The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, Resident Evil 2 (15)

——September 28, 21:13, Raccoon City, rooftop parking lot——


I looked at the pursuer striding in, and then at the two pitiful small pistols in my hands.

How can we defeat this guy who just knocked down a helicopter "without taking any damage"?

[According to the plot, you can drive a car and knock him down. 】

'But before that, he had already broken the car window and grabbed Jill's neck. In addition, there were two lucky people here who had just escaped death. Although the pursuers would not attack anyone other than STARS, they would not Be careful when attacking. ’

[So why are you saving them? If there were only pursuers, they could just kick it down and claim that they hit it themselves. 】

'As if this fused world isn't unstable enough. ’

I took a closer look at the structural diagram of the rooftop parking lot and the cars parked in a haphazard manner around it.


"Ted! And the guy who piloted the plane!" I called to the other two while shooting at the pursuer.

"My name is Francis! I'm an airman, not a 'plane pilot'!" The pilot took out his flare gun, but after looking at my futile shooting, he put it away again.

"Okay, French Air Force," I pointed to a nearby black car that looked very solid and complete: "You and Ted go see if the Mustang SUV over there can still be driven-"

"You want to hit that monster?" Ted and Frances ran towards the car together.

"[STARS——!]" At this moment, the pursuer punched me. I slid to avoid it and rushed a few steps away from the car.

Not surprisingly, it turned a blind eye to Francis and Ted, turned around and continued to pursue me.

"No! That level of impact should be useless to it!" I responded while spinning around the abandoned vehicle: "After you activate it, you can ride it to the adjacent viaduct!"

This store is five stories high, while the overpass across the street has only three stories. As long as you go fast enough, you can rush over it, just like Lu jumping over Tanxi.

As for Lu Zhizhu and so on... that car is not Lu.

"This car is damaged! We can't repair it with our bare hands!" Francis checked the car and continued to respond loudly.

Of course I know it's broken, but the problem is that the car is the only one in the rooftop parking lot that can implement the plan I just planned. The others are either completely broken or are blocked deep in the pile of cars. Moreover, its broken part is also easy to repair. .

"Unless you can find another car with a complete appearance!" I once again avoided the "whip" of the pursuer and responded from a distance: "If the line is broken, replace it! If the oil is out, add it! The battery cannot be moved to the car next to it. It’s useful!”

[Tip: Avoid the attack of "Nemesis": 4:59]

[Replace wire: 01]

[Refuel the car: 02]

【Install battery: 01】

...! ?

I narrowly escaped the pursuer's punch by rolling on the spot.

The mission prompt that my sister suddenly popped up almost killed the pursuer.

This confusing information looks like a "mission", but there is no introduction or reward.

My sister is always serious, and every prompt is quite formal and meaningful, so this time...

Are you disgusted by the stupid system messing around in the taskbar?

"Hang on! We can do it in just three minutes!" Ted also yelled.

No, I don't believe it, it will take at least five minutes.

I continued to dodge the pursuer's iron fist while watching the countdown given by my sister who prompted me.

Boom boom boom!


The pursuer didn't let out a roar. He threw his head back and fell to the ground with a crash.

Well... Well, although I have been dodging attacks, the double guns in my hands have actually never stopped shooting. Naturally, the targets are all its big heads. It is only now that I have been able to shoot hard. How bad is the lethality of this thing? …


Just when I thought the pursuer would get up and continue attacking, this guy actually came directly to sweep his legs, or should I say whip him on the ground?

After doing two back flips to get away from me, I found purple tentacles protruding from both of its hands. It stopped punching and began to whip its whip, doubling its attack range in an instant.

[Oh, it’s the second stage. 】

‘Does this guy think it’s William? Still want to transform? ’

[In our place, this is generally called the second coming of the spirit base. 】

‘Who can draw this bad card! ’

After switching from punching to using a whip, the chance of the pursuer killing me instantly doubled. I had to predict his attack route in advance and then dodge, which doubled the trouble.

"We're ready! Get in the car!" More than four minutes later, when all the tasks prompted to her sister were checked, Francis's shout and the roar of the wild horse also sounded.


The pursuer rarely gave up his attack on me and turned to look at the off-road vehicle.

Obviously, as a weapon of war, it had enough logic to determine which car could take me out of my life, and the priority of attacking me was replaced by the destroyer car.

But, how can we let it pass? Francis and Ted could outrun the car but they couldn't.

When the pursuer turned around and took a step forward, I pulled down a relatively intact large sign next to me and knocked it unconscious. Then I held the sign with one hand and jumped over. I sprinted a few steps and got directly into the car door.

"Drive, drive!"


The pursuer soon woke up, smashed the sign in front of it with one punch, and then charged at the wild horse.

But, how can two legs compare to four wheels?

With the Mustang off-road vehicle already started, although it was charging at a very high speed, the distance was getting wider and wider.

Finally, the off-road vehicle flew directly out of the roof parking lot from the gap in the collapse.

And the pursuers can only look on in disbelief——

The pursuer jumped up from the roof without hesitation and grabbed the speeding car that was also in mid-air.

After all, this thing can't be killed, but if the car loses its balance due to it, it may crash on the spot like the helicopter.'s faster?

I reached out from the window and fired hard at the pursuer, and Francis also used his treasured flare gun. Unfortunately, this level of attack had no effect on it.


At this moment, time seemed to have slowed down, leaving only the speeding car that could not adjust its posture, the figure of the pursuer approaching with claws and claws, and the big ugly face.

It would be very troublesome to fall down. Do you want to add the ability of "psychokinesis" to push it back?

Squeak - whoosh!

At the moment before I implemented my plan, a cylinder trailing white smoke passed by the speeding car and plunged into the arms of the pursuer.

It was stunned for about half a second, or a tenth of a second, and then was pushed back all the way by the rocket, crashing into the middle floor of the mass store, and then there was a violent explosion.

boom! Chi chi chi——

The Mustang off-road vehicle landed smoothly on the overpass. With a harsh friction sound, it hit something and then stopped hard. The passengers in the car didn't care about what the vehicle hit. They stared straight ahead and held four tubes in their hands. Figure of bazooka.

It was a young man wearing a black leather jacket, a red cloak, white hair, and slightly dark skin. He casually threw away the rocket launcher in his hand, touched his nose, and looked at the Mustang off-road vehicle:

"What? My shot is quite accurate."

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