The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and twenty, Resident Evil 2 (10)

According to my experience, when entering the world of comics, animation, 3D modeling, etc. that are not played by real people, these worlds themselves will automatically become "live-action versions".

In this situation, it is easy to fail to recognize the characters, but because I can directly see the names whenever I think about them, similar situations have not happened.

But now there is a new problem: not figuring out the version.

Because Jill's outfit is so representative, you can immediately confirm that it is "Resident Evil 3" when you see it. But because it has become a real person, the original problems of low polygons and rough modeling no longer exist. However, until she The image in the mirror turned into a zombie, and then I shot myself, and I suddenly realized...this was actually "Resident Evil 3: Remake".

In my impression, "Resident Evil 3" only has a few static pictures of Jill preparing for the battle, and then she flies out of an alley due to an explosion, and then is surrounded by zombies, and she crashes through the door to escape.

Although it can put people into a state immediately, the cause and effect are not explained at all.

The "remastered version" is different. First, Jill is awakened by a dream in which she becomes a zombie, and then encounters the pursuit of the "Nemesis" hinted at the beginning of the film. She escapes all the way and finally has an explosion that lifts the camera off perfectly. Original opening.

So, the question now is, I was going to enter the movie version of "Resident Evil 2", why did I change it to "Resident Evil 3: Remake"?

[Although it is crooked, it is not completely crooked,] Stupid System said: ['Resident 2 Movie Version' includes Claire, the protagonist of 'Resident 2', and Jill, the protagonist of 'Resident 3'. Later, 'Resident 5 Movie Version' also has I took out King Ada to show off. I wanted to pay homage to the game but failed. After all, Alice's superpowers were so IMBA that it crushed the other protagonists who still honestly shot zombies. 】

"Like a super type meets a real type?"

[If that's the case, it's okay. As long as the values ​​​​can be balanced, the super robot war can also be fought back and forth, but in biochemical movies... I can only say that the screenwriter has completely let himself go. 】


I thought about it carefully and found that the logic is quite logical.

Although the serial number of Biochemical 3 is after Biochemical 2, the time point of its occurrence was actually 24 hours before Biochemical 2. Some guys who became corpses in Biochemical 2 were still alive and well in Biochemical 3... Although this "well 's" is up for debate.

In addition, because there was no such plan at the beginning, there were only a few corresponding people and corpses in the game. However, in the remakes of these two games, there are many more Easter eggs that pay tribute to each other, some of which are careless and even difficult to find.

In this way, it was logical that I would run to Jill when I entered the world: she appeared in the movie Biochemical 2, but she was closer to a guest appearance than a main role. She did not even have her name in the mission of the reincarnation, which is very suitable for wandering around. Look for bugs outside of the plot and make up for them - movies and games are not the same world view at all and they have to be stuck together. It would be strange if there are no bugs.

But anyway, with the "Gem of Plot Continuity" in hand, as long as there are no major problems that cause the world to collapse, it can basically be solved.

The final question is Jill Valentine herself. The stupid system said she is one of my avatars?

Well... In the hodgepodge science fiction world I created, there were a total of 42 avatar places, and in the end there were only six left. They were too closely connected to the world and could not be recycled at all. As for the others, they encountered "a world where a biohazard occurred" "It's possible that you might end up trapping yourself in trying to save that world, but...

If I can die in a novice village like Resident Evil, I refuse to admit that she is me!

In the mirror, Jill, who had just shot himself decisively because he found out that he was about to become a zombie, turned back to a normal person after that shot. At this moment, he was looking at me through the mirror, holding up the gun, in a daze.

In the remake of Resident Evil 3, after this plot, Jill was awakened by a nightmare, then received a call from her teammates, and encountered the "Nemesis" when preparing to escape.

However, it is still a little difficult to wake me up from this "nightmare".

[Are you going to be stuck here forever? 】 If the system is stupid, it will jump back and forth in the character panel.

"Of course not, study these three parties well and continue to advance the task of the five-party chaos." I answered while calling up the tasks of each party.

The main missions of the Invaded Team, Blank, and Jinjing are all about escaping Raccoon City, and they all have side missions about killing zombies and rescuing survivors.

The difference lies in some key nodes: the movie line taken by the "Mimic Team", as the emergency rescue operation force of STARS, must rescue Ahn'Qiraj Ashford before her father can give the order to retreat, otherwise it will be counted. deserter.

Jin Jing, who has been in contact with Claire and Chris, is on the game line. She must rescue Shirley and defeat William at least once in order to unlock the subway to escape Raccoon City.

Relatively speaking, defeating the Nemesis and the mass-produced tyrant, as well as destroying the underground research institute, are all optional tasks, so the rewards are so many.

In addition, "Guarantee the survival of STARS members" and "Guarantee the survival of Claire" are bonus points. If they are not counted, it is not difficult to complete these tasks. Even if you insist on following the plot, at least three of them will survive. There is a guarantee of 9,000, and I don’t know if Jill’s STARS status still counts. If so, it would be 12,000.

It’s just an increase of 3,000 in income, which is acceptable.

While I was thinking, I raised my hand and poked the mirror, watching the slowly spreading ripples appear on it.

Toot toot—

With the noisy phone ringing, the vertical world in front of me turned sideways, and the original bathroom also turned into a hard bed in the bedroom. Finally, gravity turned ninety degrees as if it had just reacted.

That's why you need to add a cutscene when you wake up from a dream. It would be silly not to add it.

This should be the phone number of a STARS member who survived the mansion incident. I remember that person’s name...

After a little adapting to the changed gravity, I reached out and picked up the phone, um... how do I say the lines?


"[Jill! Are you okay!]"

"Brad, is that you?"

"[Listen! You have to run away quickly!]"

"Escape? What are you talking about?"

"[No time to explain!]"

[Why can you say exactly the same thing as you originally meant it? ] The stupid system complained.

‘Asking is the influence of world consciousness. ’ Since I was on the phone with Brad, I switched to silent communication with the stupid system.

【I am speechless. 】

As for Brad, he was quite excited:

"[You have to get out of there! Get up!]"


Before Brad's voice disappeared, the wooden wall in front of me shattered, and a giant bald man wearing heavy black armor, with very healthy teeth and gnarled muscles stepped into the room stepping on scattered wood chips.

"Okay, wait while I get it..." I said as I hung up the phone.

[Get first blood, right? 】

‘If you don’t speak, no one will think you are dumb. ’


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