The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Three, Resident Evil 2 (33)

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——September 29, 21:35, Raccoon City, Police Department——

The entrances and exits of the underground tunnels and the road in front of the police station were tightly blocked by overturned vehicles. Closer to the edge of the city, it seemed that an explosion and fire had just occurred. You could see many burned into frames and twisted. cars, and zombies that were charred and on fire.

However, unless their limbs are mutilated, zombies will not slow down due to burns. Instead, they are attracted by the huge explosion, wandering repeatedly at the door of the police station, and some even accidentally grab the door and try to push it open.

Boom! Snapped!

As subtle gunshots rang out, several zombies blocking the door of the police station had their heads exploded and then fell to the ground. Then, Leon S. Kennedy appeared from the corner of the road, strolling around the door as if he were at home. The group of zombies walked towards the fence gate of the police station.

The zombies that were ignored along the way stretched out their hands to approach him as if to gain a sense of presence, but their attack limit was just a little bit short of reaching Lyon every time.

Squeak, click.

Leon walked into the courtyard door with a shaky red indicator light ".D" on it. He locked the door with the bolt and sighed as he looked at the zombies outside holding on to the door and shaking it hard.

"Why do you sigh when a man doesn't want to contribute to the country?"

At this moment, the wooden double doors at the main entrance of the police station opened, and a tall woman walked out and spoke.

She had short ear-length hair and wore a bright red knee-length evening dress as if she was going to a cocktail party. She also wore black stockings and high heels. She had a large goose-yellow windbreaker draped over her shoulders, and a large smock on her face. Wearing sunglasses, we can't see the face clearly, but we can see that the shape of the face is obviously oriental.

"Claire disappeared." Leon looked back at her and then said.

"Disappearance means..." The woman in the red dress pushed up the sunglasses on her nose.

"The oil tanker hit my police car and knocked her and I out of the car. After saying a few words through the fire, she disappeared out of thin air." Leon pointed out with his backhand: "I We even went all the way to the back door of the police station, but she was completely missing.”

"That is to say, not only did you not find Bai Jingjing, but you also lost Claire," the woman in red shrugged: "Then, shall we continue the drama?"

"The planned script will naturally continue to be acted out. You still pretend to be the FBI to try to steal the G-Virus agent [AdaWong], and I was late for work on the first day and was forced to get involved in Raccoon City. "The ordinary police officer involved in the incident is Leon S. Kennedy," Leon said without hesitation: "I feel that Bai Jingjing may be on the 'Claire Line'. Although it is a bit unexpected, under certain circumstances, we can still meet. Yes, there is no big problem in helping her complete her personal tasks."

"That is to say, we have to advance the 'Lyon Line' at least to the stage where the two protagonists meet, but is this difficult to handle?" The woman in red, or King Ada, tilted her head and looked at the police station: "Inside Zombies are no obstacle to us at all, and if we act quickly, we can get it done in about half an hour, but how do we synchronize the time on the 'Claire Line'?"

"Ha," Leon raised his hand to trim his hair: "It's not a gentleman to make a lady wait. We are waiting for Claire at a critical point to give them a surprise."

"Ignore the gentleman, what if after the intersection of the two lines has passed, they disappear again and return to their own mission line? You can't make her believe that you are also a 'high-dimensional reincarnation person' through subtlety, right?" Ai Da asked again.

"Hmm..." Leon touched his chin: "Actually, theoretically speaking, it is impossible for ordinary reincarnations to replace 'NPCs'. My subsequent preparations are just supplementary. If we can't go together, I will find a way to Shake out all the baggage during the short meeting, but this may seem like you are using too much force, so you have to think carefully about how to do it."

Ada blinked and raised the corners of her lips: "You have the final say.


"Since you don't have many roles in the official process of the game, you can move relatively freely. Later, you can try to find Claire and the others who also did not appear in the 'external level'. As for me, let's grow the 'new police officer into an anti-biochemical pioneer' The process is complete." Leon looked around, walked towards a body lying dead in the courtyard of the police station, and took off the police officer's ID card with the name "Brad" printed on it from his chest.

"This 'Brad' is a teammate of 'Gill', right? Why is his body here?" Ada glanced at the body but did not approach.

Leon flipped through the certificate: "According to the plot of Resident Evil 3, he should have been bitten by a zombie while trying to save Jill when she was escaping from her pursuers. After transforming into a zombie, he instinctively came to the Raccoon City Police Station. Sheriff Marvin was careless. Then he was bitten by the zombie Brad and fled into the police station, while the zombie Brad was killed by Carlos who came here to perform a mission... huh?"

"You are Carlos." Ada said quietly.

"But that was the plot before the subway that Jill was riding exploded, not the plot of looking for serum after being infected and comatose," Leon said thoughtfully: "Is it because I was lazy and didn't come to the police station before, and now I disguised myself as Leon, which led to this? Are the plots of the second generation and the third generation merged together?”

"In other words, when acting from Jill's main perspective, Carlos is an NPC who doesn't have much of a role and always appears in strange places." Ada pointed her finger at her lips: "How about the original work? It’s unclear, but now you’re Carlos and Leon at the same time, and their experiences with the Raccoon City Police Department are integrated, so Claire, who doesn’t know Carlos, disappears.”

"It seems to make sense," Leon nodded and shook his head: "But in that case, Carlos has not come before, and it is the first time like Leon. So who killed the zombie Brad? The pursuer? Even the old version According to the plot, the pursuer also killed Brad, a living person."

"Tell me, is there another possibility?" Ada took out a silver lady's pistol from the holster strapped to her leg and slowly aimed at Brad on the ground: "It's still alive."

"This possibility——"


Before Leon could finish his words, Brad, who had been lying on his back, suddenly sat up, his eyes turned white, and his mouth was full of fangs. He roared and aimed at Leon in front of him and bit him in one bite.

Boom! Boom!

With the crisp sound of gunshots, zombie Brad's head tilted back, and his whole "man" fell to the ground. His limbs twitched a few times and became completely motionless.

"Well..." Leon, who was about to use physical skills to blow its head away, was silent for two seconds, then turned to look at Ada: "...Thank you?"

"You're welcome, sweetheart~" Ada blew a kiss to Leon, threw out a hook lock with her backhand, and flew her up to the roof of the police station, quickly disappearing into the shadows.

She was quite into it.

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