The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, Resident Evil 2 (29)

"You're going to Raccoon City? We haven't heard anything from the city in a few days. It's probably full of those...monsters."

The two supermarket security guards who escaped death were named Tom and Jerry. After they dragged the body of the "biting syndrome" patient out of the supermarket, with the help of Claire and Jin Jing, they sealed the windows throughout the supermarket with boards and tape. He died, blocked the door with a counter, and arranged a bunker inside to prevent intruders. Only then did he feel relieved to talk to two "FBI agents" who were "ordinary female college students."

"We have a reason to go," Jin Jing and Claire looked at each other: "How much do you know about these 'monsters'?"

I was so determined to shoot because I had experienced "Resident Evil 1", but Claire...when facing a "gangster", even if he had to shoot, his normal thought would be to use the thug or the leg, right? She actually went straight to her head. Maybe she found some relevant clues when she was looking for her brother, and she was also convinced that the so-called "biting patient" was already a zombie.

It seems that she has grown a lot in the intermission time after the world of "Death is Coming", and is no longer a little girl who can only scream when faced with a madman with an axe.

Hey... do you have the right to criticize others?

"They should have wandered over from Raccoon City," Tom said. "Due to the spread of the 'biting disease' suspected of rabies, the Zheng government ordered the traffic around Raccoon City to be blocked. Many people had already run away in advance, including our store clerks, and Since one day ago, no pedestrians or vehicles have left Raccoon City. We originally thought that the Zheng Mansion had established a blockade, but..."

"But those monsters have wandered to our place, proving that there is no blockade at all, or that the blockade has been broken by them." Jerry touched his neck with lingering fear.

"So my brother did come to Raccoon City," Claire said to Jin Jing: "This incident, no matter how you look at it, is a 'biohazard'——"

"——This is no longer a trip of 'accompanying a student to find my brother'. Do you want to go back first?" Jin Jing continued.

"Uh..." Claire stayed for two seconds: "...right?"

"Don't be stupid. Since I agreed to accompany you to find your brother, I won't leave halfway." Jin Jing patted her back: "Besides, if the biting monsters just now are all over the city, do you plan to be alone?" Are you going to deal with them? Leave your back to me."

"Aren't you scared?" Claire glanced at Jerry: "He was bitten so badly just now, his neck was almost broken..."

Jerry: "..."

"I even dare to hijack a plane, what do you think?" Jin Jing decisively denounced herself.

"Same." Claire nodded.

Tom and Jerry: "..."

"I'm not sure how far the 'biohazard' in Raccoon City has gone, but since there are sporadic... um... zombies wandering here, it's not safe outside now," Jin Jing looked at the two store clerks: "You guys If you don't have a car, it's best not to leave casually, as you may be knocked down and eaten by zombies ambushing on the roadside. I suggest you stay in this 'safe house' and wait for the Zheng Mansion's rescue."

"Okay, okay." The two clerks obviously had no intention of leaving.

These are two walking 1,000 souls. We cannot let them give away their lives casually, otherwise the value will be devalued by 90%.



Jin Jing was about to say something when she heard the sound of a sudden brake coming from outside.

When several people walked out, they saw a tanker truck drifting all the way from the direction they came from, and finally rolled over in front of the gas station.

Isn't that the truck in the "Opening CG"? The places where the front of the car was dented were exactly the same.

In other words, what she originally thought was "past tense" was actually "progressive tense"?

Judging from how the car braked all the way, the fat driver might not be dead yet!

"That's Spike!" Tom exclaimed as he looked outside: "He's the one who usually transports oil for us!"

"Guard this place!" Jin Jing took out his gun and said,

Jump over the roadblock and run out of the supermarket to the crash site.

"Wait for me!" Claire followed closely.

Tom and Jerry looked at each other. Tom picked up his self-defense tool and stood guard at the door, while Jerry followed.

Jin Jing was thinking while watching the EP slot running.

Why are you so brave? There may be zombies ambushing outside, and the truck driver was obviously bitten. It is possible that he suddenly transformed into a corpse or something while rescuing him.

If you think about it carefully, it may be because you eliminated a large number of zombies in the world of "Resident Evil 1" to get used to fighting, you were frightened by various ghosts in the world of "The Grudge" to exercise your courage, and in the world of "The God of Death", in order to After rescuing other students, I learned coordination and planning. Finally, in the world of "Alien 4", I watched "Song" and "White" deal with alien monsters and various dangers with ease, and successfully mastered the correct attitude towards dealing with the "reincarnation world". So that you don’t just want to hide when you encounter danger, but you want to eliminate the danger and even strive for benefits.

However, she cannot follow the established procedures like those "senior reincarnators" in order to pass the world smoothly or "increase points". You must know that they are just "senior NPCs" and their tasks can only be completed by themselves.

Taking the current situation as an example, the driver must have been bitten by the female zombie in the opening film and is driving away. Then, the sound of the truck overturning is likely to attract zombies wandering around. Even if the driver is rescued, he will not have much fighting power. An extra 1,000 souls were accounted for - including the medical gel consumed and the ammunition used to clean up the zombies.

According to the logic of the reincarnator, the profit can be maximized by leaving the driver NPC in the car, and after he attracts enough zombies, directly blow up the oil tanker and kill all the zombies.

But, this is not right.

Killing a zombie costs 100 soul points, while rescuing a survivor costs 1,000 soul points. These figures do not mean that you can give up rescuing a survivor when there are eleven zombies to kill.

Based on her observations of the worlds she has experienced, it can be determined that "the higher the reward, the more important the mission is to the main god."

For example, in the personal mission, the mission "Destroy Umbrella Underground Research Institute" will reward 10,000 souls. Then, if you find some range-type weapon and kill a hundred zombies at once, both of them will have the same 10,000 points. Which side is more powerful? What should be done first?

Of course it's the latter.

When Jin Jing, Claire and Jerry rushed to the truck, the fat driver had already climbed out of the cab. He was rolling his eyes, holding his neck and sitting on the ground, shaking all over, looking like he was about to transform into a corpse.

"Mr. Spike? Mr. Spike?" Jerry called twice but received no response. He turned to look at Jin Jing: "Ms. Agent, look..."

"There's still hope." Jin Jing decisively used medical glue on him.

The golden light merged into the driver's body, causing his trembling to stop, but he still did not return to normal.

"Damn it...this guy usually eats too much and can't carry it..." Jerry tried to help the driver but failed.

"Before that..." Jin Jing raised her gun and looked around: "We have guests."


With a low and terrifying roar, zombies swayed out of the shadows on the roadside.

At the same time, the information panel refreshes.

It seems...isn't it difficult?

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