a big green face that looked like a mask that was always smiling. His lips seemed to be unable to close and were shining white. the teeth of.

After the weirdo came down from the blinds, he stared at Todd fiercely, and then suddenly stretched out his ridiculously long tongue from his mouth to make a face at him. Halfway through the face, he suddenly raised his hand, grabbed his tongue, and stretched it, He circled his neck three times, then pulled hard, and two big white eyeballs flew out half a meter and fell to the ground.

Although I saw it twice, I still can't get used to this guy's style... Jin Jing resisted and didn't throw the projector out.

The weirdo picked up the eyeballs and stuffed them back into his sockets. Then he whipped his head around like a spinning top. He untied the tongue from around his neck and stuffed it back into his mouth. Finally, when he returned to a barely human-like appearance, he turned to Jin Jingxing. He took off his hat, then started spinning in place, and finally turned into a green whirlwind and rushed out of the door.

The cold wind then weakened and dissipated.

The American God of Death actually looks like this. Considering the national conditions, it is indeed quite reasonable.

Jin Jing shook her head,

Put away the projector.

Previously, all of her classmates and the teacher who was on the same flight were imprisoned in a luxury hotel by the FBI. Under the protection of agents at all times, they were strictly required to act together.

With this strict management method, she successfully prevented four deaths that were not in Alex's memory, and saw the true face of the "God of Death" through the projector - a green-faced weirdo in a yellow suit.

Simply put, the way this "Reaper" works is to "integrate itself into certain objects" and then rely on the "domino effect between objects" to kill the target.

It seems that he does not need to stay in those objects all the time. He can control the accidents caused by the things he has "possessed" by simply getting in and coming out again.

This kind of "possession" doesn't make sense. For example, he can "possess" a window, and then let a bird hit him outside the window... Doesn't he think he should possess the bird?

When these affected things were inspected afterwards, the results were all "natural wear and tear", "structural aging", "disrepair" and so on.

In other words, a cautious person, in an environment where the doors and windows are closed, the interior furniture is neatly arranged, and the structural circuit is basically new, can completely make the "Death" return without success.

"How's it going? What's the harvest?" Jin Jing took the initiative to ask George when the FBI agents searched the room where Todd was almost hanged.

Seven accidents happened in three days in a row, and all of them happened within the expected range. So these "accidents" cannot be regarded as "accidents".

"I provide the data, and the people above are responsible for the analysis. Judging from my increasing authority, they may actually gain something." George shrugged, taking a folder from his deputy and showing it to Jin Jing: "According to For the accident simulation of Flight 180, we have basically restored the order of death, but among the seven accidents now, only five are consistent with the analysis results. Obviously, your classmates are not very peaceful."

Is this a pun... Jin Jing listened carefully.

"—We want freedom!"

"——We are not guinea pigs!"

"--I control my own life!"

She had never expected that a mere forty classmates could organize a protest movement, especially when it was clear that people would die.

Those who had actually experienced the crisis were all cowering and not showing up. On the contrary, other students did not know what to think, thinking that this was a crisis stress experiment jointly conducted by the Brando family and the FBI. They held simple signs and slogans and chanted slogans in the hotel all day long. .

If it weren't for completing the mission, she would have wanted them to die for once.

If the work of the "Reaper" goes very smoothly, three days, seven days, and 14 days will be enough to kill the entire class and everyone on the task list, and the other 240 passengers will probably be dealt with later. , after all, the God of Death doesn’t know that his mission is limited to 14 days.

However, in this way, the task of rescuing the same person five times seems impossible to complete.

It is foreseeable that before the God of Death gives up, the people on the "death list" will be sorted out repeatedly. If in this accident, only the seven on the mission target survive, 14 days will be exactly the time for everyone to be hunted down. Time limit of 5 times.

But now there is a problem. The name of the person mentioned in the last side mission is not on the passenger list of Flight 180 at all. I don’t know what to do if I want to complete it.

"It seems that we can only take Alex to see a psychiatrist," Jin Jing shook her head: "Take my classmates on the school bus, confirm the order and 'release' them on the spot. If only one person is taken away at a time, they There should be no protests.”

"It's 'protest ineffective'," George raised his lips: "Let's set off after Mr. Todd recovers."


"—a series of collisions!"

"—a series of collisions!"

Jin Jing sat in George's car and put her hand on her forehead.

The students in the school bus behind them were singing the school song as if they were singing the school song, repeating the most terrifying thing to the driver, that is, there were too many of them, otherwise there would definitely be a bad-tempered driver who would stop the car and beat someone up.

"It's just after passing this highway, please be patient for now." George turned on the car radio with a smile on his face.

"[GoTo~Hell! Death~Death~Road! (GoToTheHell! RoadOfTheDeath!)]"

What the hell kind of song is this?

"Huh! Ah!" Jin Jing was about to reach out to change the channel, but saw Alex, who was dozing in the back seat, jumping up as if he had just woken up from a dream: "A series collision! There will be a series collision soon!"

...It’s not surprising at all.

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