The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, Resident Evil 2 (37)

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——September 29, 22:47, Raccoon City Police Department, West District Archives——


Leon opened the combination lock on "his" desk, took out the "Job Surprise" and looked at it.

"Is the 'Matilda' police pistol modified with a magazine? It's useless to me." He skillfully loaded the magazine on his pistol, loaded it, and then raised the gun to aim: "But I still want to thank you for the welcome. Yes, Mr. George Scott.”


A zombie wearing a police uniform that was lying on the desk seemed to be attracted by the sound of Leon unlocking the door. He stood up slowly, looked at him with only the whites of his eyes, and then opened his big bloody mouth.


The bullet blew off its head, and the splattered blood darkened a large area of ​​the dilapidated banner behind it that could vaguely be distinguished as "Welcome Party for New Colleague Leon".

"Theoretically, these police officers have a chance of surviving," Leon said, walking around the messy floor and the desks that had been pushed down as bunkers: "According to the documents I found, zombies had already appeared on September 25th. However, the internal supplies of the police station are still very sufficient and the personnel are fully staffed, so they have enough capacity to accept refugees."

In the corner of the archives, there is a room with a large number of metal filing cabinets, the most conspicuous of which is a safe that is half a person tall.

"It is a smart idea to allocate the refugees to the east and west areas according to whether they have wounds or not. It seems that they have learned a few things after working with STARS members for so long, but they did not expect that there would be people with bites in hidden areas who concealed their reports and sneaked in. West District," Leon squatted down in front of the safe: "Zombies broke out in the East District. When the personnel from the West District went to support them, a fire broke out in the backyard, and the entire army was eventually annihilated."

11th from the left, 9th from the right, 7th from the left. Leon turned the combination lock of the safe, opened it easily, and then took out the goddess badge placed inside.

"If you want to save these police officers, you must arrive at the police station on the 25th, find the person who concealed the report, seal the doors and windows, set up strong sentries and door cards, and at the same time ensure that the rolling shutter doors in the east district can work normally, ha..." Leon said while looking outside While walking, he shook his head: "Whether it is Biochemical 2 or Biochemical 3, the starting time is not enough to save these policemen. Only the STARS members who appeared in Biochemical 1 and stayed in Raccoon City can do it, that is...Gill And Brad.”

Whispering rustling——

In the dim corridor, there was a strange black shadow crawling quickly from the ceiling. Leon glanced at it and paid no attention to it: "However, this time the world of 'Resident Evil Remake' is just a derivative of the 'Resident Evil 2 Movie Version'" The world, even 'she', cannot advance into a derivative world that is just a background, unless..."

Boom! Boom! Click!

The glass of a window in the corridor was smashed by a zombie outside, and the zombie fell in upside down.

"Unless..." Leon walked over, replaced the gun with a dagger, and swiped at the zombie that had not yet struggled. It was as if it had been hit by an incendiary bomb, and its whole body burst into flames, and turned into ashes in a few seconds. : "Unless this is not a derivative world at all, but was pulled here because of Jin Jing's personal mission, but in that case, where did Jin Jing go?"

"[Zizi—73rd Air Service—ZiZi—Rescue—ZiZi—Please—]" The voice of the intercom suddenly rang in the dead silent corridor filled with bullet holes, flames, and scratches.

When Lyon followed the sound, he saw a police officer sitting in the corner with his head lowered. The walkie-talkie was on his shoulder, but he ignored the call. Obviously, he should have been a corpse. Whether it's a zombie or not remains to be seen.

"Hello, David Ford," Leon walked over, picked up the walkie-talkie from the body, and adjusted it: "Hello? This is the Raccoon City Police Department."

"[Great - Zizi - I sent it as promised - where do you need it - Zizi - where?]" The voice on the other end became clearer, but the content was still incomplete.

“Just throw it in our backyard.

"Leon looked like he understood. As he spoke, he walked towards the backyard of the police station and threw the walkie-talkie aside.

"[Gah——!]" At this moment, a monster with red and white muscles all over its body, sharp claws on its limbs, an exposed head, no eyes, and a long tongue sticking out of its mouth suddenly rushed down from the ceiling. The target Yes - walkie-talkie.

Click! Boom!

After the monster destroyed the walkie-talkie that was obviously used as bait, it was also shot in the head.

"Uh... I think I should deal with the Licker for a few rounds..." Leon walked around the fallen monster: "Forget it, even if Marvin is watching the surveillance and thinks I'm ridiculously powerful, it doesn't matter. Besides, since The presence of lickers here means..."

Just as he turned the corner, a body with its head sunk into the ceiling and its whole body hanging there swaying appeared in front of Leon.

"I'm sorry to meet you in this way," Leon looked at the nameplate of the corpse: "Detective Lida Phillips."

"Hello - is there anyone there? Leon?" At this time, a young woman's voice came from the window.

"Well...where did she go?" Leon looked out the window and found that it was Claire who had been "missing" for nearly an hour: "Wait! I'll be down right away!"

Two minutes later, Leon saw Claire in the backyard of the police station, but the two were separated by a very high barbed wire fence, and she was knocking and prodding at the door lock.

"Hey, Leon, I guess you don't have the key to this door in your handsome pocket?" She looked up at Leon and glanced at the new body armor he was wearing.

"Well, you guessed it right," Leon spread his hands: "Are you okay during this time?"

"The front door of the police station was blocked. I came around through an underground tunnel." Claire patted the gun on her waist: "It's just that this one only has 3 bullets left. I hope there are supplies in the police station."

"Oh, of course." Leon took out two boxes of bullets he had picked up before and stuffed them through the crack in the door to Claire: "I guess the police station will have the key to this door. You wait here, I'll go try to find?"

"I think--"

Buzz buzz—boom!

At this moment, a helicopter fell crookedly from the sky and crashed into the second floor of the police station with a loud noise.

As if alarmed by the loud noise, the corpses that had fallen to the ground behind Claire stood up one after another. After a brief confusion, they began to move slowly towards the nearest living person.

"I think it's dinner time and I should go," Claire put away the bullet and looked around: "Don't worry about me, take care of yourself."

"We all need to take care," Leon nodded: "Don't worry, you will find your brother."

Claire nodded, raised her gun and killed the zombie closest to her, then loaded her bullet and ran around them.

"..." Leon watched Claire run away, and then sighed: "Just disappear when you leave my sight? Can the guy who designed this world take a break?"

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