The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, Resident Evil 2 (26)

——September 29, 16:55, Raccoon City, Mercy Hospital——


Carrying an assault rifle, Carlos ran quickly from inside the hospital garage. He reached out to help Jill lying down in front of the door, but when he was about to touch him, he suddenly stopped.

"Zoe, help her." He waved back, passed over Jill who fell to the ground, raised his gun and looked outside the rolling shutter door of the garage.

"You are too cautious, brother," Zoe, who was wearing a red ponytail, put the repeating pistol in her holster: "Will she conjure up an AT force field to bounce you away?"

"Things of that level can't do anything to me, but I'd better not get too close to her," Carlos said while looking at the messy but empty surface parking lot: "Well... Chaser The mutants seem to be gone.”

"In the end, you only dared to take advantage verbally, right?" Zoe looked at the wound on Jill's arm, then used her other arm to help her up: "Where are you taking her now?"

"Bring her to the ICU of this hospital," Carlos turned back: "After putting Jill in place, I have to find serum to treat her infection."

"Now can you give me an accurate answer? After all, the original plan is in a mess," Zoe asked Jill to follow Carlos: "Is she a 'she'?"

"Yes and no," Carlos walked in front, shooting from time to time to clean up the zombies: "Jill should be one of the incarnations of 'her' that has been 'worn' away."

"Only for such a minor injury?" Zoe questioned.

"'Wear and tear' does not lie in 'quality', but in 'quantity'," Carlos shook his head: "In terms of 'this world', being poked by the pursuer mutant this time should be the only injury she will suffer. ”

"'This time'...?" Zoe thought thoughtfully, seeming to understand something, but also seeming to understand nothing.

"This already involves the 'Higher Dimensional World'," Carlos sighed: "In the plot setting of the 'Resident Evil' series, anyone bitten by a zombie will be infected and will basically die, but why are Leon and Al Da, Claire, Jill and Chris can be eaten by zombies as a buffet, and then they can be alive and kicking with first aid spray?"

"Because they were not bitten at all in the plot, the ones who were bitten were all 'players'." Zoe replied instantly.

"So has the 'player' himself been bitten?" Carlos asked.

"How is it possible...ah." Zoe exhaled softly.

"That's right, those who fell from the sky, were burned by fire, bitten by zombies, attacked by zombie dogs, and punched by pursuers are all 'characters'." Carlos turned his head and glanced at the unconscious Jill: "That is, she 'The incarnation of."

"But Jill was completely uninjured before?" Zoe still didn't quite understand.

"As I just said, normal people will definitely die if they are bitten by zombies, and these 'characters' are also normal people. Before the plot and settings allow them to 'cheat', they will die if they are infected, and there is no need to wait. 'YOUDEAD' emerged," Carlos took a breath: "Just think about it, how many times has the character Jill been bitten by zombies since she was created?"

"Can you still count the things until now?" Zoe curled her lips.

"When the character dies and 'GameOver' occurs, the 'player' will suffer a loss of time, and their behavior of loading and restarting is also equivalent to 'resurrecting' the character, so it doesn't matter here. The real big head of 'wear' is 'being bitten' "When someone takes a bite, but does not die due to the gameplay, unless the game is cleared without any injuries, these 'secret deaths' will accumulate to the nosy 'her'," Carlos sighed: "Biochemical The two illusions in the 3 remake, 'Zombie Gil' and 'Zombie Carlos', are glimpses of this situation."

"Huh? If you put it that way, there are a lot of attacks in the game that are 'set to be enough to kill the character,' but 'suffer many times without being hurt'." Zoe thought for a moment and suddenly said.

"As long as 'she' doesn't transform into those characters, I don't care how many times those NPCs die." Carlos answered quickly.

"Six hundred and eighty-five million seven hundred and eighty-four thousand and ninety-two times," Zoe said.


"The total number of deaths of Ashes in Dark Souls 3."

"...Can't you count them all?"

——September 29, 17:18, Raccoon City, Mercy Hospital ICU——

In the hospital, bullet holes, scratches, splattered blood, dead bodies and traces of explosions can be seen everywhere, but power and communications are still running, and various equipment in the ICU are intact.

Carlos directed Zoe to put Jill on the hospital bed and connect various life-support devices, while Zoe muttered "How can you be so skilled" while doing so.

"That's enough." After roughly adjusting, Carlos looked at the time: "Let's go, let's pick up Claire and Jin Jing, contact Tyrell and ask him to guard here."

"I won't comment on your outrageous NPC behavior," Zoe rolled her eyes: "Tyrell is an 'ordinary NPC', can you rest assured that he will stay here? There won't be any zombies or lickers suddenly. Or are the pursuers coming? Also, won’t there be a sudden power outage?”

"Because of the influence of the 'World Will', this hospital will maintain its status quo until we come back," Carlos shrugged: "Although we will definitely encounter a war when we come back."

"You just said you wanted to get serum for Jill." Zoe questioned.

"Of course you can get it, but you don't have to go to the laboratory in the remake of Resident Evil 3, although it is right at our feet," Carlos said. "According to the timeline, Leon and Claire will enter the city tonight, but there will be no delays during the period. Due to an accident of time, they will explore a hive in Umbrella and leave on the subway a few hours later. During this period, King Ada will try to snatch the T virus, but is not interested in the treatment serum. We are helping Jin Jing pass through the world of reincarnation. At the same time, you can also get the serum from that research facility, killing two birds with one stone."

"Then...the other movie line?" Zoe thought for a moment and then asked.

"According to the 24-hour mission time limit, if the nuclear bomb strikes at 8 o'clock the day after tomorrow, the plot should start at 8 o'clock tomorrow, and we will meet Alice later. We will work overtime tonight to retrieve the serum and inject it into Jill. , when she wakes up tomorrow morning, she can directly enter the movie line." Carlos nodded.

"Well..." Zoe thought for a while and found that there seemed to be no window of opportunity: "Brother, you are really a master of time management."

"It's just simple co-ordination..." Carlos tried to be modest.

"Jill, Jin Jing, Alice, none of them were spared."


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