The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, Resident Evil 2 (11)


The heavily armored man codenamed "Nemesis" roared and punched me, or rather Gil.

I rolled on the spot, picked up the 4.5-caliber pistol and dagger that fell on the floor, turned around and ran away.

You can't escape, if you get hit by it... it might die.

When the pursuers rushed in for the first time, I originally wanted to imitate those high-end players who posted game live broadcasts and use a knife to duel or something, but an inadvertent operation error caused me to get punched, and then it fell down.

To be precise, before its fist hit Gil, a transparent shield glowing with orange light and diamond-shaped ripples appeared at the location where it was about to hit.

After the two came into contact, nothing happened except that the pursuer's fist was blocked. However, about two seconds later, the pursuer fell to his knees as if he had been hit by dozens of rocket launchers and fell headfirst. fall.

Even without the stupid system explaining it, I knew what had just happened: Although I was "controlling" Jill, my own personality was there, and the idea of ​​"not wanting to be touched by a monster infected with the T virus" formed very naturally. The "AT position" is the wall of the heart.

And after launching an attack on the "wall of heart" of a "high-dimensional creature", you still want to escape intact? When automatic counterattack is vegetarian? As far as the result is concerned, it is lucky that it was knocked down. Falling into the surface of the sun or into a black hole is a normal operation.

All in all, if I am accidentally attacked and hit by zombies or other special infected people in the next operation, nothing will happen to me or Jill, but those guys are basically dead.

【Clear the level without injury, there is a long way to go. 】

‘You can’t do it without injury, right? At least halfway, you will be poked by the pursuer's tentacles, and then control the character to change to Carlos and go to a nearby hospital to find a vaccine. ’

[The CG does not count. 】


Although these lines of dialogue are very simple, I seemed to have thought of something, but because the inspiration was too vague, I couldn't find it for a while.


The pursuer broke through the door of the apartment and rushed out, with the air of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and preferring to go to the mountains with tigers.

If this thing had any intelligence, it would not continue to chase me, but it seems that all its intelligence is used in combat and pursuit, and it cannot understand the connection between "attacking this STARS" and "losing consciousness" at all.

I had no choice but to run away, unless I wanted to dismantle the pursuer into parts on the spot.

Although it shouldn't be Matt in the movie version, there are still a lot of scenes that create a sense of oppression everywhere. Who knows what the plot will be like if he exits here.

The difference from the original situation is that I can't let it have a chance to touch me. The scene of being kicked around, grabbed and thrown like in the original remake's opening sequence cannot happen at all.

Boom boom boom——

Since the hiding place Jill chose was in a semi-abandoned state, the pursuers took shortcuts and demolished the house, even blowing up a gas pipe in an unknown house. The whole building was in flames, and no second tenant came out to protest.

I seem to remember that the pursuit was temporarily stopped due to a partial collapse of the apartment building and an explosion that blew Jill away, but where exactly was the collapse?

[Do you want the design drawing of this building? 】

‘Why don’t you just tell me the answer…forget it, I’ll take a look first. ’


I just started looking at the three-dimensional perspective view of the building provided by the stupid system to confirm where the structure is more likely to collapse. The unconventional pursuer stepped through the floor and fell from the sky.

This time, it was protruding dark purple ugly tentacles from its palm.

"Stop!" This scene was too scary, so I took advantage of him just falling and losing his footing, and pulled down the big bookcase next to me with my backhand.

With a click, the bookcase that hit the pursuer fell into pieces, and the pursuer was stunned for two seconds by the sudden attack.

[Hmm... you didn't die directly? 】

'It will kill me if it hits me,

But I can't hit it. It's a magical calculation method. ’

[Those things will be considered later, it has recovered from the dizziness. 】

‘Tsk, slipped away. ’

Perhaps because the fact that I had just knocked him unconscious was unacceptable, the pursuer's pursuit speed was a little slower after that. When approaching something that could be knocked down and smashed, he would also pay attention to whether I had tampered with those things.

As long as it can learn, draw on experience, and make amends, its AI will basically be considered qualified.

Well, of course it is AI. As a biological weapon produced by Umbrella, if it is a monster that only knows how to kill, it will definitely not be sold. And the "STARS" it shouts along the way are the necessary things it obtains before setting off. Kill command.

By the way, the movie version of "Nemesis" is not only remotely controlled at all times, but can even awaken the consciousness of the original "Matt" to rebel. Obviously, this "product" is unqualified as a "commodity" .

"[STARS——!]" "Boom!"

In the slightest moment of distraction, the pursuer had already torn down an entire wall and was charging while holding it up like a door panel.

This kind of look... I always feel that if it suddenly shouted "come out, face me!" or "eat me" or something like that, there would be no sense of disobedience at all.

[Maybe he will catch you and throw you, and in the end he will say, ‘What a weak Lord God’. 】

‘I don’t get the same treatment as the original Jill. ’

I responded, looking back.

Since the pursuers demolished the load-bearing walls and were still trying their best to destroy them along the way, I knew that the building would not last long even without looking at the design drawings. So, at the next corner, I opened the corridor window and climbed out. Start calculating how much force you need to jump to the opposite floor that is not too far away.

Boom, boom, boom!

Almost at the same time, as the pursuers rushed towards me, the apartment was overwhelmed and collapsed, instantly burying the pursuers underneath. An explosion occurred before it collapsed, directly pulling me from the two buildings that I had just climbed to the opposite building. The alley between the buildings was blown away.

Hmm...very good, the title sequence is perfectly restored.

I somersaulted twice and fell to the ground. I looked at the apartment that had become a ruin. This time, the pursuer was firmly pinned down, and he no longer had the momentum to pursue me indomitably.

Although it will be "resurrected" in the future to continue hunting, at least not yet.

We are safe, for now.

So, the next step is...

"Jill?" A tired and hoarse male voice said from behind me.

"Brad?" I looked back at the STARS member wearing a yellow body armor.

He was one of the survivors of the first generation of biochemicals, but he was not lucky enough. He died not long after the opening of the third generation as a sacrifice to summon the pursuers. The specific location was the Raccoon Police Station.

However, in the remake, he has a little more role: in order to prevent zombies from entering the house, he was bitten when he closed the door.

Although it was a tribute to the "door opening animation" of the generation, it became a joke because it was so stupid - why did you throw that meaningless sign? Nothing will happen if you go in early and close the door.

"Have you seen that monster?" Brad looked nervous: "It's chasing the only two remaining STARS members, you and me."

It's just me, chasing you is a matter of minutes.

"We have to go to the nearby rooftop helipad and take a helicopter out—"


As if to verify his words, a transport helicopter flew over the sky with blazing white searchlights.

"Let's go!" Brad immediately chased in the direction of the helicopter.

Hmm... Although this guy seems to be killed in the plot, I still try to see if I can save him.

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