The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Eight, Resident Evil 2 (28)

Jin Jing held the "Viper" and when approaching the gas station supermarket with Claire, she took the time to open the equipment column and take a look.

After all, "Bai Jingjing" has changed her clothes again. If the original equipment is not there... huh?

The straw hat of the Eight-foot Girl, the blanket of Tomie and the "Fire Phoenix" armor are all well equipped, and next to the equipment column, there is an additional miniature equipment column with only three columns: head, clothes and shoes. Among them, the clothes The part is showing a thumbnail of the outfit she is wearing at the moment.


Jin Jing mentally replaced this outfit with Claire and found that there was no sense of inconsistency.

Understand, this was originally Claire's costume, but now it was put on by "Bai Jingjing" because of her "personal mission".

This should be the "version issue" that "Kong" refers to.

So where is the big guy who invited me into this world?

Could it be that this plot was part of a "personal mission" and he couldn't interfere?

"Hello? Is anyone there?" At this time, Claire had already opened the supermarket door.

It was getting dark at this time, but the supermarket that was supposed to be open had almost no lights on. There were only a few dim and dim electric lights on, and they flickered from time to time.

"Something's wrong, be careful." Jin Jing remembered the mission of "ensuring Claire's survival" and stepped into the store door before her.

"Well..." Claire looked solemn, raised her gun and followed Jin Jing in.

As expected, the Hive virus was still leaked. His efforts in the incomplete "Resident Evil 1" world may have had some effect, but they were far from being able to prevent it from happening.

However, since there were screams inside just now, it proves that there are still living people, but it is not certain how long they can survive.

If possible, you should save people if you can. After all, killing a zombie only costs 100 souls, while helping other survivors costs 1,000 souls each.


While thinking, Jin Jing found a man wearing a security uniform behind a collapsed shelf. He sat down in the corner, covering his neck, and half of his body was stained red with blood.

"Sir? Are you okay?" Jin Jing approached with a gun in hand.

"Uh..." The fallen security guard raised his hand and pointed tremblingly at the door of the warehouse next to him.

He was hopeless.

Jin Jing could clearly see the hideous wound on the security guard's neck, and based on the setting of Resident Evil, he would soon become a walking zombie, unless...

"Please hold on!" Jin Jing squatted down, raised his left arm and pointed it at the security guard.


A transparent golden glove appeared out of thin air on her empty left arm, and at the same time as the glove appeared, a golden light glowed. The golden light paused for two seconds and completely disappeared into the body of the security guard. , the bleeding wound on his neck healed almost instantly.

"Eh? Hey..." The security guard touched his neck in confusion: "That's..."

"FBI," Jin Jing took out an ID: "You didn't see anything just now."

"Okay... okay..." The security guard was even more confused, but he stopped looking for the root cause and pointed in the direction of the warehouse: "A lunatic suffering from the 'biting disease' just rushed in, and Tom has already subdued him."

"You'd better close the door now and get something to protect yourself, citizen." Jin Jing said, then tilted her head to Claire: "Let's go in."

"..." Claire followed Jin Jing into the warehouse with an expression trying to hold back a smile.

"When did you become the FBI? What are those gloves?" After walking into the warehouse, Claire still couldn't help asking.

"What George gave me was just a temporary job, and that thing was just welfare, and its functions were quite limited." Jin Jing shrugged.

As for the certificate...

After doing such a big favor for George, I only got 1,000 reputation.

If you want to go from 0 to worship, you may have to save the world several times.

And the thing that heals security guards...

This is the description of the item itself, but above these descriptions, there is a row of red warnings:

"Well, I hope Alex, who was taken away by them, is okay." Claire didn't ask any more questions. Obviously, things like "The God of Death" were more surreal than her "Golden Glove".

Boom! Boom! Boom! "Sir! Please calm down!"

Deep in the warehouse, there were sounds of bumping shelves, fighting, and shouting.

Jin Jing and Claire followed the sound and saw a security guard pressing a man with a fierce face and teeth to the wall.

Hmm... As the opening animation says, he is a man with rotten facial features. Even so, he has to be held down. This security guard is really a warrior.

"Sir! Do you need help?" Claire called to him.

"Back off!" The security guard extended his hand to them: "I have the situation under control!"

"..." Jin Jing silently raised his gun and took aim.

This warrior originally restrained the zombies with both hands, but when he saw them coming, he dared to free one hand. He must have died in the "original plot".

However, for the sake of 1,000 soul points...


The zombie suddenly broke free from the security guard's grip, threw him down directly, pressed his claws on the security guard's shoulders, and opened his mouth——

boom! boom!

——Then his head was shot away by Claire and Jin Jing.

"Well played."

"The same to you."

"Uh...well..." The security guard pushed the zombies away and looked at them blankly: "Who...are you?"

"We..." Jin Jing and Claire looked at each other: "We are just ordinary female college students."

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