The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, Resident Evil 2 (23)

——September 29, 01:05, Raccoon City, Street——

"Take the bullet! You bastard!"


"Ha! There you are!"


I don’t know whether Kendo intended to protect his daughter who was following him, or to vent his uneasiness about seeing the supernatural sight. On the way I took him back to the Redstone Street subway station, he very boldly used the double-barreled shotgun to blow away everyone he saw. Zombies, whether they're in the way or not.

Of course, he also had the capital to do so. After all, he carried all the weapons and ammunition he could carry on his back before leaving.

The only trouble with this behavior is that although he has cleared away the visible zombies, more zombies are coming from a distance, but they move too slowly, and it may be several hours before they arrive.

This also explains why Jill cleaned up the zombies beforehand, and why Leon and Claire had to do it again after they arrived.

As for the inexplicably reborn green grass and weapon supplies... well... they must have been supplied by Marvin.

[A model of a physically disabled person with a strong mind, he even renovated the police station. 】

"Hahaha! Come on! Who else is there!" Kendo roared while clearing the way.

"Is your father always like this?" I touched Nesko's head.

"No, dad has always been very sensible." The little girl tried to restore her father's image.

Moved, temporary madness caused by a broken worldview.

In fact, there is no need for him to doubt life so much. Even if we don’t mention the Superman Alice in the movie, there are also Lickers, Chasers, William in the game, and other guys who obviously do not comply with the law of conservation of mass and energy.

[Are you implying that you are a monster? 】

‘Given Jill’s look like a female version of Iron Man in the sequel Resident Evil 5, it’s not certain whether she can be called a human being. ’

[Speaking of which, it’s really strange that the brainwashing device is placed on the chest. 】

'It's a pity that Wesker didn't appear in the remake of Resident Evil 3, otherwise...'

[Even if you miss him so much, you won’t come out.

‘Yes, according to the timeline, he should have been killed by the pursuers and resurrected, secretly taking control of Umbrella headquarters. ’

[You just mentioned a name that cannot be said, right? 】

'What Voldemort? ’



I was still chatting with the stupid system when I heard a huge explosion coming from behind. When I turned around to look, I happened to see a pursuer in tattered armor crashing through a sewer manhole and rushing out.

"[STARS!!]" After it landed, it roared in my direction that it was tired of hearing.

Really, if you're carrying a big fuel tank, don't blame others for luring it into a small space and then detonating it and burying it.

I reached out and pushed Kendo, who was frightened by the pursuer's powerful appearance, picked up Natsu and ran away.

‘Can’t you even think about it? Is it that strong? ’

[It’s not you who is strong. Do you know what the behavior you just talked about should be called? ] The stupid system gloated: ['The attention of the world's will'. 】

‘Is it too late to get out now? ’


This time, the pursuer did not attack like before. Instead, he raised his hand and threw a large silver-white box in front of him. After the box landed on the ground, it unfolded on its own, revealing... the multiple rocket launcher inside.

The pursuer grabbed the rocket launcher and pointed it in the direction we were escaping from, and a red aiming beam was thrown over.

"What kind of monster is that! It can actually use weapons?" Kendo shouted in surprise.

"It won't visit your store! Don't even think about handing it flyers!" I raised my hand and pushed Kendo's head down, dodging a rocket: "Quickly leave!"


The missed rocket blasted away a group of zombies blocking the way, and I took the opportunity to rush over with Kendo and Nesko.

It is not difficult to avoid rockets, but the problem is...the pursuer has a "multi-barreled" rocket launcher.



Boom boom boom——

Aimed laser beams and a barrage of rockets bombarded us.

However, the Chaser's use of the rocket launcher seems to be limited to "being able to use" rather than mastering it. Although it can be felt that it takes the advance into consideration, none of the shots are still relatively accurate.

[Are you sure you didn’t bounce it away unconsciously? 】

‘Even in the original plot, it never hit. The best result was that it blew up a car that Jill was approaching and knocked her away. ’

[Are you talking about this car? 】The stupid system conjured up an arrow pointing at a broken down oil tanker beside me, and the pursuer was aiming at it with a rocket launcher.

"What the hell." I hugged Ness and rolled over to hide in the other corner.


The huge explosion of the tanker ignited other nearby vehicles, creating a series of explosions, and even blocked the entire road with a wall of fire.

"Oh my god," Kendo's hand holding the shotgun was shaking: "It can't get through, can it? Are we safe?"

"Not necessarily..." I looked at the sea of ​​fire behind me.

If you want to create a sense of oppression, you should...


The huge figure of the pursuer slowly stepped out of the fire, looked up at me, and let out a nightmare-like growl.

[Why is the Prime Minister laughing? 】

'I remember happy things. ’

[You were clearly standing, but you never stopped. 】

‘If a Carlos is ambushed here, the pursuers will be wiped out. ’

"Don't stand there! Let's go!" While talking to the stupid system, I picked up Nesko again, pushed Kendo, turned around and ran away.

The good news is that the pursuing rocket launcher is out of ammunition.

The bad news is, his tentacles are more flexible and won't miss.

"Hey! Big guy! Look here!"

After turning an intersection again, Carlos suddenly appeared above a low house and shouted loudly to the pursuer. At the same time, in order to strengthen his tone, he specifically glanced at the pursuer's head.

"STARS..." The pursuer looked up at him and looked away as if he was not interested.

Da da da!

Carlos seemed to want to pause for just such a moment. He fired again, aiming at the construction debris pile beside the pursuer. Under the debris pile, which looked like just steel bars and stone slabs, there were Holding three oil drums.


The oil barrel exploded, igniting the pursuer and turning him into a burning man. Just as it was affected by the impact of the explosion and staggered to the other side, the electrical box there that seemed to have been waiting for a long time also emitted a blazing current. , it flew out with a snap, and then it became motionless.

"The battle was a great success." Zoe ran out from the hiding place near the electrical box and high-fived Carlos, who had just jumped off the roof of the low house.

"Thank you, you saved me again." I said in a calm manner as if I was reading a manuscript.

"You're welcome, you should," Carlos said with a smile: "If you must repay something, you can consider..."

“Brother—” Zoe poked him in the waist from behind.

"Ahem, anyway, you and these two survivors should get on the subway first. It will leave soon." Carlos said instead.

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