The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and forty-four, Resident Evil 2 (34)

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[——September 29, 21:56, Raccoon City Police Department——]

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Jin Jing and Claire parked the police car in the tunnel, avoided the helicopters in the sky, quietly cleared away the zombies blocking the road, and successfully sneaked into the Raccoon City Police Station.

However, the situation inside the police station was somewhat different from what was expected. There were neither well-fortified bunkers, cowering survivors, or heavily armed police officers, nor were there signs of bullet holes and explosions everywhere, or zombies everywhere.

It was quiet inside the police station, completely devoid of human voices, gunshots, and zombies' roars—at least that was the hall where they just entered.

"This is the police station? Why does it look like a museum or an art exhibition hall to me?" Jin Jing looked at the reliefs on the walls, the exquisite ceilings and lamps, and the statue of the goddess holding a dove of peace in the middle of the hall. She asked in confusion because no one responded. And Claire, who stopped shouting, asked.

"Indeed," Claire nodded: "My brother once mentioned to me that the police station being used in Raccoon City was renovated from a museum, because the citizens of Raccoon City are not interested in visiting museums."

"So we changed it to a police station and forced them to visit?" Jin Jing raised her eyebrows.

"It seems to make sense," Claire narrowed her eyes: "At least people who come to the police station for business will definitely see this statue."

"Hmm..." Jin Jing walked to the statue and looked at the nameplate: "[Nemesis ()]? It's quite appropriate to put it in the police station."

"They even placed the reception desk directly around the statue of the goddess." Claire walked around behind the statue of the goddess and rummaged through several desks surrounded by low partitions: "Maybe there is a record of what happened here?"

"..." Jin Jing looked at the completely unfamiliar operating system and interface on the computer, decided not to disturb Claire's search for information, and instead focused on other things in this "reception desk".

Putting aside the meaningless office supplies, the big box that was all black and trimmed with silver was very eye-catching.

Jin Jing tried touching it. Unexpectedly and reasonably, the interface of her storage box in her "personal space" jumped out. Moreover, it seemed that because it was her first time to touch something similar, there was an additional interface added to the storage interface. illustrate.

[Dimensional storage box: a special container that exists in some reincarnation worlds and can connect to the reincarnation's personal storage box. It allows the reincarnation to store and retrieve the items they own as if they were in their personal space. In some cases, The world of reincarnation may impose certain restrictions on this operation process. 】

[Current restrictions: None. 】 this to allow reincarnators to store their belongings when they encounter a certain death situation? Or is it to give those fools who carelessly forget to change their equipment and enter the world of reincarnation a chance to change their equipment? It is also possible to ask the hamster-type reincarnator who has picked up too many things to sort out his backpack.

However, I didn’t have much to store and withdraw, and my backpack was still quite empty.

Jin Jing closed the box and looked at the old-fashioned key typewriter placed next to it. If the box was a modified piece of equipment, this one should...

Almost unexpectedly, after she touched the typewriter, the "Memory Spell" interface popped up without any explanation.

If it is to take care of careless reincarnations, it would be too much. The existence of these two things may mean that there are enemies in this reincarnation world that need to be treated in different ways. If you specialize in dealing with one kind, you will probably be on the other. Suffer.

For example...a single tyrant and a zombie sea composed of ordinary zombies.

Likewise, there are no spells to learn.

Next to the typewriter is a pot of green plants that are incompatible with the surrounding environment and have no discernible variety.

【Green Herb (Excellent)】

[The nameless green herb can speed up wound healing. 】

[Use: Restore 33% of maximum health]

[‘It can be used externally or internally’]

This... it's best not to use it. Although the reincarnators should not be like the aborigines who will turn into corpses if they are bitten.

But it will still hurt.

After Jin Jing put the green herb into the inventory, he tried to convert it into "medical glue", but the multi-purpose tool showed that its medical effect was insufficient. At least three plants were needed to convert it into a piece of medical glue.

Finally, there is a waist bag placed on the counter.

It appears to be the configuration of a Raccoon City police officer, with the ".D" logo on it.

[Raccoon City Police Department Standard Shoulder Bag]

[Equipment part: waist]

[Damage reduction: 0]

[Equipment: Increase the weight by 20 points. 】

[Equipment requirements: None]

[Weight: 0.1]

【Durability: 2020】

[‘What crisis? ’]

In a sense, this thing is the equipment that has improved her the most so far. Jin Jing glanced at his panel and saw that the original load capacity was only 50 points - an increase of 40%.

The attribute of weight-bearing is actually related to endurance rather than strength. Each point of endurance will increase the weight-bearing by 5 points. However, because there is no situation where the equipment cannot be worn, Jin Jing has no plans to add points for the time being. Maybe he can ask "Kong" later, but Is the point-adding method of "NPC Reincarnator" really suitable for me?

"Bai! Come and take a look at this!" At this time, Claire seemed to have discovered something and called Jin Jing while staring at the computer screen.

"What's wrong?" Jin Jing put on her backpack and walked towards her.

Although there is no problem with calling her by her last name, it seems that she is confused with Sora's younger sister?

The slightly old computer screen was showing the surveillance of other parts of the police station. Since the screen was completely black and white and the resolution was quite low, Jin Jing took a long time to identify it before he realized that what was being displayed seemed to be somewhere. Scenes of corridors, jails, the back entrance of police stations and underground parking lots.

In the scene in the corridor, a man in police uniform was confronting a zombie with a gun raised, and he was saying something. Jin Jing speculated that he might be telling the zombie to step back.

Now that there is a turmoil outside Raccoon City, this police officer still has illusions about zombies. This can only prove that the zombies he faced were still alive before.

However, the zombie obviously had no idea about the power of firearms. It stretched out its arms and staggered towards the police officer. The police officer did not fire in the end. He avoided the zombie's attack and kicked the zombie away, turned around and disappeared. The other end of the corridor.

"We have to rescue him!" Claire picked up the police station map next to the computer, glanced at it quickly, picked up the pistol and left: "I know where he is, follow me!"

"Oh... okay." Jin Jing quickly followed Claire who ran away in a hurry.

Saving living people is better than killing zombies, but that is for me as a "reincarnation". Claire should be so active in saving people because these police officers may be Chris' colleagues.

From this point of view, both brothers and sisters are good people.

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