The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, Resident Evil 2 (22)

——September 28, 23:49, Raccoon City, Sewer——


The pursuer's roar echoed in the sewers, and I guided it toward "Gamma"'s territory while looking at the map.

The so-called "Gamma (γ)" is a biological weapon once manufactured by Umbrella. The body seems to be a crocodile, but after being genetically modified, it becomes a land shark.

Because its brain capacity was too small and its personality was too ferocious, Umbrella finally gave up and decided to destroy it. However, the scientific researchers who cultivated them were more protective of calves and secretly took them to the sewers to raise them and reported to Umbrella that they had been destroyed.

According to documents found in the game, in addition to regular feeding by scientific researchers, these "gamma monster fish" also feed on wild animals that accidentally enter the sewers and some sewer garbage.

Perhaps because of their upbringing, they were relatively obedient to scientific researchers at first—until they attacked and ate a plumber who was repairing pipes.

This matter was soon discovered by Umbrella. They sent security forces into the sewers to eliminate these gamma monster fish. The scientific researchers were shot when they stopped them. The gamma monster fish went berserk and killed those security force members.

Perhaps Umbrella still had plans to clean them up, but was interrupted by a sudden outbreak of the T-Virus.

As a result, there are now more than a dozen "Great White Sharks" wandering in the sewers of Raccoon City.

Their attacks are not "blood drops" but "instant kills". They pick up grenade guns dropped by security forces in the sewers but are reluctant to use them. Players who want to use pistols or shotguns to deal with gamma basically become fish food.

In this place, the production team can be said to be quite insidious. It takes 6 shots to kill a gamma, but the shotgun only has 5 bullets. There are countless people who died in the gap between reloading.

'As for the grenade gun,' I picked up a grenade gun in the corner of the sewer and loaded it: 'When the strange fish opens its mouth and is about to pounce, just shoot it in its mouth and it will die. It's also very convenient for fighting pursuers. ’

[According to the plot, you should be chased all the way to the roof of an unfinished building by your pursuer. 】

'That is outrageous no matter how you think about it. Facing an enemy with a flamethrower, Gil actually chose to climb to a higher place. If the pursuer's logic is good enough, he should set the unfinished building on fire directly from the bottom, and then wait and see. ’

[Hmm, there’s also the scene where you fall from the roof after the fight,

Indestructible Valentine. 】


Wow! boom!

I was talking about the stupid system in the main sewer line, when a "tributary" overhead suddenly spewed out a large puff of sewage.

‘So, Raccoon City doesn’t plan its sewers properly? ’ I said while looking at the “AT force field” that had taken shape due to the splash of sewage.

[Hmm... The 'wall of the heart' this time is much further away than when you were attacked by the pursuer. It seems that you are less willing to be splashed with dirty water than being punched by the pursuer. 】

‘I can’t help it. When the game process reaches this point, Jill’s ticking is extremely uncomfortable... The remake has gone too far in terms of details. ’


The gamma monster fish that jumped out with the sewage opened its mouth and roared at me because it was ignored.

‘You are just seeking death on your own,’ I raised my hand and fired an explosive grenade in. ‘You are not sure who will die if you play with the pursuer. ’

Gama was stunned for two seconds. With a dull explosion, his belly suddenly swelled, and then he fell to the ground with smoke coming from his mouth.

‘…What kind of outrageous animation special effects is this? ’

[It’s a different kind of heart wall. If you don’t want to see it blown to pieces, it will look like this. 】

‘Huh, okay, what are the pursuers doing now? ’

[Let's see...the pursuers have eliminated five 'Gammas'. If you don't isolate the smell, you should be able to smell the grilled fish. 】

'no. ’

[Furthermore, because it heard your attack just now, it is coming straight towards you. 】

'……straight line? ’


With the sound of the wall being smashed through, the sewer entrance behind suddenly exploded, and a familiar heavily armored bald head appeared again.


‘How many load-bearing walls has this guy knocked down? ’

I turned around and ran towards the habitat of several other gamma monster fish.

——September 29, 00:38, Raccoon City, Street——

"[Jill! Gil!]"

As soon as I climbed out of the sewer, I saw the communicator start to flash. After it was connected, I heard Carlos's anxious call coming from it.

Hmm...can this sewer still isolate the signal?

"I'm fine. I've gotten rid of that guy and will go back to the subway station right away." I responded.

[The writing is thrown away, the reading is to blow it up and bury it in the sewers together with a group of gammas. 】

‘What outrageous pronunciation is this? ’

"[The subway can start at any time... Where are you? Do you need me to help you?]"

"No need," I looked at the nearby map: "I can go back in about ten minutes."

"[Okay, be careful all the way, I can't lose you.]"

I cut off the communication with a snap.

Although Carlos does have this character, but...

Getting too involved in drama is a disease that needs to be cured.

After dodging scattered zombies and returning to the subway station, I discovered a gun shop. Not only were the doors and windows sealed with wooden boards, but there seemed to be lights inside.

Although it is right to want to hold on with weapons, Raccoon City will be blown up in the future. This kind of protective measures cannot deal with nuclear bombs. We should take the owner here to the subway and evacuate together.

Moreover, I vaguely remember that there is a plot here. The owner of the gun shop seems to be called... Robert?

I pushed the door open and entered the store while thinking about it. The defense layout looked pretty good...

"Don't move!" A shotgun suddenly pointed out from behind the bunker made of cabinets. The gunman was a fat, bald, middle-aged man wearing a bulletproof vest.

"Robert Kendo?" I finally matched that face with the owner of the shop where the STARS team often visited to modify firearms: "Zombies can't understand human speech."

"I'm not anti-zombie. Those guys who sneak into the store to search for weapons are even more hateful." Ken looked at me twice and put down the gun: "Jill? Are you still alive?"

"You've probably read the reports. They said that the STARS team was completely wiped out in the 'Mansion Incident', but we are not so easily wiped out. There are still... quite a few people alive." I looked at him and said, "We We are preparing to evacuate this city, you should come with us."

"Are all the rescue teams withdrawing?" Kendo shook his head: "I don't plan to leave."

As he spoke, he looked toward the residence behind the gun store.

Unusually, the windows of that house were completely sealed, and the only entrance and exit was an unusually strong iron door.

[Guess who that is? 】

'I do not guess you guess guess? ’

This weapon shop owner, how should I put it, is purely an added feature in the remake. His first appearance was in the original version of Biochemical 2. Leon passed by while hiding from zombies. There was about a minute of the scene. Leon walked out of the gun shop before being attacked by zombies. Then it hung up.

Then, in the remake, a bitten daughter was added as an excuse to not leave, and this daughter seems to have only a voice and not even a model - some bored people deliberately cracked the map and got behind the door to take a look.

According to the settings of this world, if you were a zombie when the world was born, you will always be a zombie, and a living person will always be a living person. So what about the living people bitten by zombies?

Even Marvin from the police station was bitten in the third generation. As for this girl...

"Jill?" Kendo looked at me, "If you need it, I have some supplies here..."

"In about 48 hours, Raccoon City will be destroyed by a nuclear bomb." I turned to look at him: "Are you sure you want to die with your daughter?"

"What? But...I..." Kendo's eyes widened and his expression changed.

"Let me see her," I said, walking toward the sealed door.

" can't..." Kendo ran forward and blocked the door.

"Do you think I would shoot the child? I think she can still be saved - think about the transformation speed of those guys outside." I raised my hand and pointed back.

"This..." Kendo was shaken. After hesitating for a moment, he turned sideways and took out the key and opened the door: "Don't...scare her."

[Don’t let yourself go too much, it won’t end well when the time comes. 】

‘It won’t go overboard, don’t worry. ’

Inside the door is a small room that is no different from a normal living room. A little girl of about seven or eight years old, wearing a white dress, a red coat, and black twin tails, is sitting on the bed holding a rabbit doll, listening to He looked up blankly after hearing the door open: "Dad? Who else...cough cough cough!"

"Nezuko, don't be nervous, we are friends." Kendo hurried over and hugged her to comfort her.

"Well..." I looked down at the little girl's calf hanging by the bed. It was wrapped with thick gauze, but there was red blood oozing out. Judging from the shape, it was a tooth mark.

The answer is out. People who have been bitten will remain in the "bitten and infected" state until the end of the world, specifically for the purpose of sensationalism.

"Your daughter can still be saved, but she can't stay here." I walked to the bed and squatted down, and said to the little girl, "Do you want to go with your sister?"

【Want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to YESNO】

"..." The little girl looked at the panel, and then looked at Kendo, who was looking at me blankly because he couldn't see the panel: "Can't Dad go?"

"He's obviously... almost."

After all, it's not a matter of life and death.

"Then I won't go either." The girl raised her hand and clicked "NO".

"What? What are you talking about?" Kendo continued to be confused.

"Then, I can only take you and your father away in the normal way." I stretched out my hand and put my forearm on the girl's mouth: "Bite me."

" guys..." Kendo still wanted to be nagging, but I waved him away.

"...Thank you." The girl didn't know whether she understood or not. After whispering, she opened her mouth and left a circle of teeth marks on my forearm with her slightly sharp teeth.

[Where’s the AT force field we talked about? 】

‘Cut the nonsense. ’

Almost at the same time, the wound on the girl's calf that couldn't stop bleeding disappeared, while the bite mark on my hand that had no force at all became bloody and bloody as if it had been bitten by some beast, and then changed back to its original state the next moment.

"Okay, take her with me," I rubbed my arms and stood up: "If you don't leave, I will take Nesko away myself."

"I'm going, I'm going." Kendo was dumbfounded and nodded repeatedly.

"Remember to keep it a secret, Dad." Nesko reminded her seriously.

"Yes, yes, of course, I don't know anything."

[Has your ‘Li Dai Tao Jian’ evolved? 】

‘Yes, it’s become a ‘transfer’. ’

【……? 】

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