The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty, Resident Evil 2 (20)

——September 28, 22:46, Raccoon City, safe house——

[Support team leader Meng Nali: To be precise, it was 2 hours and 35 minutes. 】

[Member of the support team Lisa Meng: Sister, you said you wanted to see if there were any bugs in this world. 】

[Roman, deputy leader of the support team: It’s different from the previous times. He disappeared directly from us. 】

[Support team member Matthew: Senior, are you okay? 】

The name was changed very quickly...

I tried, but couldn't seem to type with my mind, so I started typing on the typewriter.

[Jill Valentine (Lin Hao): Can’t you see what’s going on here? 】

What a weird name this is...

It seems there is no way to change it?

[Backup team leader Meng Nali: It was originally possible, but after you disappeared, the reincarnation world was shrouded in black fog. We can only see some scattered safe houses. How is the situation on your side? Is there something wrong with the world itself? 】

[Support team member Lisa Meng: Sister, have you become Jill? 】

[Roman, deputy leader of the support team: Do you want to come back first and talk about it? 】

[Ma Xiu, member of the support team: Senior, do you need me to help you? 】

[Emil who would kill even a god to show you: ASDFGHJKL;']

【Sophie: Incredible. 】

[Lin Shu, the stupid brother whose IQ is not worthy of his name: What is this? Chat group? 】

[The stupid brother Lin Shu whose IQ is not worthy of his name: Who gave me this ID! 】


Emil slashed the keyboard and Sophie took her title. Only the stupid brother could reveal his ID twice.

It seems to be very lively over there at my house...

In a flurry of excitement, I roughly exchanged information with the support team, and the summary is as follows:

When the world was first created,

Raccoon City is already completely infected by the T virus. All zombies have been zombies since their birth, and there is no possibility of rescue. The surviving humans are in a relatively safe environment. As long as they do not seek death, they will not die.

After I entered the world, the "globe" went black as if it was covered by the fog of war. I could only see some "absolutely safe" locations, and I could only get in touch with the support team at these locations - although there was no need. Backup.

The time flow rate of the originally "invading" and "invaded" high-dimensional souls has been greatly slowed down, while the speed of Earth 0 has been greatly accelerated, resulting in a kind of relative stillness. In other words, in the eyes of the reincarnators, They are still in a state where they have just decided to enter the world, and they will remain in this "frozen" state until I confirm that there are no problems with the world and the plot can begin.

The situation of Jin Jing, a "high-dimensional creature", is quite special. We cannot interfere with her time, but with the degree of acceleration here, it should be able to be deceived as a delay in entering the world.

Speaking of time, the plot of the Resident Evil 2 movie is slowly advancing over time. I have to arrive at the church where Alice appears on time, and it doesn’t matter what I did before.

Later, when I act with Alice as Jill Valentine, Claire will arrive in Raccoon City, and go through the plot of the Resident Evil 2 game version with Jin Jing. The two sides develop in parallel, and finally separate from each other before the nuclear bomb destroys Raccoon City. Escape by air and underground.

This entire process is called "world initialization" by Meng Nali.

After "world initialization", a "Resident Evil" world will be born that combines the movie version and the game version, but is different from them.

And precisely because of the "original" elements, Luo Shen, who can only do "fandom", could not complete it independently, so I came in so easily and replaced Jill Valentine who connected the two versions - after all, she is the According to normal development, there is absolutely no reason for a real-type first female lead to play the second female lead for the super-type Alice.

But who is it that the husband of the actor who plays Alice is the director of the Resident Evil series of movies?

Later, in order to set off the "Superman" of Alice, the plot and setting became farther and farther away from the elements of "Resident Evil", and it is natural that the more the film was made, the worse it became.

Although the game version later went astray - can the first-person Resident Evil still be called a Resident Evil? And that guy named Ethan, the humanoid virus and all, you are basically Alex, right? No wonder I had a premonition that Flight 180 would crash.

[Are your upper and lower sections still connected? 】

Uh-huh... In short, through contacting "Chaldea", I confirmed my next action plan: continue the plot of the game version of Biochemical 3, and find an opportunity to sneak into the Biochemical 2 movie set.

By the way, that strange "chat group" only appeared when I tried to "archive" it using a typewriter, and its coverage was limited to the back garden of my home. As for the seemed to be everyone's definition of their own identity. It has nothing to do with anyone else.

And that "typewriter" cannot be archived. It is more similar to a "spiritual transfer device" that allows me to directly give up Jill's identity and let her move freely later, or to transfer the "heroic spirits" at home in a "relatively reasonable" way. "Summoned over to be a thug.

In terms of appearance, no one else is suitable to come except Ma Xiu who is wearing the new spiritual clothes. In terms of strength, no one can come.

After rejecting Matthew Emil and Sophie's offer to help and making some repairs, I left the safe house and set off to continue Jill's original job: restoring power to the subway.

Speaking of which...

Burning cities... zombies and monsters everywhere... missions that must be completed... and "hostile servants" coming to chase you from time to time.

What kind of inexplicable singularity is this?

Although the substation is located in a downtown area, there should be many zombies gathered there, but because the vines that entangled it were too ferocious, I arrived at the control room of the substation and did not see a few zombies. On the contrary, there were I have seen the shadow of a swift monster that looks like a spider that cut Murphy in half.

In the control room, I found an equipment maintenance notice. It said that due to the intensifying violence in Raccoon City, all the electrical boxes had been shut down in advance to avoid damage. Only the switches of all four electrical boxes could be restarted. , to re-power on.

Next to this maintenance notice, there was a manuscript that looked like a diary. The person who wrote the manuscript said that after the electrical box equipment was shut down, there were strange vines and spider-like monsters nesting in it. When he went to investigate, Those spider monsters grabbed his face and stuffed something into his throat. He ate the green grass for ornamental purposes before spitting it out.

This should be the first time the therapeutic effect of green grass is officially mentioned in the Biochemical series, but I just want to say... You were treated like that and you didn't run away, but you could still write a diary calmly?

As for the facehugger that Gill will surely win next? Let me kill the plot first and then talk about it.

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