The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, death is coming (16)

The interior of the safe house at the Lookout Hotel was completely white.

Although there are generally furnishings in ordinary rooms, they have all been "harmless". The movable objects have almost no rigid materials and can be torn apart with bare hands with a little force, while the immovable objects are extremely soft and soft. Cushioning, the only way to hurt yourself in a room like this is to climb up to the roof with your bare hands and hit the floor headfirst.

However, this kind of "safety" is also relative. The occupant of this room is shouting into her mobile phone with a look of horror on her face.

"Hey - where are your people? Where are the people who promised to protect me? I am being hunted now!"


The door to the room made a loud bang, and Claire's hand shook and she almost threw the phone away.

"I asked you to leave temporarily, but I didn't let you have a holiday! He will come in soon!"


The door made a loud noise again, and the strong vibration even caused the small furnishings in the room to shift.

"Please help me! God, I don't want to die yet-"

Click! !

With a dull cracking sound, a piece of wood on the door flew straight out, and what smashed the piece of wood away was a huge fire axe.

"Ahhhhh-" Claire screamed, staring at the ax that poked into the room.


The ax was slowly withdrawn, and then, Alex's twisted and crazy face appeared behind the crack.

"[I found you——]" he said in a weird and distorted voice: "[I will protect you right now, gurgling—hehehe——]"

"——" Claire couldn't scream because she was too scared. She could only stare with wide eyes as the fire ax hit the door again and again, constantly widening the crack.


"...Are you sure the 'God of Death' isn't here?" George asked Jin Jing while staring at the surveillance camera.

"I'm very sure," Jin Jing repeatedly observed the indoor furnishings and the fire ax held by Alex through the viewfinder window of the projector: "There is nothing on the entire floor that has been tampered with by the 'God of Death'.


"So, this is an ordinary love murder?" George frowned, seeming disappointed.

It’s not considered “ordinary” no matter how you think about it, right?

Alex and Claire seemed to have met each other before, and they interacted many times during their stay at the Lookout Hotel. Due to the presence of the "god of death", a "suspension bridge effect" seemed to occur between them, and their relationship quickly heated up. No, they have dared to Ignoring the threat of death caused the FBI to temporarily remove surveillance.

Then... Although Jin Jing didn't listen to the corner's hobbies, she still roughly figured out what was going on: Alex confessed to Claire, but Claire refused with a bad excuse. Maybe he wanted to do a little test? As a result, Alex went crazy, picked up a fire ax and started chasing Claire.

Since Claire is well prepared to escape the God of Death, it is not a big problem if someone suddenly wants to kill her. The only problem is that the end point of her escape from the God of Death is a room with no danger at all, but for a person who wants to kill her, it is not a big problem. To the person who lost her, the thin door panel meant nothing at all.

"Claire hasn't been killed yet, don't just treat people as corpses," Jin Jing put down the projector: "When are you going to rescue people?"

"Before Alex really killed Claire," George still looked puzzled: "Without the involvement of the God of Death, why would he change his temperament and say something like 'Rather than let the God of Death kill you? How about I do it'?"

"If the God of Death, who relies on accidents to kill people, starts to play with people's hearts, all your current preparations and reports will have to be rewritten." Jin Jing glanced at him: "I insist that this is another incident at all. Don't treat it like this." On the premise that this was done by the God of Death, we will continue to observe, and just save people. If the God of Death suddenly appears when you are stuck in saving people, there is a high probability that he and the pair of desperate mandarin ducks will be killed."

"If the rules hadn't changed, Mr. Alex would have died last, so he couldn't have been 'caught in one fell swoop.'" George argued.

"Hurry up and save the person." Jin Jing glared at him.

"Okay..." George shrugged and picked up the intercom: "You guys, stop watching the fun and go control that 'lumberjack'."


When Alex finally opened the door and was about to walk in, seven or eight heavily armed FBI officers rushed out of the window, the secret door, the ceiling, and even the closet in Claire's room. After disarming Alex, seven or eight heavily armed FBI agents rushed out. They pushed him to the ground with all their hands. One of the FBI didn't catch anything. After thinking for a moment, he picked up a decorative vase on the window sill of the corridor and threw it against the wall, smashing it.

"I think your military operations are unnecessary five times out of ten." Jin Jing said while looking at the surveillance screen.

"This is slander," George said, "Eight times."

"..." Jin Jing was speechless for a moment.

"Alex is just an ordinary, even a little thin student, but now the five of us can barely hold him down. Are you really sure that the God of Death is not here? Instead of hiding in some corner?" George asked doubtfully.

"Definitely, definitely, and definitely," Jin Jing replied: "Unless he learns how to be invisible in front of my camera."

"Okay, let's end this farce." George nodded, opened the door beside him, and came to the controlled Alex.

Jin Jing turned off the surveillance camera and followed George out of the secret room hidden in the corridor.

Everything has its cause and effect. If Alex's madness was not influenced by the God of Death, then it was the deliberate arrangement of others. Just check the person who has spent the longest time with him...

Hmm...wait a minute, it seems that the only people who spend the most time with him are himself and George?

If anything, the psychiatrist who treated Alex before was also quite suspicious. Many of his words were not what a psychiatrist should say to a patient.

However, his social status seems to be very high, and even the FBI would have a hard time making accusations without evidence.

If he could really induce others to go crazy or harm others through words, he would be qualified to be called the "god of death."

Could there be another mystery behind the name of this reincarnation world? ——In this world, in addition to the weirdo in yellow who can only cause accidents, are there also multiple “gods of death” with unpredictable methods?

"Mr. Alex, can you please tell me why you did this?" Although Alex was disarmed and pinned to the ground by five or six strong FBI men, George still kept a certain distance from him: "Still Say, what influenced you?"

"Bluff-bluff-" Alex gasped, his eyes red, staring fiercely at Claire's door, as if talking to himself, and as if answering George's question: "[Everyone will die." ,including me.】"

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