The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight, Alien 2 (9)

"Okay - here it is."

Jin Jing silently followed the white-haired young man who called himself "Kong", wore an outfit that didn't look like a space armor, and held a big sword in his hand as he walked around a few corners, then watched him carelessly lift his foot and kick him. A cabin door was opened that should obviously slide open to the side.

Hmm...except for the hatch, this cabin has no sci-fi vibe at all.

Brick walls covered with graffiti, wooden floors and ceilings that have been in disrepair, a swaying fan, lockers and the debris on them that seem to fall apart at any time, cardboard boxes scattered everywhere, and a black mattress in the corner that looks like a bed.

The only relatively normal thing is a burgundy single sofa and a stainless steel square table in front of it, but that seat is already occupied.

It was a girl wearing a white shirt and suspender jeans, with short black hair that reached her ears. She was very beautiful but a little fierce, and her eyes were a little scary. What was more scary than her eyes was the gun she was holding in her hand. ...Bazooka?

The moment the cabin door opened, she directly picked up the rocket launcher and pointed it at the door. "Song" walked in indifferently, but Jin Jing was stared at by her like a raptor hunting prey, and she was a little unable to move her legs.

"Welcome to the [Blank Game Room]," Sora walked to the sofa and patted the back of the sofa: "This is my sister, 'White'. She is very friendly, but she is a bit socially anxious."

"You," the girl called "Bai" raised her rocket launcher slightly at Jin Jing: "Come in, close the door, and you are not allowed to talk to me."

"Bai"'s voice is pleasant, but a little deep, as if he doesn't speak often.

By the way, does "a little social phobia" mean... to turn anyone who comes close to her and causes her social phobia into scum?

Jin Jing was speechless for two seconds, but still did as he was told.


As the hatch closed behind Jin Jing, she felt the atmosphere around her change. The originally cold and unfamiliar space and the accompanying sense of science fiction disappeared, replaced by... something very similar to a "landing space" Atmosphere.

This means that "empty" and "white" are also "reincarnators", although they have already guessed it from the previous situation.

"Hello, my name is 'Bai Jingjing'." Although there were a lot of things she wanted to ask, Jin Jing thought it would be better to introduce herself first, especially if the other party had already introduced her first.

"Hmm..." Sora touched his chin: "It's been a long time since I met such a 'reincarnation' who named his 'character' like his real name. Are you a 'newcomer'?"

"...Yes." Although Jin Jing deliberately told the other party that he had experienced three worlds, he had already lived through three worlds, but he did not have any weapons, equipment or strength that he could use. He had just been chased by the crew of a smuggling ship. Fight, forget it.

"In that case, I guess you have a lot of things to ask, so I'll start with the most urgent things."

Sora tried to sit on the armrest of the sofa, but after Shiro turned the rocket launcher and pointed it at him, he could only pull a cardboard box and sit on it:

"The crew member of the Betty who just discovered you will not wake up until we arrive at our destination. Even if he is lucky enough to be discovered and rescued by other crew members on duty, his confused brain cannot remember what happened before."

"That's it." Jin Jing breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, the plot would not be ruined, even though he didn't know the plot at all.

"As for this place, it is the 'preparation space' for our brothers and sisters," Kong gestured around: "It will exist until the plot officially begins. Before that, it will definitely be ignored by the NPCs. Theoretically speaking, after entering the world, We can leave and make some advance preparations, but from the current mainstream point of view, that is a completely thankless move, and interfering with the plot in advance will only lead to unexpected accidents at some key nodes in the future."

"Hmm..." Jin Jing listened silently and did not respond, but felt that Kong's attitude towards the world of reincarnation was similar to that of the senior "Master Chief". Their brother and sister should also be "senior NPCs".

"Next, as usual, we should show each other our tasks. If there is no intersection, go our separate ways. If there is intersection, see if we can help each other. Don't deceive others in order to complete the task quickly." Sora's eyes narrowed slightly. Lost in thought, he seemed to be looking at the mission panel in front of him.

"What if the tasks conflict with each other?" Jin Jing tried to ask.

"That way we won't meet at all before the plot starts," Kong looked away from the panel: "In this reincarnated world, if there is a confrontation mission, the enemy team should appear at the 'Alien Training Base', but I saw clearly before entering that this world is not a 'PVP' mode."

"PVP? Players fighting against each other? What if they die?" Although Jin Jing doesn't play games very much, he still understands this term.

"Delete the account, of course..." Kong said mid-sentence, then looked at Jin Jing with the eyes of a rare animal: "Have you never 'died' before?"

"If you die, your account will be 'deleted', but that's true." Jin Jing thought for a while and found that being stabbed to death by Kayako and then resurrected should not count.

"Brother, she is just like us, she has never 'lost'." Bai, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

"Of course, 'Blank' will never lose," Kong responded reflexively, and then continued to stare at Jin Jing: "Maybe it's because he doesn't have much experience in the world, or maybe he's lucky, but now that he's met, I'll tell you a fact. Yes, in the world of reincarnation, [Death is not liberation (Deathisnotanescape)].”

"I probably know." Jin Jing recalled the "Master Chief"'s attitude before his death, which was more like "preparing to restart" than "seeing death as home", and nodded.

"No, you don't know," Kong waved his hand: "Your current state is 'firewood'. After you die once, you will become 'embers', and if you die again, you will become 'ashes'. After that, you will die again." , maybe three to five times, maybe more than a dozen times, you will become a 'wandering soul'. It is a kind of person who just wants to 'clear the level' quickly to obtain a 'soul', without any communication at all in advance, and will act according to the established pattern. If something goes wrong or... If you have ever encountered them, you will know what I am talking about. Although they may 'clear' the level quickly, they make the world of reincarnation lifeless and are completely cancerous."

"In other words..." Jin Jing heard some key points from it: "Only avoiding the first two deaths is the key. After that, as long as you always maintain your enthusiasm for the world of reincarnation, you will at least be an 'ash', right?"

"Oh?" Kong raised his eyebrows: "With this kind of awareness, it seems that it is impossible for you to become a 'wandering soul'. After this world ends, please add a friend. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can draw a charm to summon us. help."

Is there such a function? In addition, what do "drawing symbols" and "summoning" mean?

Although she basically didn't understand, Jin Jing still nodded as if she understood.

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