The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, death is coming (11)

"Listen, I don't know how to explain it, but I'm sure there's going to be an accident ahead..."

"Yes, a series of car accidents, very large..."

"Everyone dies, including me..."

Amidst the messy sirens, Kimberly, the owner of the red station wagon, tried to explain the situation to Patrolman Berg who came to ask about the situation, but the words became more and more confusing. Berg raised his hand to look at his watch impatiently, preparing to let her clear the road first. Step aside.

But the next second, an FBI ID card was stamped in front of him.

"FBI," a very strong white man who almost burst his black suit quickly showed his ID and put it away, "we believe what you say, ma'am, so you have to come with us and assist in the investigation. .”

"...Sir?" Berg seemed to want to say something, but he looked at the more than ten FBI agents who emerged from three military off-road vehicles behind the big man and were taking away all the owners of the red station wagons. Swallowed the words.

"What kind of officer are you? Isn't the most common thing you New York cops say to us is 'get out of our territory'?" The big white man looked Berg up and down: "You, too, have to come with us."


"Stop talking nonsense to me. If you have any objections, go to the FBI headquarters." The big man interrupted him directly: "Don't say you don't know about this emergency."

"...If I know it, I will cooperate." Berg nodded.

"Huh, that's easy to say. We are going to take all these people away and keep them under supervision. You come with us now and let your colleagues in the New York Police Department handle the follow-up. Do you understand?" the big white man said while staring at the other people. Sitting in a red station wagon, two men and one woman looked very nervous: "Huh, tobacco? You're lucky, the FBI doesn't care about this, get out of the car now!"

"Sir, there may be some misunderstanding here. We are all law-abiding citizens." The fat boy said with a smile.

"No misunderstanding -"

Boom boom boom! Boom! Zhizhizhi——

At this moment, fierce gunfire suddenly came from the highway ahead, followed by a dull crash and the harsh scream of sudden braking. The originally orderly traffic flow instantly became chaotic.

Passengers who were stopped nearby stared at the chaos ahead in stunned silence, and then looked at Kimberly, who had just announced that there would be a series of car accidents.

"They came true...but how come it seems..."

Kimberly looked at the scene of the series of collisions and muttered to herself with a slightly strange expression.

The next second, a heavy-duty dirt truck in the opposite lane may have been surprised by the traffic accident next door. Its tires skidded, slammed into the guardrail between the lanes, and crashed straight into the red station wagon.

"Danger!" Berg rushed forward and pulled Kimberly away from the collision path. As for the FBI and the other three passengers in the car, it was too late to care.

"Hmph!" The big white man made a nasal sound that sounded both annoyed and disdainful. Under Berg's disbelieving gaze, he raised his hand and grabbed the luggage rack on the roof of the station wagon, forcibly pulling it back five or six meters and hiding. Passed the impact of a heavy truck.

However, the heavy truck crashed into a deep ditch, and the driver was too busy to stop or turn the truck.

At this moment, another thinner FBI suddenly rushed out, jumped to the door of the truck accurately, opened the cab door, and jumped back dragging the truck driver.

Boom! The heavy truck fell into a deep ravine and exploded into a ball of fire.

"Damn it..." Berg muttered to himself: "I understand what the police inspector told us, 'This matter is very deep and we cannot go into details'..."


"How's the situation?" Dom looked at Li De, who left the drunk driver aside and walked towards him.

"D is completed, and E is one-third completed," Li De spread his hands: "The New York police are unwilling to cooperate with us, but they promise not to hinder our actions."

"Oh..." Dom nodded and looked at the "Task List".

[The World of Reincarnation: "Death is Coming\

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