The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, Resident Evil 2 (13)

——September 28, 20:25, Raccoon City, Street——

"I'm sorry, Brad."

I said casually after leaving the alley behind the small bar.

Although he escaped the fate of death, he had to face the truth of the world - all his experiences and memories were just a game.

Compared with other reincarnations, he at least has a home to return to. If he follows the game line instead of the movie line, then most places on this earth will be relatively safe.

[In the original Biochemical 3, he was a coward, and now you have ruined a rare opportunity to shine. ] The stupid system plays the video data of the original Biochemical 3 on the taskbar.

'You also said it was the original version,'

There was a police officer lying dead on the side of the alley, with a gun in his hand. I picked it up, then turned it around on my fingertips a few times with the one I brought with me, and finally made a double gesture. Gun flow pose.

In the world view of the Resident Evil series, being bitten by a zombie is basically equivalent to a death sentence. However, some people will have a chance of "suspended death" based on their physical constitution. Depending on the situation at the time, if "Jill" wants to save Brad, he only needs to Can do the same thing as him: send Brad out the back door and face a horde of zombies by himself.

[You can’t get far without the aura of the protagonist. By the way, what did you set up for this incarnation? 】

‘Gun fighting skills, and virus immunity. ’

[The characteristic that you won’t die even if you are bitten by zombies? Then she will definitely start having sex. 】

'Then who knows...and no matter what you think, you can't just bite...huh? ’

Something familiar struck me again.

This is completely unreasonable. As the "Lord God", if I want to know something, I only need to think about it. Even if it is a fleeting thought, I can extract the memory and read it out.

So what is this...

The back door of the bar is an alley leading to another street, and the street is also full of crashed cars, burning flames, collapsed buildings, and a large number of zombies.

"[The one below! Go to the evacuation point on the roof of the underground parking lot ahead!]"

The transport helicopter we had seen once again appeared in the sky, but this time it had obviously learned its lesson. A blinding incandescent light was hung under the fuselage. It would only shout loudly with its horn when it saw someone who was obviously a human being.

Great, this helicopter pilot must not know what "high beam dogs must die" means.

"Underground parking lot, rooftop, okay." I watched a zombie fall out of a school bus that overturned on the side of the road, decisively changed paths, broke open a barbed wire gate and ran towards the location marked on the map.

'Hmm...if that incarnation saves Brad here, what happens next? Will the plot get messy? ’

[Are you worried about this? seriously? 】

'Well? ’

[So far, this is the most standard way of ‘walking through the plot’, without any advance planning or strange intrusions. 】

‘It’s like I’ve been laying out my plans long in advance, and a lot of people have messed up. ’

[Hmph, the behavior of 'disrupting the fixed plot' is unacceptable to ordinary reincarnations, because it will destroy their 'prophecy' of the future and make certain speculative time and event nodes disappear in advance, but You have never been afraid of this. 】

' seems that is indeed the case. ’

[And those plots that have been destroyed will sometimes return to their original development route for strange reasons. This kind of thing is usually pushed to the correction of time and space, the completion of world consciousness, the will of the universe, etc. 】

‘This is entirely because the screenwriter or author is too lazy to use their brains. ’

[Although you have been studying the issue of dimensionality expansion recently, please don’t just make a Deadpool-style statement casually. 】

‘That’s weird, Deadpool is next door, but I’m going to lift the roof. ’

"Back off! Don't come any closer!"

Since I was talking nonsense with the stupid system, I didn't pay much attention to the road. When someone suddenly yelled in front of me, I realized that I had reached a place that looked like a temporary open-air warehouse.

And the guy who roared,

It was a middle-aged man in business casual attire with a worrying hairline, waving his arms and running away from me.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"I'm fine! As long as you stay away from me!"

In two words, he had already run all the way into a large container in the corner of the warehouse.

"Hey, don't be like this, look at the sky," I pointed to the helicopter running around with its high beam on: "That helicopter can take us to a safe place."

"What a 'safe place'! I won't leave here!" The middle-aged man began to close the door forcefully.

Hmm... I probably remember who this is.

He is a businessman who thinks that biochemical outbreaks are just a minor problem. He thinks that the police or the army will soon control the situation, so he locks himself up.

Later in the plot, Jill has the opportunity to return to this scene, and then she will find that this guy has been eaten by several zombies.

Since the zombie obviously has no ability to open the door, he must have run out of food or water and tried to search, but was cut off.

Unlike Brad, he is a person who will die in the future but has nothing to do now, and cannot be "saved" directly.

"The parking lot is not far from here. I can take you there." I said looking at the direction the helicopter was flying away.

"The only safe place is here!" he shouted, and the container door was about to close.

As the saying goes, it’s hard to persuade a damn ghost with good words. Pure passers-by are often more difficult to save than characters with names, surnames and plots.

However, I looked through his background settings, and it seems that he is really not a "passer-by".

"What would 'Dario Russell' think if he saw your current cowardice?" I said to the almost completely closed container door.

The closing of the door stopped.

"Wha...what?" The container door reopened a crack: "What happened to that best-selling author?"

"I've seen every one of his autograph sessions, and I have a little impression of you." I said casually.

[Hmm, although it is nonsense, it is not completely nonsense. If you read it two seconds ago, you have seen it. 】

‘You are the only one who talks a lot! ’

"...Really?" The container door opened a little wider, and the middle-aged man seemed to be adjusting his appearance.

"You seemed to have put forward very good opinions and suggestions on the content of Mr. Russell's book at the book signing. Mr. Russell laughed and took a photo with you. Later, he also publicly praised you for your 'attention to details.'" I read the script: "Your The name should be...Tod?"

"It's Ted." The cabinet door was fully opened and Ted jumped out: "Humph, although you look embarrassed, your expression is full of confidence. You casually said you want to protect others, and you even held two pistols in your hands. Gun, if nothing else, it should be a special police officer from some department, right?"

[He seems not to be afraid of zombies at all. 】

‘After all, his dying message was [I was praised by the great Dalio Russell], and that was probably the highest honor in his life. ’

"Yes, I am a member of 'STARS'. Please follow me closely. Don't worry about those monsters. If I can't handle it for a while, you can hide aside for the time being and don't take risks." I nodded in agreement: "Just like the writer said "You still have a long life ahead of you."

"...Please lead the way, ma'am."

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