The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Six, Resident Evil 2 (36)

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[——September 29, 22:17, Raccoon City Police Station, Entrance Hall——]

Hmm...will it be displayed every time you come to other scenes? Or does this have any special significance?

When Jin Jing returned to the entrance hall of the police station, she glanced at the time and place information that automatically appeared again.


A police officer, half of his body covered in dust and looking very embarrassed, closed the rolling shutter door marked "KEEPOUT": "Okay, we should be safe. Thank you for your help."

"Just in time," Claire tidied up her somewhat messy hair: "Why did you get into that small door that can only be opened to your knees? If we had been later, you would have been dead."

"Haha...that's..." "Elliot is looking for a way to leave the police station."

Before the embarrassed police officer could answer, a serious and deep voice sounded from behind the three of them.

"Chief Marvin." The embarrassed police officer saluted him.

"Well," the visitor was a handsome black police detective. He casually nodded to the embarrassed police officer and turned to Claire and Jin Jing: "I am the captain of the Raccoon City Police Department, Marvin Branagh. This is Elliot Edwards, thank you for bringing this daredevil back in one piece."

"I am Bai Jingjing, and she is Claire." Jin Jing introduced casually, but it was better to let Claire tell her the specific purpose.

"You just..." Claire looked at Marvin in confusion, and then at the computer she had used for monitoring. She seemed to have no intention of directly telling him that she was Chris's sister.

"I was confirming whether the sealed windows in the west area were safe, and I accidentally let Elliot slip away." Marvin turned and walked towards the reception area: "Don't stand here, you just went through a fierce battle, right? Take a rest first."

"We just rescued Mr. Elliot from the guard room in the east district of the police station. There are some zombies wandering there," Jin Jing followed and asked, "How is the situation in the west district?"

"The situation in the West District is not bad, because we sent away the evacuated citizens first, otherwise it would probably be like the East District." Marvin walked to the reception desk and sat in front of the computer to observe the surveillance: "At present, the police department is Some locations can be considered safe and have sufficient supplies, but Elliot insists on finding a secret way out of here."

"There seemed to be a fight when the BUSC people took the survivors away. The police station's current external traffic has been completely interrupted," Elliot said disapprovingly: "If we can't find the secret passage in the museum, we will only be trapped to death. it's here!"

"It's UBCS, the captain named Bill," Marvin glanced at Claire and Jin Jing: "When you came in, what was the situation outside?"

"We went down through the tunnel when we came here, but it shouldn't be passable now," Jin Jing thought for a moment, and then answered: "What is the 'secret passage'?"

"It was an emergency escape tunnel built for himself by a museum curator who had a persecution disorder." Eliot took out a brochure from his arms and showed the crude sketch on it: "I have found the entrance to the secret passage, right here. Under the statue of 'Nemesis', but three goddess badges are needed to open the mechanism. These badges were hidden by the curator on some art works with code locks, and I just got the codes for these code locks."

"...Can this really be called an 'emergency escape passage'?" Jin Jing held her forehead.

"It should be true for him, but people who don't know the code are in trouble." Claire extended her hand to Elliot: "Then, leave the task of finding the 'badge' to us."

"This..." Elliot obviously still had the idea of ​​"I can crack it if I try harder" and didn't want to hand over the book.

"Think about it, who saved you just now when you were about to be dragged back by zombies?" Jin Jing said.

"Forget it, I'll just stay here with Marvin," Elliot didn't know what he thought of, but handed the pamphlet to Claire.

"If you are going to the West End, please help me call back my colleagues who are on guard duty there," Marvin said. "They are George Scott, Rita Phillips and Big David Ford, you know him by the name on his badge."

"Okay, no problem," Claire flipped through the booklet and put it away: "I completely understand."

Well, the puzzle itself is really simple. You just need to turn the stick figures on the nameplates of the three statues to the appropriate pattern. But the difficulty lies in how to find these three statues, as well as the monsters that may appear at any time during the search process, and you have to rescue almost everyone. Police officers are bound to encounter danger.

[——September 29, 22:42, Raccoon City Police Department, West District Archives——]

"Pfft, this is not what my brother would say. Where did he come from?"

After walking around the police station several times, sending several police officers on duty back to the lobby, and blocking several loose windows with boards to prevent zombies from crawling in, Claire finally found her in a place that looked like a police officer's office. Regarding the clues about her brother Chris, since it looked like a letter, Jin Jing did not go over to observe. Judging from Claire’s attitude, it should not be bad news.

As for Jin Jing himself, he was studying a desk locked by a combination lock.

On the wall of this basically tidy office, there is a banner "Welcome Meeting for New Colleague Leon" hanging on the wall, and the nameplate on this desk is also "Leon S. Kennedy".

There was a note taped to the corner of the table that read:

"[Welcome to the Raccoon City Police Department, Leon, your other colleagues and I have prepared a little test and surprise for you. The combinations of these two locks are the initials of all of our names, which means you must Let us tell you your name and don’t worry, everyone is friendly and just helping you integrate into the group.]”

The combination of letters in this password is easy to know, Marvin, M, Elliot, E, David, D, Leda, R, George, G, but it is a six-digit password...

"What, brother actually competes with this guy named Niffler to chase girls?" Claire chuckled again.

Okay, N.

Jin Jing turned the two combination locks to the corresponding letters and successfully opened the desk of the new police officer named Leon. Inside was a brand new revolver.

【.45 large caliber revolver (excellent)】

[Weapon type: pistol]

[Damage type: Explosion]

[Attack power: 25+0]

[Critical hit: 200%]

[EP consumption: 20 bullets per bullet]

[Equipment requirements: Strength 12, Agility 12]

[Weight: 7]

[Durability: 6060]

[‘Especially effective against zombies’]

The attributes are completely insufficient for equipment... Is there any place where I can upgrade and add points?

Jin Jing was staring at this weapon and thinking, when a new prompt came out.

[Get Achievements: Better late than never. 】


[Better late than never: If all the police officers who used their names as passwords survive, open the combination lock to get Leon S. Kennedy's entry reward. 】

[Reward: In any reincarnation world where the "Police" camp exists, the initial reputation of the "Police" camp will become "Friendly" instead of "Neutral". 】

…is this some weird good citizen award?

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