The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, Resident Evil 2 (27)

[I saw zombies. 】

【Feel sorry? Please say it again? 】

Boom boom boom...

[I'm not kidding, okay? This is what I saw with my own eyes. 】

[Okay, I believe you, man, please keep talking. 】

There was darkness in front of Jin Jing's eyes, with only the sound of a car roaring and unclear conversations that seemed to come from a car radio.

The voices were of two men, one of whom spoke with anxiety and fear, eager to convince the other of his words, while the listener responded with a relaxed or even frivolous tone.

[Just outside of Raccoon City, near the city that was recently locked down because of a chemical spill, I was filling up at a gas station there last Friday, and there was this woman walking toward me, and she was stumbling, and I think She may have drank too much...]

[That woman, is she beautiful? 】

[It’s not a question of whether she’s beautiful or not! Her eyes, nose, and face were all rotten, and she looked like a corpse...]

[Oh, how disgusting. 】

[I felt so scared that I drove away. I have been having nightmares for the past few days and couldn't sleep at all. I felt like she might appear at any time! 】

[Hey, man, calm down, that's probably just an ugly woman with heavy makeup on and it's all gone. 】

[I'm calling because... zizi... blockade... zizi]

With the inexplicable electromagnetic interference, the sound of the radio station gradually disappeared, and the roar of the vehicle became louder. At the same time, part of the darkness in Jin Jing's eyes dissipated.

The scene that can be seen is the cab of a moving truck. There is light rain outside the window, which is constantly getting wet, and the wipers are swaying rhythmically.

The truck driver was a fat man with a beard. He drove with one hand and fiddled with the car radio.

As he fiddled with it, the radio, which originally had some white noise, went completely silent.

"Oh! Damn it! It's about to get exciting!" The truck driver lowered his head to observe the status of the radio.

Watch the road well!

Jin Jing wanted to remind him, but he didn’t know how to remind someone in the CG in the title sequence.

As expected, a female figure appeared in front of the window and "teleported" to the front of the truck in less than two seconds.


Because the truck driver didn't look at the road at all, the woman was hit hard, and then due to the inertia, she was pushed against the front of the truck and sped along with the truck.

"Oh! Thanks!"

The truck driver looked up hastily and hit the brakes.


With the harsh friction of the emergency brake, the truck finally stopped, and the woman who was pushed against the front of the truck rolled and fell.

"Hell, hell, hell, hell..." The truck driver jumped out of the car, walked quickly to the woman to investigate, and then held his head in his hands with a collapsed face: "What should I do, what should I do..."

At this moment, there was suddenly a strange heartbeat in the background that was originally just the sound of rustling rain.

Boom, boom.

The heartbeat gradually grew louder and louder, like a drum, but the truck driver was completely unaware of it.

Boom! Boom! !

Finally, when the heartbeat was loud enough to be harsh, the woman who was hit climbed up from the ground like a puppet on strings, and took a step towards the truck driver, who had his back turned to her, with stiff and staggering steps.

The screen went black again, and at the same time, subtitles that were mixed with red and yellow, like blood and fire, slowly appeared, and at the same time, a low, terrifying voice that sounded like a monster read it out:

【Resident Evil 2】

This isn't a movie!

Jin Jing's complaint was obviously of no use. The title quickly disappeared and the world in front of her returned to darkness. Then, there was the roar of a motorcycle and a familiar voice.

"Yes, I'm almost there."

"You know I'll be fine."

"Good idea, go back when you find Chris."

With the voice of the young woman, the darkness dissipated again. What appeared this time was a red-brown women's motorcycle with two women riding one behind the other. Through the windshield of the helmet, Jin Jing could see very clearly. The person driving the car is clearly seen to be "Claire Redfield\

,"And the person holding her waist was "Bai Jingjing".

Claire wore a black halter top, a bright red jacket and jeans, while Bai Jingjing wore a bright red sleeveless casual top, trousers and black stockings.

Do you dare to make these two outfits more eye-catching? Is Murphy going to give the zombies directions?

It seems like zombies don’t chase people with their sight...then that’s okay.

Ahem, so Claire is indeed not dead, but was my relationship with her so good in the first place?

No, don’t talk on the phone while driving!

Wait, she doesn't seem to be on the phone? Is this a voiceover?

In the scene, Claire rides a motorcycle past a road sign that says "Raccoon City Welcomes You" and stops at a gas station near it.

At this time, the scene switched again. Both Claire and Bai Jingjing had gotten off the car. Claire was talking to someone in the public phone booth, while Bai Jingjing was waiting outside boredly.

"I'll be careful, I'm leaving now." Claire finally said to the phone, hung up, walked out of the phone booth, and shrugged at Bai Jingjing: "Really, why do everyone always think that I will get into trouble? Woolen cloth?"

The next moment, Jin Jing's "perspective" quickly moved closer to "Bai Jingjing's", switching from "third person" to "first person" in a familiar way.

At the same time, subtitles appeared in the middle of the screen:

[——September 29, 20:19, suburbs of Raccoon City——]

This date and time may have some special meaning, but I don't know it at all.

Jin Jing glanced at it and then considered how to respond to Claire's words.

Since the mission prompt stated that he added the mission because of Claire's existence, then this Claire should be the one who had contact with him in "Death is Coming". Then, the identities of both parties can also be confirmed and then combined. She just said that she came to see her brother...

"Because we have never been sure whether the 'God of Death' has let us go," Jin Jing replied, "and your brother is engaged in a very dangerous job, which makes everyone uneasy."

"Are you talking about other people?" Claire glanced at Jin Jing with complicated eyes: "They can only use the phone to care about you. You are the only one. You must ask for leave and come with me. You are obviously a pampered young lady."

"Ahaha..." Jin Jing didn't know how to respond and scratched his head.

Everything that happens in the world of reincarnation is the setting of the Lord God, and she has no way to interfere, but it seems that the setting of her "parents" has been retained.

Speaking of which, what about the "emptiness" and "whiteness" that invite yourself into the world?

Snap! "ah!"

At this moment, the sound of breaking glass and screams suddenly came from the store next to the gas station.

"Huh?" Jin Jing took out his pistol and looked over there.

Almost at the same time, Claire also made the same move, except that the gun in her hand was obviously more powerful than Jin Jing.



Let's not talk about each other.

"Go and have a look?"


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