The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Four, Resident Evil 2 (14)

——September 28, 20:47, Raccoon City, Street——

The location where the helicopter was flying around was a five-story building called "Public Store". The parking lot was strangely located on the roof of the building, so the guy calling "the roof of the underground parking lot" was probably a dazzle. The result of adding mouth scoop.

It is not far from the small open-air warehouse, but the various collapsed structures along the way, the fires and the zombies wandering among them make it difficult for ordinary people to approach. They fly in the sky and let the survivors gather there. That's right. It's easy, but if you don't have two brushes, you will be eaten by zombies on the way there.


I casually killed a zombie that was stuck in the barbed wire with two shots and still stretched out its head to bite someone. I raised my hand and waved to Ted: "Follow me."

"STARS... special rescue force? I seem to have heard, how many people are you here? Do you have a plan to deal with this situation?" Ted followed and looked around nervously, still talking.

"Actually, I'm here on vacation, and this kind of thing happened purely by accident." I walked around an overturned truck: "The guys on the helicopter are the professionals."

Stupid system is skeptical.

‘Should I tell him the outline of the story of Biochemical 1? I mean, here on vacation. ’

'If you want to drive him crazy, just say so. ’

"In other words, it's not a formal rescue yet, but the planes are coming faster, right?" Ted seemed to be relieved when he heard that Jill was on vacation: "The follow-up rescue and treatment plan are already on the way, right?"

If I remember correctly, there seems to have been a follow-up rescue, but the group was wiped out due to an underestimation of the zombies' strength. As for the solution... does it count to directly eliminate Raccoon City?

"Probably. I'm not very familiar with those processes. Generally, I just go wherever the commander-in-chief tells me to go."



After once again bypassing a fire truck that had crashed into the wall, the parking lot entrance of the Volkswagen store appeared in front of us.

The height-limiting pole has been knocked out, and the parking attendant in the guard box has turned into a zombie and is pounding the thick glass of his cubicle.

"It's interesting..." I looked at the zombie and touched my chin.

"What do you mean?" Ted looked confused.

Stupid system answered the call.

‘Don’t expect me to follow through. ’

"How do you think a person like this, who stayed in a narrow space and had never been bitten, turned into a zombie?" I pointed at the zombie parking lot attendant.

"Empty, airborne?" Ted tried to analyze.

"If it's airborne, why are you okay? Why is that noisy guy in the sky okay? Why are the troops who established a blockade outside Raccoon City okay?" I knocked on the glass with the handle of my gun, causing the zombies to scratch.

"Ah this..."

"These people all have one thing in common...they come from outside Raccoon City." I tried to make a sneer, not sure if it was successful: "The Umbrella branch has been established in Raccoon City for many years, and must have sequenced the genes of the residents here. They have figured out everything about DNA nucleic acid, and the biochemical weapons they developed are naturally the most adaptable to local people. Therefore, once leaked, it will sweep through the entire Raccoon City like wildfire. Maybe there will be local people who are lucky enough. People can resist the zombie virus, but most people will become like him."

"It was actually done by Umbrella!" Ted said angrily: "They are indeed not good people!"

‘I’m going to investigate the case while on vacation, and I just said that anyone can make guesses. Regarding the subsequent Nemesis experiment, I haven’t said anything about why the nuclear bomb destruction plan was so fast. ’

'I won't say too much. After all, the difference between the game line and the movie line is still a bit big. If I accidentally make a connection and cause the world to collapse, I will have to shut down the world and rebuild it. If I do this, there will be no end. The elements are still second, the key is the 'reincarnation' who takes risks inside. Jin Jing, as a high-dimensional creature, should be fine.

But White Bear and the others are in a bit of trouble. NPCs like Blank and the Mimic Team may even be wiped out directly. ’

"Okay, it has happened. There is no point in getting to the bottom of it. What we have to consider now is the significance of his presence there." The zombie still failed to break the glass of the small pavilion. I finally gave it a bullet and turned around. The store's elevator.

"What's the point of a corpse?" Ted wondered as he followed.

"It suggests-"

I knocked on the elevator door button, then stepped back and raised my gun.


Two zombies shouting unknown syllables rushed out of the elevator room, and then I shot each one in the head.

"——There may be zombies in narrow places."

"This is just ordinary 'inference', not a 'hint', right?" Ted expressed confusion.

"Yeah, that's right." I kicked the zombies blocking the elevator door out of the elevator, waited for Ted to come in, and pressed the button on the top floor.

‘If you don’t say it clearly, it is really not easy for ordinary people to think that their world is a game. ’

If I hadn't heard those words at the time, I would probably have thought that I was unlucky and that "PAX-200" just happened naturally.




While thinking about it, the elevator had already arrived at the rooftop parking lot. The helicopter flew over with its high beam on just as the elevator door opened, and hovered and landed in a barely empty spot on the rooftop.

“We’ll be right away—ma’am?”

Ted took a few steps forward excitedly, but when he realized that I hadn't followed, he turned back in confusion.

"I'm going to see..." I aimed my gun at the rear side of the helicopter: "Is that helicopter strong?"



Bang bang!


On the roof of another building, the "Nemesis" I had thrown away before was holding a rocket launcher to aim at the helicopter, and suddenly launched it when it stopped and was about to land, and I, calculated the advance amount. The rocket exploded in the air.

However... the effect was obviously not very good. Although the rocket was detonated in advance, the helicopter still spiraled and fell to the roof of the building under the influence of the explosion shock wave.

"Oh thank you! Oh thank you!" The helicopter pilot did not abandon the plane decisively and tried to pull it up.

"Go and hide aside!" I instructed Ted, quickly rushed towards the spinning trajectory of the helicopter, and then took off at the right time, pulling the helicopter pilot out of the cabin and pressing him to the ground.


The helicopter passed overhead and crashed into a pile of parked cars not far away. In an instant, it turned into a fierce and blazing fireball together with the cars that would never be claimed by their owners.

"You...I..." The helicopter pilot was in shock and seemed to be speechless.

"You're welcome." I looked at the location where the vehicle exploded. After lifting him up, I pushed him in Ted's direction: "Hide and stay out of the way."

The raging fire parted from the middle, and a tall, bald figure came out, letting out a huge, inhuman roar:


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