The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven, Resident Evil 2 (1)

I was having fun watching a group of reincarnators battling wits and courage in the world of "Alien vs. Predator", and I prompted my sister to quietly clear the world settlement of "Alien 4".

[Tip: The reincarnation world ‘Alien 4’ has ended its operation]

[High-dimensional creatures have entered the settlement space. 】

[Tip: Obtain ‘Doomsday Element (High Dimension)’: Alien Man. 】

[Tip: Obtain ‘DNA Points (High Dimension)’: 108,000 points. 】

Oh, Jin Jing’s side is over.

etc? Is there something wrong?

Is this a single-player world this time? One hundred thousand points at a time?

This number is not too much, but it is not an ordinary point. The number of points obtained by living people in the "high-dimensional world" means that the upper limit of the points I can spend on "high-dimensional interference" increases.

But if you think about it carefully, there is a "blank" that "you can conquer any game". It would be weird if you can't get so many rewards in one go.

Speaking of which, although this kind of "certain victory" that is similar to the law of cause and effect is mainly due to their superior intelligence and extremely fast reaction, it is also somewhat influenced by the "will of the world".

A simple example is, let Blank and Muto Yugi play cards, who can win? Let the authors of two works fight each other? No, it depends on who the “some being” who brought them together wants to win.

[In other words, if you let this world go to sea, it must be you who arranged for the void to come in. 】

‘Wouldn’t you know whether I made arrangements or not? ’

[Do you have any misunderstandings about your identity? Just change your mind, such as how to get Jin Jing to get more DNA points...]

‘It’s so noisy, shut up. ’

Hmm... Although the world of "Alien vs. Predator" is still being played, and it is very exciting, no matter how the "ashes" are beaten, they are useless for "high-dimensional interference", so I will start a "recording" for now , turned around to study the settlement of "Alien 4".

Killed a hundred aliens, including the facehuggers and the ones still in the eggs.

Saving two hundred humans is a bit exaggerated.

Helping Ripley destroy the space laboratory and telling Anna Lee that she is actually an android, what kind of spoiler is this?

Can you protect Jin Jing from the flood and escape without injury, and let Jin Jing kill the alien himself? Flirting with a girl in front of Bai?

Finally, the spacecraft returned to Earth smoothly.

Even if you know the plot direction in advance, this kind of near-perfect strategy is rare.

The reason why it is said to be "almost" perfect is because in the original film, Blank did not try to save any of the "definitely unsavable" people, and those dead people who were only "hinted at" or "profiled" were all saved by their brothers and sisters. down.

Well...if it were me, I basically wouldn't be able to do this.

[If it were you, Alien Parts 1 to 4 would no longer exist. If the prequels had started to work, by the time of Alien 1, they would have probably developed civilization and established diplomatic relations with humans. 】

‘I don’t always go that far in advance, okay? ’

In this reincarnation of the world, although Jin Jing gained a lot of points, there were relatively few physical objects. There were only some mass-produced goods that would be sold at the old maid after clearing the level. After all, the main theme of the "Alien" series is to scare people rather than fight. If the protagonist raised his hand to touch a plasma gun and fired each one, it would not be "Alien" but "Halo".

Isn't it impossible in "Aliens vs. Predator"?

What is truly valuable is the "alien soul". This special "currency" can only be obtained by defeating the final BOSS one-on-one when the world is nearing the end.

To me, it is also a creation. It is no different from a stone on the roadside, but it is different for people in the "reincarnation world". It has all the characteristics of the BOSS that dropped the soul. In the hands of the right person , you can completely extract those qualities and use them to create weapons, equipment and even spells based on your needs.

In terms that are easier to understand but not very precise,

It is a "natural treasure" with "strong roots and strong flavor".

[What kind of treasure is the soul of a monster? 】

‘The devil’s heart, the claws of a chimera. ’

【……All right. 】

Another difference in the settlement this time is that there is no explanation of "returning to the high-dimensional world in a few minutes and seconds."

Because I was inspired by the "preparation space" of the blank space, I also "updated" the "personal space" for Jin Jing, and the stay time was extended from three minutes to one hour. Although the stay time of more than three minutes was that I was spending extra doomsday elements and DNA. The points are maintained, but in order to make her less panicked, it is still worth thinking about how to strengthen herself.

How do you say that? Problems that can be solved with money are not problems - after all, the team at White Bear is a large provider of high-dimensional DNA points.

However... now there is an unexpected problem.

Perhaps because I have this hobby, after informing Jin Jing that she can expand her personal space, she also provided a DIY function. Now the girl is happily building a house for herself using not too many materials.

The current materials are only Japanese, Western and sci-fi styles, which are the worlds she has experienced and the environments she has seen. In the case of insufficient types of materials, most people can just pick up a matchbox, but looking at her mobilizing attitude, It seems that she wants to build a villa in the forest. If she were thrown into the wilderness, there would probably be no Pangu at all. She might not be able to create all the four continents.

I shouldn't be superfluous and just use the Fire Transferring Sacrificial Site like the White Bear, and nothing will happen at all.

In the end, after half an hour of tossing, the ancient alien camp in the world of "Alien vs. Predator" defeated the Predator camp with a slight advantage of 4:5, before Jin Jing modified his personal space in the preview function.

With the official opening of her personal space, the scope of her activities that was originally limited to the campfire suddenly expanded, from the size of half a basketball court to the size of half a football field. At the same time, a dilapidated Japanese-style wooden house appeared out of thin air next to the campfire. But inside it is a two-story building in a Western classical style. The sci-fi style decoration seems to be too inconsistent and was not used.

Hmm... Now, arrange a fire maid, an old maid and a blacksmith for her...

[Tip: ‘Reincarnation White Bear’ uses ‘Ebony Death Pendant’ to attempt to invade the world of “Resident Evil 2”. 】

[Tip: The target world cannot carry ‘high-dimensional souls’, and the world will be updated soon. 】

[Create a map: Resident Evil 2]

[Game Mode: Multiplayer Mode]

[Doomsday Elements: Nemesis (High Dimension)]

[Map type: Reincarnation World]

[Map size: medium]

[Limited time: 24 hours]

[Escape conditions: Time runs out, Nemesis is defeated, Alice dies or escapes Raccoon City, and all reincarnations die]

[Characters: “Citizens” of Raccoon City (350,000+), survivors (2,000+)]

[Event: Due to the biochemical virus leakage in Raccoon City, the authorities decided to launch a nuclear bomb to completely destroy it. The survivors who learned of this had to find ways to escape from this city of death. 】

[Environment: Raccoon City. 】

[Conditions for obtaining doomsday elements: The Nemesis is defeated, or all survivors die. 】

【Should we update the world of reincarnation? 】

...What are those guys doing?

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