The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, the god of death is coming (10)

I stood on the roof of the Mount Abraham University bus and watched "Jim Carrey" go about his business.

The weirdo in the yellow suit laboriously hopped from car to car on the highway, modifying the "probabilities" of certain key devices and items, and then drawing "causal lines" between those devices or items. Finally, he took out a pocket watch to time the time of their accident.

When everything was ready, he nodded with satisfaction, looked around, then raised his hand to open his temple, pulled out a large ball of marshmallow-like stuff from inside, squeezed it, and then threw it away.

The ball of "marshmallows" "split" on its own halfway through the flight. One ball flew towards the brown-haired female college student in a red station wagon, and the other ball went directly into the head of Alex in the police car next to it. .

"[!!!]" The weirdo in the yellow suit stomped his feet in mid-air, but there was absolutely nothing he could do.

Is this the way to instill illusions into lower creatures? No wonder the stupid system said that my interference in other people's thinking would cause their heads to explode.

This weirdo in a yellow suit is Jim Carrey, a weirdo in disguise, a fake god, the "god of death" in this reincarnation world, and... from the high-dimensional world, a [death combo] against the "reincarnation gold crystal".

Although Jin Jing's luck on the panel is 0 and she will rarely encounter anything good on her own, if others insist on being "nice" to her, even a negative luck value is not enough to stop her halfway.

But... in the cursed world, I was favored by ghosts because of my luck of 0, which attracted the attention of professionals who deal with ghosts. Therefore, I got a lot of "good things" that are difficult to call good things. Is it luck or not? What about misfortune?

Let’s not mention “The Grudge”, let’s just talk about the present.

Because she accidentally activated the "Death Combo", Jin Jing was supposed to "die immediately", but the "high-dimensional doomsday element" "■■■■■-■■" seemed to want a little "ceremony", so she was arranged An outrageous series of car accidents, it seemed that she and her two friends were going to be killed in one fell swoop. However, the "Death in 14 Days" from "Eight-foot Girl", which was born at the same time, conflicted with it, causing the scene of the car accident to appear. Time is confusing.

This gave me enough room for maneuver. After almost consuming all the "high-dimensional doomsday elements" collected by Jin Jing in the Cursed World, Kankan conducted a small-scale "time backtracking" there, and in her Before encountering a car accident again, he was dragged into the reincarnation space together with two "fatal combos".

Well, of course, two. Due to dimensional suppression, "■■■■■-■■"'s "Death Combo" has become the "God of Death" in this world, while the "Death Combo" of the Eight-foot Girl has been I replaced.

Since the general "reincarnation world" is just a fragment,

It is not complete enough, so there is no room for the birth of "world consciousness". In other words, I can't get in, no matter how much I think about it.

But the world of "Death Is Coming" specially selected this time is different. It has a clear logic that is almost equivalent to the will of the world: [Those who escape from accidents will still die in the end], which makes me think It is possible to enter the world as a "death combo" that "die in 14 days".

Theoretically speaking, since my personality is at least two dimensions higher than this world, all survivors will undoubtedly die after 14 days. Even if they hide in a ward without any threat like Claire, they will choke to death on their own saliva. , but the problem is that the rules of this reincarnation world are also made up by me, so if I just forcibly end the world on the 14th day, nothing will happen.

To give a perhaps closer example, when playing Super Mario, the jump failed and the player stepped on the air. Then the player directly unplugged the power. So did Mario fall to death?

Of course not, he just disappeared along with the whole world, and I was able to pick up this Mario and put him in a safe world before disappearing, perfect.

Also, about my current image...

I grabbed the silver ball floating beside me and pinched it a few times to turn it into a mirror.

She has black hair and eyes, long hair shawl, a loose pure white dress, and a silver forehead ornament on her forehead that is similar to the fusion of a fireproof female eyepatch and a princess crown. It is exactly the original "death" look used in " The world of "Death is Coming" is quite suitable for the occasion.

【Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the world. 】Mirror suddenly said.


I just dropped it to the ground.

[This reaction is wrong...] The stupid system restored the appearance of the silver sphere and floated swayingly: [Shouldn't you ask 'Where is Snow White?' 】

"Okay, where is Snow White?" I asked casually while paying attention to the two people who were doing "premonition of the accident."

【You are Snow White——Ah! 】

I slapped the stupid system to the floor and put my foot on it.

This guy was probably scratching the wall because he had been unable to enter the reincarnation world for several consecutive times. Now that he finally came in, he immediately showed his lower IQ... Where did this husky come from?

[Uh-huh--] The stupid system grumbled: [It's almost time to arrange an accident notice--]

Hmm... Indeed, I picked up the stupid system again, slapped it a few times, and shaped it into a flat plate.

If the job of the incompetent and furious "God of Death" over there is to arrange accidents and kill people, then my "duty" is to give "premonitions" to those involved in the accident and those who can intervene in the accident before it happens. .

According to the original work of "The God of Death", there will be a clear "premonition" before every accident, and accidents without warning are often a means of forcing survivors to step into the trap arranged by the "God of Death".

At the time, I never quite understood why Death would issue a notice when he was about to kill someone. Is he a strange thief who must issue a notice before taking action?

In fact, the "Death is Coming" series has reached its sixth installment, but it still has not explained the true identity of the God of Death, his motivation for issuing the warning, and the causes of the "premonition" and the sequence of death.

However, when I got here, I didn't have this problem at all.

The true form of the God of Death is Jim Carrey, who wears the appearance of a disguised geek and possesses the ability to fake a god.

The preview was released by me in order to provide the reincarnators with clues to save people.

"Premonition" is the garbage that the "God of Death" throws away after previewing the accident, but it can be sucked away by some people with extraordinary talents to create a premonition.

As for the order of death... I glanced at the God of Death sitting on a log truck. He was scratching his head at a long roll of parchment. It was obviously predetermined. If someone died but did not die, he would be killed. Very troubled, I directly chose to skip this person and proceed to the following work.

If it were the God of Death in the original work, because the scope of the work was too large, it might take more than ten days or even months to find him again. However, the God of Death in this world is only responsible for the New York area, and there is no such escape in other parts of New York. God's lucky man, his business scope is quite narrow, 14 days is enough for him to plow the list back and forth seven or eight times, if Jin Jing can stop him every time.

Speaking of which, Jin Jing would think of using a "projector" to find the God of Death. It can be said that he is quite clever, but it can only be seen. The "God of Death" is now an almost conceptual existence. Although it can be seen, it cannot be seen by ordinary people. People exert influence through any means.

I even ran to Jin Jing's camera to see if she could see me. If she could, it would be much easier to point directly at the place where the accident was about to happen than to arrange a sign. The result, of course, was that she couldn't.

By the way, I can see Jim Carrey, but he can't see me.

Well, first of all, when it comes to omens, the first thing is naturally these students who are unruly, completely disbelieving in evil and not afraid of death.

Their emotions are high at the moment, and with a little guidance, they will do quite outrageous things. For example, a murmur that is hard to hear can easily turn into a collective shouting. I looked at some of them and looked like The leading student created phantom sounds in their ears.

"Serial - collision -"

"Serial - collision -"

About thirty seconds later, the students started shouting in a rhythmic tone that made the nearby drivers blush.

The god of death, squatting on the lumber transport truck, craned his neck—literally—to look this way, and then looked back boredly.

This is easy to understand, because the next target of the God of Death is among them, but because the structure of the school bus is too simple, it is easy to tip over, but there is no guarantee that the kills will be completed in order, so he seems to be waiting for these students to get off the bus. Say it again.

This kind of behavior of holding the thigh of "the person who will definitely not die" can only make the God of Death temporarily retreat and think of better plans instead of giving up. If he keeps being so provocative, he may even become angry and start a pot-turn, such as the fourth chapter in the original work. At the end of the movie, all the survivors were gathered on the same subway train by chance, and then the train derailed and rolled over. No one survived. At that time, there was a barrage that received a lot of likes: "You know I got this car together." How difficult is it for people?”

I remember at the beginning, the God of Death was planning to kill a student named "Andy Allen" with the exploding tires of a used car. Because I was not skilled in the business, I didn't have time to give any hints, so I could only temporarily distort the light for Jin Jing to see. When I saw their black and white images, fortunately JOJO reacted quickly and stopped them in time.

After that, I tried various "omens", such as flying burnt pieces of paper, blocking the signal to make the TV speak out key words intermittently, letting the wind blow the pages of the book to reveal letters that can be associated with someone, and using the encounters of dolls to suggest What happened next and so on, Jin Jing lived up to expectations and saved all her classmates along the way.

But there is also a problem, that is, the God of Death began to pay attention to her frequently, and even repeatedly checked the parchment to find her name on it, but how to find something that does not exist at all? In his preview, Jin Jing had already used "Homecoming" to run away before the plane exploded.

Of course, this was specially arranged by me to prevent classmate "Bai Jingjing" from entering the Death God's list, and it is impossible for her to use "Return Home", because after she completed "making the God of Death give up attacking someone" Before completing a mission and acquiring the "degenerative symptom" ability, you can only return to the "settlement space", but you will definitely die if you return to the "high-dimensional reality".

I can only keep her alive when she "degenerates" one of the two "death combos" by synchronously degenerating the other. If I have to say, "Doomsday Inc." can only evolve and degenerate in a single thread. Operation is the culprit.

Finally, when Jin Jing's rescue operations lasted seven times, the God of Death finally changed. He had turned a blind eye to Jin Jing before, but after Todd, who was about to be strangled, was rescued, he ran directly to Jin Jing and treated her. Intimidation, the general idea seems to be... "I will pull out your tongue, strangle your neck and pull hard until your eyes fly out. Then I will raise the knife and drop it, click! The whole world will be clean."

As a result, that weird movement did nothing but make him look like a dog.

However, if the God of Death really doesn't follow the list and plans to target Jin Jing alone, I really may not be able to save her just by relying on "omens".

Hmm... Think about it carefully, "Let the God of Death give up his pursuit of a certain survivor." Could the "someone" here be herself?

Looking for wealth in danger?

No, don't do it unless you have to.

I glanced at the traffic behind the highway, lowered my head and continued to arrange the "omen".

In about thirty seconds, the clouds in the sky will disperse, causing strong sunlight reflection on the road. Drivers will subconsciously turn their eyes to the roadside, where there will be a signboard with the number "180".

At the same time, there was interference in the radio frequency band on this section of the road. As long as all radios changed the station, they would inevitably receive the station playing the famous pop rock "Road to Hell".

Then, influenced by the students' clamor of "serial collision", the co-pilot child traveling with the JOJO police car will take out his car model toys and collide with each other.

Finally, a pen originally placed in front of the passenger seat of the police car will roll down due to the bumps in the road.

With these "omens", plus the timber transport truck that will overtake them later, it must be enough to attract the attention of Jin Jing and JOJO.

——The logs will fall and cause a series of car accidents, affecting the survivors of Flight 180.

You should be able to think of it.

"Hoo!" Alex in the back seat jumped up: "A series of collisions! There is going to be a series of collisions!"

Well... this person's testimony can play a more decisive role.

"Calm down! Immediately tell what you saw as the 'cause of the accident'! Don't add fuel to the fire!" George shouted loudly.

"I didn't see it! We were hit sideways! A truck with a drunk driver!" Alex yelled back with a louder voice.

Tsk, as expected, the protagonist of the first part couldn't see the accident in the second part...

I turned around and looked around, and found that the car of Kimberly, the heroine in the second film, had stopped at the same spot, forcing all the cars behind her to stop.

At the same time, suddenly bright sunlight fell, and "omens" began to appear as planned.

"..." Jin Jing squinted her eyes and glanced at all the "omens" that were good and bad, and then reached out to George: "Give me my gun back."

Score twice?

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