The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ten, Alien vs. Predator

"Predator" and "Alien" are two powerful monsters belonging to different movie series. They are separated by thick "dimensional walls". Theoretically, it is impossible for them to fight each other.

However, if the two parties that own the copyright make a "linkage" decision, then this "dimensional wall" will be broken.

For example, "SNK" VS "".

In a more down-to-earth way of saying it, it is "Guan Gong versus Qin Qiong."

Strictly speaking, the "Infinite World" I am playing can be regarded as some kind of "cross-border linkage".

In this "linked work", humans dug up an ancient alien hatchery under the Antarctic, and routinely committed suicide to hatch the aliens. The "Predator" who has always treated the aliens as a coming-of-age ceremony for young Predators It also came with it.

The aliens and the Predators both regard each other as enemies, and each has their own means of restraining the enemy. The Predators have strong individual combat effectiveness and powerful technological capabilities, while the aliens reproduce quickly, know how to cooperate, and have strong physical strength. They were eventually reduced to a pulp near the Antarctic underground pyramid, and humans were completely the backdrop and the screaming and bloody props arranged to highlight their strength.

The final outcome was naturally that humans helped the relatively civilized Predator who could communicate roughly to kill all the aliens. When the Predator's spaceship returned, a certain Predator who died while fighting the aliens hatched an apparently iron-blooded creature. Alien with warrior characteristics.

It’s a familiar “to be continued” ending.

Since the narrative of this movie is not linear, there are no "plot points" that can be used in battles that occur at any time. It is even uncertain whether the aliens and the Predator will change their original goals if the reincarnations are included, so it cannot be made into PVE. It can only be made into PVP.

If you think about it carefully, the aliens have pyramids, the iron-bloods have spaceships, the aliens have queens, and the iron-bloods have elders. The elites of the two forces all want to kill each other, and will casually kill the humans who get in the way in the process, but in the end they are still These humans determine the outcome of this war.

This is simply a standard PVP template, and the overall look is very similar to some 5V5 crystal pushing games, except that the aliens and Predators are the "heroes", and the humans are the "soldiers".

Then, after reappearing in this world, we only need to slightly change the rules, give the "Reincarnators" reasons for joining the Alien and Predator camps, and then let them ignore the "Reincarnators" who belong to their own camp, and finally change the victory conditions And the rewards are tilted in the direction of PVP, and you are done.

[Create Map: Alien vs. Predator]

[Game Mode: Confrontation Mode]

[Doomsday Elements: Ancient Alien (High Dimension), Predator Trialist (High Dimension)]

[Map type: Reincarnation World]

[Map size: small]

[Limited time: 5 days]

[Escape conditions: Time runs out, Alien Queen Iron-Blooded Elder is killed, and all reincarnations in a certain camp die]

[Characters: Human (200+), Predator (5+), Ancient Alien (5+). 】

[Event: Archaeologists discovered an ancient temple underground in the Antarctic continent. The hatchery deep in the temple is filled with alien eggs that have existed here since ancient times. This hatchery is another powerful alien egg. It was built by star creatures to test their larvae. After receiving the news that the training ground was reopened, the first batch of "testers" arrived on the earth, and a war was about to break out. 】

[Special event in confrontation mode: The Alien Queen and the Iron-Blooded Elder noticed the existence of the other party. In order to weaken the other party's power as much as possible, they unanimously invited the stronger members of the archaeological team to ensure that they would not be defeated by their own side. While attacking, the camp also promised to give them generous rewards after defeating the opponents. 】

[Environment: Ancient temple, alien hatchery, iron-blooded battleship. 】

[Conditions for obtaining doomsday elements: destroy the Alien Queen or the Iron-Blooded Elder. 】

As for the reminders received from the reincarnators,

Then it is:

[Reincarnation World: "Alien vs. Predator" (PVP Mode)]

[Under the Antarctic continent, there sleeps an alien hatchery for the purpose of testing. When it reappeared, the ancient testers also came with it. You, who came as mercenaries and bodyguards to protect the archaeologists, are here. After being dispersed, you were recruited by the 'Alien Queen' and the 'Iron-Blooded Elder' who felt that your strength was insufficient. They promised to give you generous rewards, and their only requirement was to crush their enemies. 】

[Main mission: Kill the Alien Queen Iron-Blooded Elder. (Reward: 10,000 souls)]

[Side mission:]

[A: Join the Predator or Ancient Alien camp. (Reward: 1000 souls)]

[B: Destroy the enemy’s ancient alien predators. (Reward: 2000 soul heads)]

[C: Destroy the enemy reincarnators. (Reward: 5000 soul people)]

[D: Protect the ancient aliens of your own Predators from being killed. (Reward: 3000 soul heads)]

[E: Destroy other trial creatures. (Reward: 500-5000 souls only)]

[Special rules for PVP mode: Souls obtained in this world will not be cleared with death. 】

[Hidden tasks and achievements will be displayed when triggered. 】

Well, of course, the so-called hiding is only for reincarnation people.

[Hidden tasks:]

[Lone Wolf: Complete the main mission without joining any camp. (Reward: 20,000 souls)]

[Kingslayer: After joining the ancient alien or iron-blooded warriors, kill the alien queen or iron-blooded elder. (Reward: 20,000 souls)]

[Archaeologist: Help the archaeological team unearth all six Predator trial records. (Reward: In this world only, damage to aliens or Predators is increased by 100%)]

[AFK: Until the end of this world, you will not participate in any battles. (Reward: 1000 souls)]

The rewards are a bit high, but very reasonable. After all, tasks that need to be hidden are generally things that ordinary people will not do. It is like the exit of a maze is right in front of you, but there is a branch road next to it that looks very long. If this If the end of the forked road is not a necessary prop for the next stage, then a relatively rich treasure box must be arranged to make the player who has spent time and energy feel that the trip is worthwhile.

If you do not join any party, then the tasks related to the "enemy" and "friendly" cannot be completed; eliminating your own leader will not only cause the teammate's task to fail, but all previous benefits will also be greatly reduced; if you spend time to complete it, there will be no benefits. scientific research mission, you will not be able to gain an advantage in the battle.

The relevant reward settings basically make up for this loss, but just to make up for it, it doesn't make people go straight to them from the beginning - except for AFK's consolation prize for cowards.

Similarly, this setting is not enough to make the reincarnations who take the hidden route much better than others. Take a girl who is on full defense because she is afraid of pain as an example. If she were here with me, she would only be able to get " Traits such as "increase attack power equal to 100% of defense power".

Because in any game that can add points, you must consider that there will be people who are obsessive-compulsive and only click on one attribute. Based on this, they will be invincible and so on. This is purely cheating by the author.

Achievements are the real means of improvement, because the conditions for completing these achievements are outrageous even to me.


[Humans have limits: Gain enough reputation in the alien or predator camp and become an ‘alien’ or ‘junior predator’. Reward: In a world where an alien or Predator faction exists, you will not be attacked by them and can command lower-level members of that faction. 】

[pentakill: Strike the final blow on five aliens, five predators, or five reincarnations in a row. Reward: When entering combat, the attack power will gradually increase over time, up to a maximum of 50%. This increased state will return to zero after leaving combat. 】

[Soul Vadokana: Complete the main mission when all ancient aliens or Predator warriors are dead and the Alien Queen or Predator Elder's health is below 10%. Reward: When the health value of the reincarnation is lower than 50%, the triggering probability of any "probability-type effect" belonging to itself will be increased. When the health value is lower than 10%, the "probability-type effect" will be triggered 100%. 】

Hmm... Of course, if someone does some behavior or feat that I didn't expect at all, hidden tasks and achievements can be added at any time. After all, they are "hidden". Who knows how many there are in total.

In short, let's first gather those guys who were teammates with Jin Jing or White Bear but were unlucky enough to have a game. If you can't get the high-dimensional doomsday element, this will be the first and last PVP.

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