The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, Resident Evil 2 (25)

——September 29, 04:39, subway tunnel——

"Well... the power of that broadsword mine is a bit too outrageous."

I sat on the derailed subway car and said while looking through the reincarnation world of Brad, Murphy and Bill,

"Blowing up the last two carriages without affecting the movement of the car in front, and finally blowing up the tunnel accurately, making it impossible for the subway to return... Is this an effect that can be caused by individual weapons?"

[This is entirely the influence of the will of the world,] Stupid System said: [Okay, the 'default' will of the world. 】

"I can probably understand that because Nikolai is in the front car, this guy who will have a role in the follow-up will not die, but he can't let the subway come back to rescue more people," I looked at the burning car after the derailment. : "As for those survivors who could have escaped, they were sacrificed as a backdrop to set off the pursuers' power."

[Where the will of the world is not watching, NPC is just a number.] The stupid system said: [Question, there should be more than a thousand survivors in Raccoon City at this time. How many will die after the nuclear explosion? 】

"No one will die. It is a complete waste to create death and destruction special effects for each building, object and creature individually where no one can see it. When the nuclear bomb countdown ends, a cutscene will play to switch the 'Raccoon City' map It will become a 'Raccoon City after a nuclear explosion' map, and the original map and the people in it will disappear directly... Did I use Mario as an example?"

[There is also Dynasty Warriors. Generals with too low morale will even be killed by minions when you move away from the camera. 】

"Because of this, I did not conduct an overall observation of Raccoon City. After all, as long as they are seen by me, it is equivalent to a real existence. If they are not taken away, they will die in a nuclear explosion within a few days."

[Then what you should do next——]


At this moment, the large garbage pile composed of the remains of subway cars and collapsed tunnel buildings in front of me made a strange noise, and then moved.

"Okay, let's go," I jumped off the subway car: "It seems that the pursuer was hit a bit seriously this time and has only 'restarted' now. Prepare for the BOSS battle in the middle of the road. This time we should be able to get it to the third level." In the second form, although it can no longer use weapons, its speed and strength will be greatly enhanced, and it is from here that it has the ability to 'kill with one hit'."

[Don’t you always have that ability? 】



Boom... bang...

The movement under the garbage pile became louder and louder. I glanced over there again and climbed up the nearest maintenance channel.

The Chaser is the same as the mass-produced Tyrant, but its external armor is used to limit its strength. It was burned and exploded by me along the way, and the armor has probably been completely destroyed. In this way, it satisfies the "transformation" "conditions of.

However, although it has three transformations like Sharu, its appearance is the opposite. The current bald image with grinning teeth is the peak, and after's hard to describe.

——September 29, 04:43, near Ciai Hospital Station——

On the surface, there is a hospital located by the river. From its still flashing neon sign, it can be seen that its name is "Mercy", but the large number of zombies wandering around it have no meaning at all.

But this is natural. In the early stages of T-virus infection, some people with poor immunity developed rabies-like symptoms and were sent to various hospitals for treatment—this was also one of the reasons for the virus outbreak.

It seemed that the road to survival was inexplicably disrupted again, but the impact was not too great. I turned on the communicator to contact Carlos while confirming the surrounding environment.

"[Hey, this is Carlos, did you miss me?]" Carlos' frivolous voice came out.

"The monster jumped on the subway, Billy died, and the last two cars derailed. I'm near Mercy Hospital." I didn't plan to care about his familiar attitude and just told the story.

"[What? Cheating?]" Carlos paused for a moment, and his tone finally became more serious: "[Stay there and don't move, I'll pick you up right away.]"

"Where's Angela? Have you found it?"

"[No, there are a lot of zombies gathered around the place where the girl lost contact. We have just finished searching two of the buildings.]"

"Then you can do your own business, I can-"

Boom! "[STARS——!!]"

Directly in front of his sight, the collapsed exit of the Mercy Hospital subway station exploded violently, and the pursuer, whose whole body was on fire, was staggering out of it.

This guy... triggered a second explosion when the subway had already exploded once, right? But the voice sounds quite energetic.

"[Jill? I think I heard something? What happened to you over there?]" Carlos asked anxiously.

"Nothing, the monster is not dead, it is still struggling to death, oh, it fell into the river." I answered while looking at the pursuer's posture like a moonwalk.

"[Stay away from it! That kind of monster won't die easily!]" Carlos said eagerly.

"Of course, I'm far away from it..."

But very close to the river.

Throwing sand—boom!

Before I could finish a sentence, a big lump bulged out from the nearby river surface. Then, the pursuer with a changed appearance broke out of the water and waved his claws at me with his body covered in debris from the river bottom.

Perfect dodge!

I rolled back to avoid the claw attack, and took advantage of the bullet time to shoot it in the head a few times, then turned around and ran away.

This guy is no longer a human being at all... No, he still looks a little bit human.

The limbs and torso have all swelled to four or five times their original size, and the skin has completely disappeared from the body. There are only knotted red and white muscles and protruding blood vessels coiled around it. The forelimbs end with huge shiny sharp claws, and the hind limbs It looks like a grasshopper, with amazing jumping ability. The only discordant thing is that its head is still only the original size.

Is this some weird cold joke Nezha...

After running all the way and using perfect dodges to distance myself several times, I rushed to the parking lot of Mercy Hospital. There were all the elements to defeat the pursuers: electrical boxes, oil drums, green grass, and a few zombies who didn’t know the current situation. .

The pursuer is obviously not quite accustomed to its new image, and the attack method given to it by its combat instinct is to circle around me at high speed, and when it reaches the blind spot of the field of vision, it suddenly charges forward and launches a fatal claw attack.

This time, if it is the hard difficulty, even if it has just sprayed the first aid spray and added defense, it will be instantly killed, and the normal difficulty will also change from green blood to red blood. As for the easy difficulty... it will be fully fired after about half a turn. Jill was blown away.

The correct response is to blow up the electrical boxes and oil drums as it rushes past them, creating a stiff spot, and then get closer and hit the obviously mismatched head with a shotgun.

You have to be careful not to get caught by it.


In the end, the mountain of flesh collapsed, but it was obviously not dead. Its muscles kept twitching and its body kept shaking, clearly preparing for the next evolution.

According to the original plot, before this guy completely lost consciousness, he successfully launched a backstab at Jill who was carelessly turning his back towards him, but I wasn't that stupid - I walked directly backwards away from the direction where he fell and headed to the hospital. garage.

If you think about it carefully, although Jill has been bitten so many times under the control of the player, it is just "gameplay". If she is really bitten, she will turn into a zombie within a certain period of time like Brad and Marvin. And the only time she was really hit was when she was poked by the pursuer's tentacles... Speaking of which, what about its evolved tentacles?


"...Huh?" I stared blankly at the tentacle that suddenly came out of my chest.

What about the AT force field we talked about?

【Huh--? ] The stupid system is more surprised than me.

Crack, pop, pop.

As soon as I saw the tentacle, it shattered and disappeared like a lit firecracker. This "disappearance" went all the way back, following the tentacle that quietly circled from the blind spot on the ground to behind me, extending towards the pursuer, and finally directly It shattered one of the pursuer's arms.

"[STAR...S]" It roared like it was content, and fell to the ground completely motionless.

[This, this, this,] The stupid system stayed for a few seconds: [This is the same as when you let Ness bite you, don't let down your guard casually, 'Jill should be poked by the pursuer's tentacles here' and so on, think of those what? 】

"It's just a mistake... Are you saying that this is laying the foundation for P30 in advance?" My eyes went black for a while, I couldn't stand still, and I staggered and fell backwards.

"It's really... troublesome." Although I won't faint because of such a trivial matter, Jill can't. After she faints, she will "pop out" me, and then die from injuries that are fatal to ordinary people. I can only While he was still able to control her, he moved the chest injury to his left arm, then shot the lock of the hospital garage door, lowering the door and isolating the pursuer from Jill.

This time the pursuer was hit hard and should be able to hold on until Carlos "picks up the body"...right?

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