The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Nine, Alien 2 (10)

It’s weird that it’s “Sora” and “Shiro”!

Those are clearly "Dante" and "Lady"!

And what kind of society would hold a rocket launcher and prevent others from getting close to it?

[Their degree of camouflage is very low. Even if it is broken, it will not cause damage. Do you want to break it and take a look? 】The stupid system is on the sidelines.

'No, forget it. If 'Blank' wants to use other characters' skins, just use them. As long as they are here, Jin Jing's journey to 'win by lying down' will only go faster. ’

Although I haven't gone back to read it, the "War Art World" I created at Cyberlux should be the originator of the "complete stealth" world. Those members of the strategy team who entered the virtual world through "reincarnation" or "stealth" will There is nothing strange about having a new life.

Regarding this situation that was full of flaws, Jin Jing didn't feel anything was wrong at all. She was still listening to Kong's explanation of the rules attentively, and almost took out her notes to write them down.

‘Although it has been confirmed a long time ago, I still want to say that she is really a good child. ’

[Yes, yes, in comparison, you who have too much knowledge of ACG are just a otaku,] Stupid System paused: [Just like 'White'. 】

‘Do you want to say that you are empty? I remembered this beating. ’

【Unexpected disaster! 】

Ignoring the stupid system for the moment, I listened to Sora explain the PVP system to Jin Jing.

Basically, the virtual dimension of Cyberlux is divided into nine camps, but they are not divided into good, evil, lawful and chaotic ones, but divided according to behavioral patterns. Roughly speaking, they are...

You, those who help you fight monsters, those who help monsters beat you, those who transform into monsters and beat you, those who simply beat you, those who help you beat people, those who call others to beat them, those who beat whoever comes, and those who catch you.

All I can say is that it is summed up very well.

But it’s impossible for me to let Jin Jing participate in the fight between those “immortals”. It would be troublesome if he died. He won’t die in the “reincarnation world”, but he can’t go back to the “high-dimensional world” .

[Hmm, do you think the ‘PVP’ mode will work? ] Which pot of the stupid system is not open to mention?

‘I’m afraid you have forgotten that as long as the ‘high-dimensional soul’ dies once, it will no longer provide ‘high-dimensional doomsday elements’. The last time the ‘Avengers’ came to find White Bear, they shocked me. ’

[No, no, I mean, organize those 'high-dimensional souls who have died once' to play PVP.] The stupid system's emotions suddenly became high: [In the case of PVE, because they are at the same level as the reincarnation world itself, they cannot provide it. High-dimensional doomsday elements, but what if these 'high-dimensional souls who have died once' regard each other as enemies, or 'doomsday elements'? As beings who also come from "high dimensions", they know that each other comes from the same world as themselves, but do not know whether they have died or not. They are likely to obtain "high-dimensional doomsday elements" by fighting with each other. 】

'Very likely? ’

[Because I don’t know, but at least there is a world where we fight each other to the death and regard each other’s camp as a ‘doomsday element’. 】

'Which one? Starcraft? ’

【It's "FateApocrypha". 】

‘This world of crap should be destroyed. ’

【Great! 】

‘Just say hello to you, even if I hold my nose, I can help you. ’


Click, tsk——

I was joking with the stupid system, and the smuggling ship "Betty" had docked at the dock of the space laboratory in the satellite orbit of the "Auriga" planet.

"——We're here, let's go," Kong walked towards the exit of his "preparation space" with his sword in hand: "Do you still remember what I said?"

"Yeah." Jin Jing nodded seriously.

When "Blank" and Jin Jing left the strange "Devil May Cry Office", the entire cabin "burned", and the walls, ceiling, and interior decoration all disappeared under the burning of some strange "flame", revealing Show the original appearance of the spaceship cabin.

Can the world switching in Silent Hill still be used in this way? learned,

Let’s add one to Jin Jing, so that she can only stay in my world for three minutes and have no time to slowly strengthen.

Having said that, if you want to evaluate Sora, in addition to explaining the "rules of the game", you are crazy "spoilers".

As the introduction to the world says, this space laboratory is used to cultivate aliens and try to control them. The key to controlling the aliens lies in the heroine Ripley who runs through the first three films. Although she and the aliens at the end of the third film The Queen died together, but was re-cloned by mad scientists. They confirmed through some facts that she had the ability to control aliens, and conducted various experiments for this purpose.

However, I don’t know whether it’s because of the secrecy or because of the plot. Just when the Betty carrying the “alien mother” arrived at the space station and the captain was bargaining with the “general” in charge of the laboratory, the captive aliens successfully escaped and were naturally slaughtered. finally, the remaining survivors followed Ripley to destroy the space station and escape.

The plot is very simple, and from a God's perspective, completing the main mission is also very simple. Just follow the heroine Ripley and the android Anna Lee Call and paddle all the way to complete the level, and you can gain access to items including "Destroy the Alien Training Base" "There are three side missions in ", although the benefits of the two missions of "killing aliens" and "protecting other passengers" will become terrible.

The real trouble is the mission about the "alien". That thing is a fusion of aliens and humans. It breaks the rule that aliens "must host other creatures to reproduce". If you leave it alone, it can reproduce on its own. A whole army of aliens is coming.

In addition, its strength is also extremely strong. If it cannot be prevented from being born by the Alien Queen, then only Ripley can kill it. In this case, the task will definitely not be completed.

As for Sora's plan, it is to "deceive the world", interfering with the plot at various key points, gaining benefits, and strengthening himself, but hiding them to prevent them from creating a butterfly effect, and allowing the subsequent plot to continue to develop according to the movie. As if the plot had not been changed, in the end, when Ripley met the Alien Queen, he came up with a "deep accumulation" and used all his firepower to kill the Alien Queen and the unborn alien, and then brought Ripley, who was bound to be stunned. Escape and complete the world of reincarnation.

He also calls others "wandering souls", but this plan is no better than "firewood" or even "embers" and "ashes".

But this kind of operation... When did this guy go to Steins;Gate for further training?

Since the "blank" is there, in a sense, it can be regarded as the "reincarnation world" of the game, which is basically no difficulty. I took a rough look at the plot development and found that it was basically consistent with his plan, so I stopped caring about it and changed the perspective from that The world is separated and we start to design the PVP world. For the first one, it is better not to stray too far from the already familiar elements, just "Aliens vs. Predator".

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