The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, Resident Evil 2 (21)

——September 28, 23:25, Raccoon City, substation——


"These things look like they were made by Bao and Irisen together." I stood outside the electrical box group equipment surrounded by barbed wire and looked in. "It seems that after the T virus infects animals and plants, it cannot They turned into zombies that fit the theme of the world, and were ultimately subtly influenced by those two ancient civilizations.”

Although the bugs hiding inside move very quickly and know how to use the environment to hide themselves, and even look similar to those vines, it is of no use to me.

It was an insect that was shaped like a spider, but had claws similar to those of a praying mantis. It also had mosquito-like straws on its body, and its shell was covered with vines to imitate it. It was about half a person's height.

The almost split injury on Murphy's waist was probably caused by this "scythe claw".

Judging from the animal carcasses scattered in the corners, they reproduce by injecting insect eggs into animals and eating the host when they hatch. It is probably that the production team is paying tribute to the aliens, and the unlucky Jill was infected just once, or... There is an unavoidable plot kill. People who have only played the original Biochemical 3 may have to throw away the controller or keyboard on the spot after encountering it.

However, the game process requires turning on four switches in the power box group. Players still have to bite the bullet and fight all the way through, but most of them will waste a lot of bullets just to avoid being pounced on by the "facehuggers".

I held it up with one hand and jumped in with the dagger in hand.


Like the zombies outside, these strange bugs didn't notice that I was special. They spread out quickly and surrounded Jill from a distance. One of them, a relatively reckless one, crawled directly to the top of my head.

Under normal circumstances, Jill would have been attracted by these sounds and not paid attention to the top of her head, so she was thrown in the face by it, but now...


When the guy flew down, I triggered a perfect dodge with a sliding step, lifted the dagger up, cut it in half in the middle and turned it into ashes.

"That's it." I originally planned to make a handsome gesture to put away the knife, but the dagger didn't have a scabbard, so I could only put it away by swinging it twice - even though nothing got on it.

[Theoretically speaking, if it is not a forced plot, 70% of people can avoid this kind of ordinary attack even if it is the first time they meet. 】

“They first have to be able to move in the forced plot.

"I walked over to the first electrical box switch and turned it on.

[The last time I saw someone using his authority so blatantly was Kirito. 】

"He should be the same group of 'reincarnators' as Sora, but he is not so fanatical about games. He would rather have his wife and children on the hot bed. Maybe he has settled a property in some beautiful reincarnation world?" I clicked on the map. Go to the next electrical box.

[Let’s take a look... Yes, he has real estate in Avatar’s Home Tree, Lord of the Rings’ Rivendell, World of Warcraft’s Teldrassil, and other huge woods with fantasy elements. 】

"I guess those locations were all Asuna's suggestions."

[You can completely remove ‘I guess’. 】

Hiss—bang bang!

Before touching the switch of the second electrical box, I fired two shots above it, blasting away the bugs squatting there waiting for a sneak attack.

[This sneak attack, although the player can move freely, is difficult to avoid because the attention is attracted to the switch of the electrical box. 】

"That's it if you don't assume the role of the protagonist and don't have a sense of crisis in the environment." I put away the gun and closed the switch on the electrical box.



Crack, crackle! Bang bang!

After all the switches of the four electrical boxes were turned on and the main gate was finally closed, the re-operated electrical box and the high-voltage electricity sputtering everywhere in it instantly burned out all the vines and bugs. The current and flames even spread across two streets. You can see clearly outside.

"Theoretically speaking, there is no need to worry about violent damage due to such a powerful current. Anyone who tries to damage it will die."

[But the income from power transformation is loss-making. 】

"...What you said makes sense."

This small level is just a stage for bugs, and the plants are completely silent. However, I vaguely remember that Leon and Claire will encounter more plants and "plant zombies" later in the Umbrella laboratory, but that and Jill who left by plane It doesn't matter.

I took another distant look at the messy group of electrical boxes, then pushed open the door and walked into the subway company's control room, which was previously inaccessible due to vines blocking the road.

"Carlos, I restored the subway power supply," I used the walkie-talkie Carlos gave me to contact him: "How do I adjust the subway lines?"

"[Good job, partner,]" Carlos responded.

"I'm not your partner."

"Sora" is the same guy as Kirito. Kirito at least attracts others with "Asashi", but he is just a talker. After all, "Sora" is obviously by his side. How did he do it?

"[Although subway dispatching is a very complicated job, currently our subway is the only one that can operate in Raccoon City.]" Carlos turned to get down to business.

"Yeah, that's right." I agreed, looking at the large red lines symbolizing "outages" on the Raccoon City subway network.

"[What you have to do is similar to a switchman, adjust the line so that our trains can go from the 'Redstone Street' station to the 'Fox Park' station," Carlos continued: "[We have cleaned up the area near the subway station. If you think there are any other lines that need to be cleaned up, you can tell me and I will do my best to achieve your wishes.】"

Well... here we go again.

"No need to go all out, there are existing lines here," I responded while connecting the lines between Redstone Street Station and Fox Park Station: "If you are sure that there are no obstructions to those green lines."

"[At least there are no obstacles enough to hinder the movement of the train,]" Carlos replied: "[If there are scattered zombies, just hit them directly.]"

"Okay," I finished adjusting the route, pushed the door open and left the control room to go back the way I came: "I'm returning, are you still at the subway station?"

"[Don't worry, we still have about half an hour to get back to the train. If you arrive first, you can help us prepare-]"

Boom! !

Before Carlos could finish his sentence, the wall of the building in front of me exploded, and the pursuer who had restarted jumped out of it.

But this time, it carried a giant fuel tank on its back and a huge flamethrower in its hand. It stared at me with its fierce little eyes, bared its teeth and roared:


I always feel like this guy is saying: Are you the only one who knows how to use weapons?

This is a bit troublesome. Although I can knock it down, as long as the "restart" time is less than half an hour, it can find the Hongshi Street Station before the subway starts. It will be no problem if it can fight and run. As for those Ordinary people who have clearly collapsed...

"[Jill! How are you doing there?!]" Carlos shouted.

"It's nothing. The monster is chasing me again. You go to the subway first and I'll lure it away." After saying that, Carlos cut off the communication without waiting for a response.

As for the escape route... I looked at the entrance of a nearby sewage well connected to the sewer.

【As long as we can reach that place——】

"It's so noisy!"

I quickly ran to the sewer entrance, kicked off the manhole cover and jumped down.

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