The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, the god of death is coming (17)

"Every time I think I've met you, the FBI's lowest level, you always surprise me."

On the rooftop of the lookout hotel, the air waves caused by the armed helicopters made Jin Jing almost unsteady and had to grab the handrail beside her to continue watching the confrontation between George and the visitor.

Jin Jing has no research on ordnance, so he doesn't know what model the military green double-helix helicopter gunship is, and what the functions of the equipment of the personnel who descended from it and were armed to the teeth are. In addition to being painted with a green earth and red " Other than the BSAA" armband, there is no other identification mark.

She can only confirm that this is an organization that can move freely in the United States, and has little dealings with the FBI. Moreover, their leader is extremely protective of their shortcomings.

For evidence... look at Claire being held in the arms of the leader, looking like a chick hiding under the wings of a hen.

"The FBI has its own code of conduct," George straightened his collar, which was a little messed up by the other party just now: "Besides, your sister was not actually harmed, Mr. Chris Redfield. "

The man named Chris has a tall figure and very strong muscles. The camouflage uniform that fits an average person is worn like a tights, which is in sharp contrast to the skinny little Claire next to him.

"I don't have time to listen to your excuses. What you promised before was 'any harm', and psychological trauma will naturally count." Chris lowered his head slightly and glanced at Claire who buried her face in his shoulder: "She may never dare to do it again in the future. In love, my poor sister.”

No, why does your expression reveal a sense of pleasure?

Could it be that besides Alex, there is another man you hate chasing her?

It is such a pity not to have the memory of "Bai Jingjing".

"I must explain that this incident has no connection with your duties. Moreover, Miss Claire is still in danger at this time. I do not recommend that you take her away now." George ignored Chris's accusation and said instead .

"It's really dangerous to let her continue to be your guinea pig," Chris sneered: "I'm going to take her away now, you can try to stop me."

Click, bang, the armed man next to Chris raised his gun, and the FBI agent here also wanted to do the same, but was stopped by George.

"You can take her away, but I hope you can do a good job of protection, mainly against certain 'invisible threats'." George said.

"When I was fighting 'that thing', you were not qualified to go out in the field, boy." Chris motioned to his men to put away their guns and led Claire towards the armed helicopter: "I wish you had a good time playing house. joy."

It felt like George and Chris were talking about completely different things, but they were strangely aligned.

Although she didn't want Claire to leave when she was being "called" by the God of Death, as her ordinary classmate, Jin Jing had no reason to interrupt and leave her behind.

After watching the brother, sister and other armed personnel board the plane and leave, she went to talk to George, who was still staring at the helicopter that was receding.

"Who are they? They don't agree with the FBI. Is it the CIA?"

"The CIA is in charge of overseas affairs. They are not qualified to take action this time," George replied casually: "Did you see the armbands of those people? They are BSAA, Biohazard Defense and Assessment Alliance ()."

"...biochemical, crisis?" Jin Jing was surprised.

Is this word the name of the first world she experienced?

She thought that the world where that horrible virus could be born had been destroyed, but it turned out that everything seemed to be normal?

No... there is such a thing as the "God of Death", so it can't be called business as usual.

"Hmph, originally, they couldn't get involved in this operation codenamed 'Death is Coming'. This is all thanks to Mr. Alex Browning who suddenly went crazy and the mole hidden in my team. "George said angrily: "Now the BSAA claims that Alex's drastic change in temperament is due to the influence of some kind of virus. It is a complete excuse to take him away for examination to save his sister. Fortunately, I am superior and took care of him in advance. Alex is hiding."

Codename "Death is Coming"? FBI mole? A virus that can drastically change a person’s temperament?

Please choose the least surprising entry.

"But in this case, we have no way of knowing whether the God of Death has launched an attack." Jin Jing raised the projector and observed the gunship flying further and further away: "Should we focus on protecting Carter and Terry... next?"

"There is no other way. We can only arrest people according to the 'list order' - I mean inviting people to 'assist in the investigation.'" George stiffly changed his words when he finished speaking.

However, Jin Jing didn't notice this little slip of the tongue at all for the moment.

In the viewfinder of the projector, she could clearly see that the armed helicopter exploded in mid-air, but after putting down the projector, the helicopter was still intact.

What she saw before was "the God of Death manipulated specific props", and she could only judge the order of domino toppling based on the affected objects, but this time it was more like "precognition", there was no process, only results, and there was no way to save people. Take action.

"Can you think of a way to make them stop immediately? That helicopter is going to explode." Jin Jing looked at George.

"Death?" George reached for the communicator.

"No, this time it's different," Jin Jing gestured, but she didn't know what to mean: "There was no cause of the accident this time... I could only see the plane exploding."

"..." George raised his eyebrows and said into the intercom: "Contact Chris and tell him that his plane is going to blow up again."

"...again?" Jin Jing raised the projector to look at it and then put it down. There was still a brilliant fireworks show in the viewfinder, and it was repeated every time she raised the projector again.

"He is a legendary figure. It is said that the vehicles he rides on during missions never fail to explode," George said nonchalantly: "He is almost the same as some of our seniors in the FBI."

"...I must stay away from strange organizations like you in the future." Jin Jing said after thinking for more than ten seconds.

"Haha, that's——"


The armed helicopter flying away suddenly lit up with a ball of fire, and loud explosions followed.

This is completely force majeure, the task...

Jin Jing looked at the same scene as before in the viewfinder, and turned his attention to the task list.

[Side mission: Help the same survivor escape from the attack of death 5 times. (Finish)】

[Side mission: Make the God of Death give up attacking a survivor. (Finish)】


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