The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty, Resident Evil 2 (40)

Latest website: [——September 29, 23:51, Raccoon City Police Department, underground secret passage——]

Da da da--


The monster named "William Birkin" was shot by a burst of gunfire from the Raccoon City Police Department's SWAT team. He staggered back, broke the railing, and fell into a deeper pit outside the maintenance tunnel. After a long time, there was a thud. A sound.

"Damn it! What kind of monster is that? The zombies on the surface don't look like this." Elliot Edward put down his weapon and looked down.

"If you want, you can go down and stay with it," David Ford said, chewing gum.

"How are you, Bai? Are you injured?" George Scott put down the grenade gun and looked at Jin Jing with concern.

"Well, I was just shocked," Jin Jing blinked and put away the large-caliber revolver.

Just now I was so nervous when I saw that monster that I fired bullets and emptied the EP in one breath. As a result, I had no EP available to dodge. I looked like I was petrified. It couldn't be more embarrassing.

However, what is a bit strange is that the name of this monster is indeed "William Birken", but after defeating it, it does not show that the task is completed... Could it be because the fog door did not appear?

However, the other mission of "rescuing Shirley Birken" was completed.

Jin Jing turned to look at the girl she had just met, who was wearing a white shirt and a blue skirt, with blond hair and blue eyes, and a little freckles. She looked less than ten years old.

She had been hiding behind some storage boxes in the underground secret passage. When he tried to talk to her and wanted her to come out, William Birken with eyes on his arms broke through the ceiling and rushed down.

Look at its big claws. It must not be much less powerful than a tyrant's punch. It would be terrible if it was caught.

Previously, due to Umbrella airdropping the tyrant into the police station, it was no longer safe there, and Claire also found clues about Chris going to Europe. After discussing with other police officers, Marvin decided to follow Elliot's plan to get rid of the police station. Evacuate via secret passage.

Since this team had just received supplies donated by the air rescue team, their combat effectiveness was quite excessive. The unlucky William was beaten into pieces as soon as they met.

"Poor girl, she must be scared, come here sister~" Rita Phillips put the shotgun behind her,

Open your arms toward Shirley.

"...!" Shirley was originally looking at the direction where William fell in a daze. After hearing this, she suddenly woke up and ran to hide behind Jin Jing and Claire.

"Well...Ms. Rita, you are so murderous that it scared Shirley." Claire patted Shirley on the head and smiled dryly at Rita.

No, it’s not that she was too murderous at all. After seeing Shirley, this originally heroic sister’s eyes and corners of her mouth all curved into crescent moons, almost drooling. Before meeting William, Jin Jing had been thinking about it. Should we just show her FBI credentials and arrest her?

"Okay, don't mess around." Marvin, as the highest-ranking person present, put on the air of a commander: "We have to pass through this secret passage as soon as possible."

"...Yes, sir." The police officers made some repairs and continued to move along the underground passage.

[——September 30, 00:12, Raccoon City Police Station, underground parking lot——]

"The parking lot is above, boss, the one in the east area that has been sealed off, and there seems to be movement up there." Elliot quietly closed the manhole cover above his head, jumped down and whispered.

"After so much effort, we only ended up in the underground parking lot in the East District?" Marvin frowned and relaxed, and also lowered his voice: "But it is reasonable. After escaping from the secret passage, you can directly drive away."

"So, that damn director is probably up there?" Rita said eagerly, "Let's catch him and put him in the detention center next to him for torture."

"...torture?" Jin Jing glanced at her.

Although the information found while searching for the Goddess Badge at the police station showed that the chief of the Raccoon City Police Department was closely related to this biological crisis, as a subordinate, isn't this reaction wrong?

"No, no, no, we are serious police officers and we will not torture prisoners." Elliot explained hastily.

"It just becomes inappropriate sometimes." David answered.

"Can you shut up!" Elliot was furious.

"Based on the current situation, even if Chief Brian Elons did commit illegal acts, we do not have the conditions to punish him." George said matter-of-factly.

"I'll take Shirley up," Jin Jing suggested: "Women and children will make people relax their vigilance, and maybe even make him reveal his plans under his arrogance."

"Wait, I'm going to go too..." Claire's eyes widened.

"As the sister of former STARS and current BSAA elite Chris, what do you think is the chance that Mr. Director doesn't know about you?" Jin Jing interrupted her: "He must have never seen me and would not be wary of me, Marvin Sheriff, you think so?"

"Don't worry, trust our professionalism." Marvin nodded.

" careful, we're right behind you." Claire compromised.

After briefly discussing plans for various emergencies, Jin Jing took Shirley to the ground from the sewer entrance.

"Sister Bai, will you take me to find my mother?" Shirley asked actively and cooperatively.

"Of course, but we have to find a way to get out of here first." Jin Jing replied.

When she was in the sewers before, Shirley had already explained that her mother, Yani, was a researcher for Umbrella and took her to Raccoon City through the underground cable car, but was accidentally separated after that.

There is no doubt that William was the accident, and the other end of the underground cable car is the laboratory he wants to destroy, but now there is no reason to kill him.

"Damn it, I can't open the door without the key card." Arriving at the parking lot gate, Jin Jing pretended to knock twice on the garage switch that showed the red light.

"My mother took me like this last time." Shirley replied, raising her head.

At this moment, a greasy voice sounded:


"...Who?" Jin Jing almost got goosebumps when she heard this.

When he turned around to look, he saw a fat middle-aged man wearing a three-piece suit, with a red face, a mustache and a slight bald head.

"It's not safe for a little girl to appear here by herself." He took two steps closer and suddenly pulled out a gun from his waist and aimed it at Jin Jing: "Now, kneel down and hold your head with your hands."

"Are you kidding?" Jin Jing looked at the gun.

Regular style, regular caliber, the power is definitely lower than your own large-caliber revolver, so its lethality must be less than 30 points, and your current defense power is 25, if you can't hit the head, it will not break the defense, even if it hits the head, it will only be It will cause additional damage due to critical hits, and you have 55 health points...

Boom! The fat man fired a shot at the ground next to him and aimed again at Jin Jing: "I'll say it again, kneel down..."

As soon as the muzzle of the gun was tilted, Jin Jing had already aimed the .45 large-caliber revolver at him: "You have to kneel down, you fat man."

Anyway, he didn't know that his equipment conditions were not enough.

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