The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, Resident Evil 2 (17)

——September 28, 21:32, Raccoon City, Redstone Subway Station——

"Carlos" may not know what the good guy card means, but "Sora" definitely knows, but he also thinks "Jill" doesn't know, and the result is that the two of us had a very standard American pick-up conversation.

The so-called "American pick-up" is a greeting such as "Have you eaten?" Whether it is "Have eaten" or "Not yet", it is the introduction to the next conversation. The response of "Let's go get something to eat" is usually Impossible.

So, after being rejected casually by me, he didn't say much. He just took us away from the end of the train where the passengers were accommodated, and towards the carriage with simple bunkers and tents set up in the middle.

"Captain, this beauty and the other two survivors need our help." Carlos stepped into the car and said.

Following Carlos's gaze, I saw an old man wearing a green camouflage uniform and a beret, steaming vegetables and smoking. He looked like he might be over sixty years old, with a snow-white beard and a red face. His face was full of wrinkles, but his eyes were still quite sharp.

"Brother, can you stop focusing on 'beauties'?" Before the old man spoke, an unexpected crisp voice sounded.

It was a young girl wearing a red long-sleeved sportswear and sturdy blue jeans. Her hair was tied into a single ponytail and her eyes were raised. She looked a bit shrewd but had an expressionless face.

If Guan Kong is called brother, is it "white"? But will she be in Resident Evil 3?

And why does this look look a bit like Claire?

"Uh, this is the captain of our UBCS team, Bill Mikhail Victor." Carlos was choked by the girl, scratched his head, and introduced: "And she is my sister Zoey. , going to college in Raccoon City.”

This it the protagonist group of Road to Survival? There seems to be a Louis missing now.

However, I saved Francis from the crashed helicopter. If I had followed the plot and ignored it, there would have been one less of the four protagonists.

Maybe it was because I saved Francis that the captain here became Bill?

No, using Zoe's image for nothing should be one of the reasons.

"Carlos, have you asked this 'beauty' her name?" Bill, who was sitting there, looked up at me for a while and said.

"I didn't have time to ask,

But she can fight quite well. "Carlos replied.

"Of course, Jill Valentine, she is an elite member of STARS," Bill narrowed his eyes: "If her team is fully staffed, we at UBCS may not be able to last for half an hour with the same number of people."

"Oh? Why are you premised on confrontation between the two sides? Do you also know that what you Umbrella did is shady?" I continued to maintain that all my teammates died due to the leakage of the Umbrella virus, and STARS was filled with anger. Member image.

"Our current mission is to search and rescue citizens, that's all." Bill ignored the conversation and looked at Ted and Francis before saying: "As you can see, we are short of manpower. If you are willing to help..."

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Captain, I'm just a businessman. Without Ms. Valentine's help, I might have been bitten by zombies." Ted waved his hands repeatedly: "If it was to help protect the subway station and deal with some debris , I can actually help."

"I'm a pilot, and the plane just crashed." Francis spread his hands: "If you give me a gun, I can shoot accurately, but street fighting, investigation, and head-on confrontation with those monsters are beyond my capabilities."

"Very good." Bill nodded.

very good?

"As you can see, this city has completely lost contact with the outside world, traffic arteries have been isolated, and hundreds of thousands of citizens have turned into zombies. Our team also suffered great losses during the execution of the mission. "At this time, just maintaining the safety of this subway station is insufficient." Bill gestured to the survivors' car: "If you are willing to help, it will be much better than those who are disheartened, full of despair, and even refuse our rescue."

"You can thank your company executives for creating this virus and spreading it." I kept reading Jill's lines and found that because the situation had changed, many of the words were no longer suitable for the current context, so I casually Picked a sentence.

"Sister Jill," Bai, or Zoe, came over and hugged my arm: "My brother and Uncle Bill don't know what Umbrella has done, please don't be angry with them."

Let a girl with nothing to pretend to be cute is really yours, Sora.

Moreover, Jill is a tough European and American heroine who doesn’t like Japanese girls to act cute.

[What about Laura? 】

'Totally unimaginable. ’

“I only target those who created the virus, and peripheral personnel are only occasionally affected.” I gently pushed Zoe away: “I did not reject Mr. Bill’s request.”

"Fuck--very good, let's talk about the next plan." Bill took another puff of cigarette and threw the cigarette butt out of the car window: "The land transportation in Raccoon City is blocked, but the air and underground are not yet, we can't To keep these survivors here for a long time, we must first send them out—including Mr. Ted.”

"Well... I can actually stay..." Ted said with very little confidence, and he didn't mean what he said at all.

"There are two main tasks now, cleaning the subway passages and restoring power to the subway lines." Bill pointed in the direction of the subway front: "Although there are zombies everywhere on the surface, there won't be many underground. After all, those monsters are human-turned-human beings." Yes, not many people will stay in the subway passage, but a safe line needs to be confirmed and cleared. As for power supply, you need to go to the substation three streets away, clear out the zombies there, and restart the power supply. The train starts."

"To put it simply, the task of cleaning up the subway is relatively simple, but the journey is very long. Although you don't need to travel too far to restore power, the road is full of zombies, and we still don't know the cause of the power outage," Carlos said, "What are you going to do? How to choose?"

"I'll go to the surface," I replied without thinking at all. "And it's not for Umbrella, it's for the survivors."

Just kidding, the pursuer is still entangled, what if it gets blocked by it in a relatively narrow underground area?

"Okay, okay, as long as our ultimate goal is the same," Carlos took out a portable walkie-talkie from behind his back: "Here you go, the communicator. We can communicate with each other later during the mission."

This guy...can he be more low-key when taking things from the "inventory"? There are no pockets or other containers on your waist, right?

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