The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, Resident Evil 2 (18)

——September 28, 21:55, Raccoon City, street——

"Speaking of which, they really feel free to let Jill act alone."

While walking around to avoid the zombies wandering the streets, I headed to the substation with a huge red and white electric tower.

[In terms of gameplay, they believe you can do it as a ‘heroine’, and in terms of plot explanation, ‘STARS elites’ can also do it. ] The stupid system replied.


There were two things necessary to get the train moving again, and I had to do one alone while Bill took Zoe, Frances, and Carlos with him to do the other.

"Speaking of which, it seems like there is a missing Louis."

[Not bad, Carlos also has a black teammate named ‘Tyrrell’, who will most likely be replaced by Luis. 】

"This name makes people want to complain but don't know where to start."

Toot toot—boom!

A car crashed into a wall on the street and exploded, igniting a nearby gas pipeline and directly blocking the road to the substation.

"Hey, it won't explode if I don't come, right?" I looked at the fire that would be extinguished in a while and sighed.

[Because the game company didn’t do that many maps, they just didn’t want players to run around, but you can naturally ignore it. 】

"Hmm... I vaguely remember that Jill also seems to have a physique of "exploding wherever she goes", but she will be more tolerant of the means of transportation she takes."

[Chris sent a congratulatory message. 】

"Speaking of this... Leon and Claire will arrive a day later, but the time of the movie version of Biochemical 2 seems to coincide with Biochemical 3. Ahn'Qiraj, the daughter of Dr. T-Virus, should have been in a car accident and ran into the elementary school to hide... …Did this happen?”

[Let me happened. 】


[Half a minute ago. 】

"...I shouldn't think about this!"

Drop - drop -

At this moment,

The communicator Carlos gave me rang.


"[Hey, Gil, how's it going? I'm going fine here.]" Carlos's voice came from the intercom.

Did he come here specifically to show off?

"There's a problem. The fire is blocking the way to the substation. I'm trying to figure it out."

"[Oh, thank you, but you should have a way to kill it,]" Carlos said.

"Yeah." This guy has changed his gender?

"[After all, you are so beautiful.]"

【Hahahahaha! 】

"Mr. Carlos... could you please aim at the wall next to you and hit it headlong with the first cosmic speed?" I responded with gritted teeth.

Although this was Carlos' line, it was quite strange for Sora to say it, especially with his sister Shiro next to him.

It would be better to find a way to separate them and continue working together.

...Although I will only get two useless people.



As expected, after I ran around, found a water pipe, connected it to the faucet, and extinguished all the flames on the path leading to the substation, the pursuer crashed through the wall next to me and rushed out, punching me.

It's not surprising, but it's still a bit unexpected - this guy comes out at the wrong time.

In the official plot, it was not until Jill put out the fire and explored a few intersections that the pursuer fell from the sky. After putting out the fire, he rushed out directly. This is what happened in the preview DEMO of the Resident Evil Triple Remake.

Since it is a DEMO, no further content will be done. Whether Jill kills the pursuer or bypasses it to open the door to the next block, the DEMO demonstration will end.

Naturally, I couldn't kill it. After all, I didn't have any heavy weapons, and I couldn't take the initiative to touch it, so I had no choice but to avoid its edge and run away.

The punch in front of me was about to hit, so I threw away the water pipe in my hand and rolled directly to the side and forward.


The moment he passed by the pursuer's fist, the whole world turned into black and white. In this black and white world, everything in the outside world became almost static. Only Jill was still moving in slow motion much faster than the others. Come to action.

[Okay, it’s bullet time! 】The stupid system shouted.

It's not bullet time, it's perfect dodge.

"It's outrageous to add this feature to the remake of Resident Evil 3. I don't know how many people have given themselves up to being bitten by zombies just to be cool." I complained while adjusting Jill's posture in this slow-motion world, aiming at the pursuer who missed with one punch. Crazy shooting in the head.

Speaking of which, in the Resident Evil series, female characters have always had much more types of ammunition and firearms than male characters, and male characters have more places to decipher than female characters. Basically, in the fourth-dimensional box in the safe house , the female characters are all bullets and firearms, while the male characters are mission props that are temporarily unused.

Gill has naturally inherited this fine tradition. He has saved hundreds of pistol bullets, and ordinary zombies are very brittle. He basically shoots one for two, and he never knows who to hit - until now, the pursuer's sandbags have come to his door.


After the counterattack time provided by the dodge was over, the two shuttles of the two guns fired a total of thirty bullets, and none of them missed the pursuer's head, directly knocking him to a "stop" state where he was kneeling on one knee.

"Hmm..." I circled around the pursuer twice: "Why does this guy only have fists and tentacles to attack? And what about the heavy weapons and gun accessories he carries?"

[It should be at Matt’s place, right? There are scenes of airdrops to him in the movie. As for these mass-produced pursuers, they only have initial equipment, which is gone after use. They can only strengthen themselves in the future. 】

“You’ve run out of ammunition and food, you’ve been burned, you’ve been bombed, you’ve been electrocuted, you’ve been flooded, and you still insist on chasing down STARS members. How dedicated you are.” I shrugged, passed the pursuers, and pushed open the iron gate that was only accessible after the fire was extinguished.

There was no thank you for playing or any other prompt, and the subsequent map opened very smoothly. Moreover, since the pursuer had just been beaten down, I encountered no obstacles until I reached the position where I could see the substation.

It's just that...from a distance, the substation and the equipment inside are completely entangled with a strange green vine. In the "forest" formed by it, you can vaguely see swift and strange shadows scurrying around. go.

Those things are quite disgusting. To put it simply, they were added in the remake, similar to facehugger stuff, and the unlucky Jill... tsk.

"...I thought I had forgotten about it, but actually seeing it brought back bad memories." I looked at the weird green vines: "I will find an excuse to teach someone from Bao a lesson when I get back. "

[To be specific, teach Solian a lesson. 】

"But it doesn't matter, I'm not that easy to get tricked." Glancing at the "forest" in the distance again, I pushed open a nearby door.

"Ahem! Who is it?"

Behind the door is an auto repair shop. Broken vehicles and miscellaneous tools are scattered everywhere. Near a forklift, a young man wearing a UBCS uniform and covered in blood is sitting.

"Have you been bitten?" I walked over holding the pistol.

"No, I was killed by those spider monsters..." The young man looked up at me and suddenly looked frightened: "No, no, no -"

Boom! Boom!

Without looking back, I raised my hand and shot away the gun aimed at the young man behind me.

"He said he wasn't bitten, didn't you hear?"

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