The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and forty-five, Resident Evil 2 (35)

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——September 29, 22:06, Raccoon City Police Station, guard room——

"Damn it! Open this damn door!"

When Leon arrived at the guard room in the east district of the police station, he heard someone banging and cursing loudly behind a rolling shutter door, and at the same time there were bursts of zombie roars.

"Theoretically speaking, behind that should be the police officer who I saw on the surveillance camera being chased by zombies," Leon seemed to be talking to himself, or explaining to someone: "He will be there next. Die in an episode and leave me a clue.”

Click, buzz——

Leon approached the rolling shutter door and pressed the opening switch next to it. As the rolling shutter door gradually rose, the shouting and cursing stopped, and several gunshots were heard instead, and the roar of the zombies became louder.

When the rolling shutter door was raised about forty centimeters, it suddenly got stuck. The person on the other side of the door cursed "Damn" twice, leaned down and crawled this way through the narrow gap: "Hey, help me! "

"..." Leon silently stretched out his hand to pull him out, and almost at the same time, the roar of the zombies became very close, as if they were on the other side of the door. Then, there was an extremely terrifying gnawing sound, and right at the moment The police officer crawling over from the gap also screamed.

At this time, Leon stopped pulling the police officer, stared into his eyes, and said with a calm attitude that was not suitable for the current situation: "Have you heard of the story of Bigan and Spinach?"

"Hurry up and save me——" The police officer obviously didn't want to hear any story.

"According to the records of "The Romance of the Gods", Bigan was set up by the demon Daji to poach his heart, but because of the protection of the immortal, he still left Chaoge alive. However, he met a vegetable vendor selling spinach on the way, and he asked the vegetable vendor The vegetable vendor asked: 'Can vegetables live without a heart, but can people live without a heart?' After the vegetable vendor replied, 'Of course not,' Bigan fell to the ground and died." Leon continued to tell the story unaffected.

"Help—" The police officer was still trying to crawl out, but his body seemed to be stuck by the rolling shutter door and remained motionless.

"I mean, there is no possibility of you being rescued." Leon shook his head, took out a flashlight, walked to the rolling shutter door, bent down and shined the flashlight on the other side.

The roar of the zombies still existed, and the terrifying biting sounds did not stop, but there was nothing in the darkness illuminated by the light of the flashlight.

There wasn't even the other half of the police officer's body that was supposed to be there.

"——" The police officer who was screaming for help froze as if he was frozen.

"Yes, the other side of the door only has sound effects and no modeling at all." Leon took back the flashlight: "You only had half of it from the beginning."

"Puff——!" Leon's words seemed to turn on some switch. Half of the police officers lying on the ground suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground and died on the spot. At the same time, the pamphlet he had been holding in his hand also fell. fell down.

"Strange... the missing modeling was not completed when I made the observation..." Leon picked up the booklet, flipped through the patterns on it, and said thoughtfully: "Then there is also no modeling, Kendo What’s going on with your daughter?”

No one responded to his question except for the roars of the approaching zombies.

Bang! The door to the guardroom was knocked open, and several zombies in police uniforms staggered in.

"Indeed," Leon nodded, aiming his gun at these uninvited guests: "Compared to spawning zombies out of thin air, modeling is not important at all."

——September 29, 22:11, Raccoon City Police Station, entrance hall——

Leon avoided or knocked down zombies along the way, and climbed into the hall from under a rolling shutter door marked "KEEPOUT", but was caught by a zombie by the ankle.

When the zombie opened its mouth and prepared to face Leon's feet, a pair of big hands dragged Leon away from the rolling shutter door. Then, the owner of these hands suddenly pressed the rolling shutter door and shot the zombie cleanly in the head.

“Marvin Branagh,

"The person who helped Leon leaned against the rolling shutter door and stretched out his hand to Leon: "You almost became their dinner. "

"Leon Kennedy," Leon took Marvin's hand and stood up: "If you ask me, it should be a midnight snack - what are the wounds on your body?"

The person who rescued Lyon was a short black police detective. Half of his body was stained red by the blood that was constantly flowing from his waist.

"Humph... this is a lesson," Marvin held his stomach and looked at Leon: "If you see something like that in the future, no matter whether it is wearing a police uniform, whether it is someone you know, or whether it can speak, you should call it directly. It sends you to hell."

"Okay, sir, but I think if that kind of thing can talk, maybe it should be treated differently." Leon replied.

"Hmph! Did you know? The guy who tore off a large piece of flesh from my body said 'sorry' to me five seconds before he opened his mouth." Marvin snorted.

"So this apology is correct?" Leon joked, and then changed his words under Marvin's serious gaze: "I mean - okay, I will remember it."

"...Follow me," Marvin stood up and walked toward the reception area with a staggered step: "I think you need to know the situation in Raccoon City at this time."

"Yes, sir," Leon followed Marvin: "Does anyone know how this disaster happened?"

"No one knows... Uh-huh..." It seemed that the walking action involved the wound. Marvin covered his stomach with his hands as he walked: "This was originally a relatively safe shelter, but the people we accepted... uh Well... there were some who had been bitten by zombies but concealed their reports. He, or rather it, attacked a total of twelve people, and these twelve people directly destroyed our shelter in the East District. It seems that I am the only survivor. One."

"Are there any medical supplies here that can help you?" Leon asked.

"It's useless," Marvin said, pulling out a silver-white suitcase from the box in the reception area and handing it to Leon: "The wound bitten by the zombie will not heal, it will gradually become serious, and will eventually be The infected become zombies - but you can rest assured that I will get rid of myself before that happens."

"This is..." Leon opened the box and found a body armor with a ".D" logo and a tactical dagger inside.

"This is your induction gift," Marvin patted Leon on the shoulder: "Although those monsters can't fire bullets, they should be able to block their claw attacks."

"The experience of my first day at work really left a deep impression on me." Leon put the dagger in his hand and began to put on his body armor.

"Hmph...hehe..." Marvin seemed to want to say something, but perhaps thinking of other police officers who died in the line of duty, his words turned into dry laughter. Finally, the police chief seemed to have made up his mind and said:

"Welcome to Raccoon City, rookie."

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