The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, Resident Evil 2 (12)

"We must be dreaming, how could so many people be infected?"

On the streets of Raccoon City, police cars, private cars, trucks, and ambulances were parked everywhere, and some of them even caught fire. At the same time, many pedestrians were screaming in fear and running away from the direction where the helicopter disappeared. Come.

In that direction, there is a separation wall made of barbed wire, and on the opposite side are climbing many "people" with their eyes turned white and their bodies covered with ulcers.

These zombies originally just lay on the barbed wire fence and screamed at the fleeing pedestrians, but after the helicopter passed by at low altitude, they seemed to be irritated and began to shake the fragile separation wall wildly, which could only block the living people. In less than five seconds, The barbed wire wall collapsed, and the zombies fell, then got up again without realizing it, stretched out their hands and walked slowly towards Brad.

Brad was unarmed at this time, looked around, and immediately rushed to a small bar with a "JACKBar" sign on the roadside: "Come here! Go!"

Hmm... I don’t have time to prepare in advance, so I just jumped into the plot...

[Let you prepare in advance so that a biohazard will never happen. 】

‘In other words, [this me] died because I was unprepared? That's unreasonable. After all, he is the incarnation of world consciousness. How can he be like this? ’

[Now you should have completely reproduced what 'her' experienced at the time, right? Just keep pushing and you'll find out, probably. 】

‘It’s not just about encounters, the thinking should also be the same. If you’re not sure, you’ll cheat and so on... Can you lose by cheating? Can you play? ’

I seriously considered whether to use a knife to scrape all the zombies to death, but after thinking about it carefully, this behavior seemed a bit cumbersome, so I finally gave up, turned around, rushed into the small bar, and kicked away the small sign at the door. .

"..." Brad, who originally seemed to be planning to pick up the sign and hit the zombies who were too close, was stunned for a moment, and then rushed into the bar with me.

The door of this bar is double-opening. As soon as we closed the door, a gap opened due to the huge impact of the zombies, and we could only use our strength to resist it.

"Go to the back door of the bar! Go!" Brad yelled against the door that was shaking open.

In the original work, Jill actually carried out such an outrageous instruction directly. It can only be said that she was probably in a daze.

"Are you an idiot?" I used the strength of an ordinary adult woman to hold up the door while glaring at him: "Can you hold up the door yourself? Even if you can, how can you go after I go?"

"..." Brad was in a daze, and then pushed the door harder.

[You are always good at plotting. 】

'At this time, no matter what, you should find something to hold the door up, and then the two of you can walk away together,' I responded to the stupid system while looking around.

Well... I can only say that this guy Brad is destined to die here.

Almost all the stools in this bar are barrel-shaped cylinders, and the tables and clothes racks are fixed on the floor. The decorations on the bar are all flimsy things that are more than artistic but not strong enough. At first glance, there is absolutely nothing to block them. Door stuff.

If you find a way to kill the zombies that are crashing into the door...



At this moment, a car that was burning outside was finally overwhelmed and exploded violently, which also set off the nearby car alarm that was still fully functional.

[Hint: They are coming...]

etc? !


While reminding my sister of this strange message, various zombie roars sounded from all directions outside the bar, followed by frantic footsteps like thousands of horses galloping.

Brad, who was initially choked by my words, immediately became determined.

"Don't worry, we're leaving here right away." I blocked the door with a little more strength.

If you have the ability to bring out a "tank", I guarantee it won't be able to enter this door.

[There is a saying called,

God closed a door...]

‘Will a window open? ’

Snap! Snap! Two windows facing the street of the bar were broken by zombies, and a few of them even had an upside-down onion tumbled in.

【look. 】

‘Look at a ghost! ’

【Isn’t it just a ghost? 】

"It's obvious, Jill." Brad turned and blocked the door with his back.

"No, it's not obvious." I raised my gun and shot the heads of the zombies that had fallen in.

If I left Brad behind, he would be bitten if he turned around. And if I asked him to leave first, there was no telling whether he would leave or not. It would be very troublesome for me to explain how I escaped from the zombies later.

So it should be...well...

[You can say that I learned Lingbo Weibu during my summer vacation in Hawaii. 】

'I might as well have gone to Azkaban and learned magic. ’

[So, why do you have to activate the trick that has little impact first? Isn’t it good to do it in one step? 】

'The current situation is that the Secretary-General of the United Nations went to Zimbabwe to mediate the issue of Zhang Sanduo occupying Li Sisan's land, and the mediation was in disagreement. Even if Zhang San clamored to beat people, he would never directly mobilize 100,000 peacekeeping troops to suppress it. The principle of the place. ’

[JOJO’s wonderful metaphor. 】

‘Not JOJO at all! ’

boom! boom! Snap, snap, snap!

The clatter of zombies outside the bar became louder and louder, and the glass of more windows was smashed.

If possible, I would directly clear out the zombies with a wave of explosions, and then let Brad lose his memory, which would perfectly solve the problem. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Doing this with an identity several dimensions higher would be equivalent to directly shooting Brad in the head.

"Jill, are we still teammates?" Brad suddenly said.

"Always," I answered as I shot at the zombies that came through the window.

Brad first appeared in the first generation, appeared as a corpse in the second generation, and was "resurrected" and then died in the third generation, all with the identity of "STARS", unlike others who jumped ship at the same time.

[Chris clicked and Leon sent out a rocket. 】

"Then do me a favor! Don't let my sacrifice be in vain!" Brad pointed to the back door: "GO!"

"No, no one will sacrifice." I shook my head repeatedly.

To put it another way, a cosmic civilization is surrounded and attacked by multiple forces. The space fleet, colonial stars and space stations are completely destroyed. Only the last home planet is left unfallen, and the only defense force left is the surface army. Any member of the civilization will make " Our own civilization is about to end."

But in fact, the player controlling this civilization may have just clicked "~" and is considering which cheat to activate.

Judging from the current situation, "Gun Fighting Technique" is a very suitable one——

"GO!" Brad seemed dissatisfied with my hesitation, yelled again, opened the bar door and rushed out.

Almost instantly, he was chewed to pieces by zombies. However, this behavior of sheep among wolves did buy Gil enough time to escape - if I planned to escape.

‘It’s really troublesome, but there’s no need to consider other options. ’ I raised my hand towards Brad, who had fainted from pain, and he disappeared with a puff of black mist.

[Tip: ‘Brad Vickers’ has been recruited as a ‘reincarnation’, and ‘Resident Evil’ will become the main world of this reincarnation. 】

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