The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, Resident Evil 2 (24)

——September 29, 01:45, Raccoon City, Redstone Street Subway Station——

"Aren't you leaving?"

"We have a mission, we can't leave just when we want. Even Bill and Nicholas will come back after sending these survivors away - or are you reluctant to leave me?"


"Oh, don't worry, I won't leave you in a cold world without me."


Carlos was as talkative as ever, but because I had just been "rescued" by him, I couldn't say anything harsh at the moment.

The good guy card doesn't work at all. I don't know if he doesn't understand the meaning of "you are a good guy", or he has the character of "you just deal the card, if you are scared, I lose".

When I returned, I confirmed that power had been restored to the subway and that the UBCS team and those rescued could evacuate at any time.

But Umbrella suddenly assigned them a new task: to find Angie Ashford, the daughter of Dr. Charles Ashford.

After receiving the order, UBCS decided to split into two groups. Carlos and another black teammate, Tyrell Patrick Louis, went to search the location where Angela disappeared. feels like at any moment this guy is going to say "I was, I am, Tyrael!" or "Hey! Man! I need therapy!"

This perfectly connects to the plot of the Biochemical 2 movie, and at the same time, it does not give Carlos the opportunity to search the police station. In this way, there is no need to complain that the police station's supplies will be reborn because Marvin is replenishing them.

But the problem is, Officer Marvin was bitten by the zombified Brad, and Brad doesn't exist now, well...

On the other side, Nicholas and Bill have to escort these survivors out of Raccoon City and back.

With Umbrella's style, even if these people leave successfully, they will not be free. They will most likely be controlled until it is determined that they do not know Umbrella's secrets or have no research value.

As for me, or Jill Valentine, because I have been chased by the monster shouting "STARS", I naturally have to leave Raccoon City with them to avoid the danger - even though everyone knows that she can't leave at all.

"You finally learned well,

Cherishing your own life is the most important thing. "Nicholas mocked.

"That certainly sounds like the words of a man who wants to shoot his own comrade," I quipped back.

"Hmph, is Murphy dead now?" Nicholas hummed.

"I'm not dead! I'm on vacation in Hawaii!" I replied in the same tone.

"Haha..." Nicholas closed his mouth as if he didn't share your common knowledge.

[I told you not to talk nonsense, now it’s okay. Murphy’s first reincarnation world is "Pearl Harbor". 】


"Okay! Don't let anyone see the joke!" Bill, who had been silent all this time, threw away the cigarette butt in his mouth: "Get on the subway and get ready to leave."

Nicholas shrugged and walked in first as if he didn't care.

I looked into the survivor compartment and found that Ted, Francis, Kendo, and Nesko were all looking at this side of the car window, and the other survivors who were originally lifeless also became a lot more energetic because of their activity. , so he waved to them, and after they responded, he walked into the subway and sat down.

——September 29, 02:11, in the subway car——

Bang, bang, bang.

The subway departed from Redstone Street Station and headed towards Forks Station along the route I had adjusted. The speed was not very fast. From time to time, there were wandering zombies and signs of collapse passing by outside the window.

"Do you think Carlos and the others can complete their mission? Find an unarmed little girl in a city full of wandering monsters?" Nicholas talked to Bill on the other side of the carriage.

"What? Are you worried about your teammates?" Bill held an unlit cigarette in his mouth, turned to look at Nicholas, lowered his head to light the fire: "We can always complete the mission, unless everyone dies."

"We have suffered very heavy losses for these damn missions." Nikolai said in a tone that seemed to be really worried.

"Uh-" Bill blew out the smoke, stared at Nicholas, and said in an unclear tone: "A whole team of elites were attacked by a large number of monsters in a garage that intelligence indicated was safe, and the door of the workshop was still open. It happened to be locked up – it’s a really big loss.”

"..." Nicholas's expression remained unchanged, but the corners of his mouth suddenly raised: "√"

How should I put it? Bill is still too naive. Even if he has doubts about Nikolai, he should not say it now. Or should he say that even if Nikolai takes action directly, he is still sure of winning?

[I think Bill is here because of you. With the inability to deal with you and Nicholas, even if he plans to take action, he has to take into account your reaction who is close at hand. 】

‘I’ve told you everything. ’

Although I still wanted to see the two of them fighting each other again, time waits for no one. I looked at the schematic diagram of the subway operation on the wall of the carriage: where the subway is at this time, if nothing else happens...

Boom, boom, boom!

The carriage shuddered slightly, as if the wheels had hit something, but Bill and Nikolai were still fighting without caring.

They might think it's zombies or pebbles, but...

After hearing the strange noise, my "face changed drastically", I stood up, picked up the grenade gun and hurried straight to the back of the car.

Bill and Nicholas looked at each other and followed one after the other.


"Die! Monster!"

At the end of the carriage, the pursuer whose heavy armor was almost broken was grabbing the head of a survivor wearing a suit with "STAR" printed on it and lifting him up into the air. Francis and Kendo were desperately shooting at it, but Because of the existence of "hostages", they only hit insignificant, non-lethal parts.

But the pursuer is not a human being. Not only will this approach fail to cause effective damage, it will also fail to save the hostages.

"Get down!" I burst into the car and shouted while raising the grenade gun.

Some survivors may have been petrified and motionless, but at least there was no obstacle in the straight line where my gun was aimed, so I fired directly and fired the loaded acid grenade.


After the grenade exploded, the green chemical reagent spewed out all over the pursuer. With the sound of something like frying, bursts of white smoke that looked very pungent came out of the grenade. After the attack, the pursuer's hands With a flick, the "STAR" it grabbed was thrown towards me.

I raised my hand to catch the unfortunate guy, and then loudly ordered the other survivors in the car: "Go to the front car! Don't stop! You are no match for it! Don't get in the way here!"

Although there is no stable organizer among these survivors, the three people I rescued, Ted, Francis, and Kendo, easily formed a role similar to the "leader" of the flock, causing the survivors to They were not confused for too long, and followed their example and ran all the way to the car in front.

"[STARS——!]" The pursuer completely ignored the escaping survivors, roared and stretched out purple tentacles from his palms, and then approached me step by step.

This guy has no weapon supplies now, so he can only fight hand-to-hand, and the previous attack should have made him lose a lot of "blood". In other words, this time he should be able to knock him down and throw him out of the car without any damage.

I thought as I replaced the grenade gun with flame bombs.


At this moment, the pursuer's tentacles suddenly attacked, but the speed and strength were not enough, so I easily avoided it.

However, when its tentacles were retracted, there was still a person firmly grasped on them. It was Bill, who was carrying a broadsword and mine. The words "This is the enemy" on it were very conspicuous.

Obviously, Bill thought this thing was a large zombie, and he was going to install a broadsword mine and lure it over to blow it up. But I knew this thing and wouldn't accidentally touch it.

Overall, the plan is sound. The only problem is... the pursuer also knows this thing.

"[S——TARS!]" The pursuer roared at Bill at close range, and stretched out a tentacle with his other hand, as if he was ready to give him a shock.

"Get out of this car!" Bill raised his hand and triggered the broadsword mine in his hand.

At the same time, this action also caused his hand to touch the panel that suddenly refreshed in front of him.

【Want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to 】



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